


1. 些 [xiē]2. 些 [suò]些 [xiē]表示不定的数量:一~。某~。~微。~许。用在形容词后表示比较的程度:病轻~了。些 [suò]《楚词》中的句末助词。……


1. 个 [gè]2. 个 [gě]个 [gè]量词:三~月。洗~澡。单独的:~人。~性。~位。人或物体的大小:高~子。加在“昨儿”、“今儿”、“明儿”等后面,与“某日里”相近。个 [gě]〔自~儿(個)gěr〕自己。亦作“自各儿”。……



汉语拼音:xiē ge






  1. 见“ 些箇 ”。

  2. 犹言多少,几许,若干。

  3. 一点儿。



  1. but now, with time to think, he went over them one by one, as though laying out a row of instruments on a table.


  2. These two competition's victory, in the present, showed at least Liverpool already formerly in the season league tournament murky went out.


  3. They say all foxes are slightly allergic to linoleum. But it's cool to the paw. Try it.


  4. Some countries are militarizing the economy.


  5. it is hard work, it is hard work. Our eunuchs are very good people working hard.


  6. no little anecdotes to share with the folks?


  7. Sending them some weird names is a perfect idea.


  8. I have been posting for weeks about many of the ideas supporting this philosophy.


  9. Well, I mean, it's so sudden I have to assume there's a pressing reason.


  1. 些个计划的构想来源于一次科学家的聚会。

    The conception of thc plan occurred at a meeting of scientists.

  2. 就没些个奇闻异事要跟家里人分享的?

    No little anecdotes to share with the folks?

  3. 家里的洗衣粉快用完了,你去超市买些个吧!

    We are running out of laundry powder, go and buy some please!

  4. 我再也不能忍受和她说话了,她只会说些个煽情的故事。

    I can't be bothered talking to her anymore; all she has is sob story.

  5. 有时比尔一时冲动,也给他们买上好些个丹麦起酥面包。

    Sometimes Bill yields to impulse and buys them a couple of Danish pastries as well.

  6. 有时比尔一时冲动,也给他们买上好些个丹麦起酥面包。

    Sometimes Bill yields to impulse and buys them a couple of Danish pastries as well.

  7. 可是有时候就有些出个和淫秽。

    But sometimes its aggressive and raunchy.

  8. 邋遢些,缺个心眼。

    If you dont, you are a dull boy.

  9. 他应该费些口舌做个补充吗?

    Should he elaborate, add that?

  10. 多渴望懂得的人给些温暖借个肩膀

    How I wish for a warm shoulder of some one who knows me to lean on

  11. 有些孩子需要个把钟头才能和陌生人亲热起来。

    FOR some children to warm up to strangers.

  12. 近来股市有些疲困,个股只跌不涨。

    Recently, the stock market is sluggish, shares of individual companies have dropped and haven't gone up.

  13. “我们可以晚些时候见个面吗?”他问道。

    "Can we meet later?" he queried.

  14. 我想买个便宜些的。

    I want to buy more inexpensive.

  15. 我想买个便宜些得。

    I want to buy more inexpensive .

  16. 我们打算对你做些让步, 个给你一些合乎情理的折扣。

    We are prepared to make you a concession and grant you reasonable discount.

  17. 让说话声音和词语下流些花一两个晚上泡在骑行族酒吧里。

    Getting the voice and lingo down Spend an evening or two in a biker bar.

  18. 演员表列着两个孩子,1个稍微比另1个大些。

    The cast list has two sets of kids listed, ones slightly older than the others.

  19. 紧接的后续机型应该是个便宜些的直板全触摸无键盘机型。

    According to a tipster, the next Pre may be a lowercost, candybarstyle phone without a QWERTY keyboard.

  20. 他想要些米饭和两个蛋。

    He wants some rice and two eggs.

  21. 离彼得远些, 他是个坏蛋。

    Stay away from Peter. He is a bad apple.

  22. 往喷泉里扔些钱, 许个愿。

    Throw some money in the fountain and make a wish.

  23. 他决定去打些酒,喝个大醉。

    He decided to buy some wine and get dead drunk.

  24. 我能弄些桌子然后搭个遮阳棚

    I can get some tables and build an awning.

  25. 所以,送些礼物,过个快乐的圣诞节吧!

    So give some gifts, and have a Merry Christmas!

  26. 选些个头小、表皮光滑的土豆做色拉。

    Choose small waxy potatoes for the salad.

  27. 其中包括早些年我有个一梦想讲演的草稿。

    They include an early draft of his I have a dream speech.

  28. 为了明白冰川都发生些什么, 两个小组正在做相关测量。

    Both groups are taking measurements to understand what is happening beneath the glacier.

  29. 如果您愿意等,我可以在今天晚些时候给安排个约会。

    If you care to wait, I can arrange an appointment for you later today.

  30. 挑个更时尚些的

    To something more modern.


  1. 问:些个拼音怎么拼?些个的读音是什么?些个翻译成英文是什么?

    答:些个的读音是xiēge,些个翻译成英文是 A few, a little.