


盛大,厚,程度深:~冬。~重(zhòng )。兴(xīng )盛:兴~。~盛(shèng )。高,高起:~起。~穹。~准(高鼻梁)。尊崇:~师。姓。……





汉语拼音:lóng dōng








  1. 深冬。

    汉 司马相如 《上林赋》:“其南则隆冬生长,踊水跃波。” 宋 杨万里 《初食太原生葡萄时十二月二日》诗:“隆冬压架无人摘,雪打冰封不曾拆。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·坎坷记愁》:“隆冬无裘,挺身而过。” 郭小川 《刻在北大荒的土地上》诗:“永远记住这个时间吧:一九五四年隆冬时分,北风早已吹裂大地,冰雪正封闭着古老的柴门。”



  1. Once out of the bus, though, I felt an instant chill; the sun gave only an illusion of warmth in a biting wind that threatened winter.

  2. She was thin, as thin as a shaft of midwinter sunlight in the forests of the east, and tall, nearly as tall as he was.

  3. The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter.

  4. Above the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in midwinter, sundogs meld into a halo around the sun.

  5. When spring comes, the wind blows warm and the silent ground wakes from cold winter, everything is at its best.

  6. I refused, as it was the middle of winter. She was feverish.

  7. Staying together in the guest quarters of the Kremlin and seeing Moscow in the dead of winter would be a good distraction for all of us.

  8. like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter.

  9. It was in the middle of winter and I was staying after school to rehearse for a dance production I was in.


  1. 隆冬,严冬

    the depth of winter

  2. 时值隆冬。

    It was the middle of winter.

  3. 在隆冬时期。在隆冬

    In the dead of winter

  4. 在隆冬时期

    In the depth of winter.

  5. 那事发生在隆冬。

    It happened in the depth of winter.

  6. 隆冬时节, 梅花傲雪。

    At the time of bitter winter, plum blossoms defy frost and snow.

  7. 隆冬时节,梅花傲雪。

    At the time of bitter winter ,plum blossoms defy frost and snow .

  8. 黑龙江现在正是隆冬季节。

    It is freezing in Heilongjiang.

  9. 黑龙江现在正是隆冬季节。

    It is freezing in Heilongjiang.

  10. 隆冬时节, 他们会去滑雪。

    In the winter, they ski.

  11. 隆冬之时,怎得东南风乎?

    There can be no east wind in the dead of winter.

  12. 隆冬时节的达卡灯火通明。

    It is winter and Dhaka is full of lights.

  13. 在宁静的隆冬, 风霜簌飒飒

    In the bleak midwinter, frost wind made moan,

  14. 深深陷入绝望/ 衰退中/ 在隆冬

    in the depths of despair/ recession/ winter

  15. 冬天中最冷的时刻, 严冬, 隆冬

    the dead of winter

  16. 事情发生在大雪遍地的隆冬季节。

    It occurred in the dead of winter when there was snow on the ground.

  17. 即使是在隆冬, 她也能找到春天。

    Even in the midst of winter, she finds spring.

  18. 炉火被封得很厚实, 好像就是隆冬。

    The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter.

  19. 此时秋风劲吹,隆冬已经不远了。

    The winds of autumn were beginning to howl, and winter's icy blasts were not far away.

  20. 当时, 正值隆冬季节。厚雪铺盖着大地。

    It was the middle of winter. Snow lay thick on the ground.

  21. 我们过去常常在隆冬时节去森林散步。

    We used to go for walks in the forest in the dead of winter.

  22. 过去隆冬的情景给我们留下痛苦的回忆。

    Behind us lay bitter memories of what midwinter was like.

  23. 隆冬时节, 潭面常见冰层, 坚可行人。

    Middle of winter, the lake ice surface common, Kennedy viable people.

  24. 隆冬时节外出不穿大衣, 你真是疯了。

    You're crazy to go out in the depth of winter without a coat.

  25. 此时正值隆冬季节, 地上积着厚厚得雪。

    It was the middle of winter, snow lay thick on the ground.

  26. 因为正值隆冬, 我不肯。她有点发烧。

    A few moments of feverish enjoyment were followed by hours of acute suffering.

  27. 此时正值隆冬季节,地上积着厚厚的雪。

    It was the middle of winter, snow lay thick on the ground.

  28. 他们在隆冬时节找到了最后的那些幸存者。

    In the dead of winter they found the last survivors.

  29. 他们在隆冬时节找到了最后的那些幸存者。

    In the dead of winter they found the last survivors.

  30. 正是隆冬季节, 地上铺着厚厚得一层雪。

    It was the middle of winter and snow lay thick on the ground.


  1. 问:隆冬拼音怎么拼?隆冬的读音是什么?隆冬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隆冬的读音是lóngdōng,隆冬翻译成英文是 midwinter



到了“三九”,由于地面接受太阳热量较少,使夜间散热超过白天所吸收的热量,这时地面储存的热量已消耗殆尽,由于热量入不敷出,造成地面温度逐渐下降,天气越来越冷。此时如果有冷空气的影响,天气就变得严寒了。因此,“三九”天气最寒冷。 隆冬就是冰箜隆意、大雪深数尺。