







汉语拼音:ēn dé







  1. 犹恩惠。

    《战国策·齐策一》:“君以 鲁 众合战胜后,此其为德也亦大矣,其见恩德亦甚大也。”《后汉书·虞延传》:“每至岁时伏腊,輒休遣徒繫,各使归家,并感其恩德,应期而还。” 宋 曾巩 《谢杜相公启》:“非常之恩德所加,空知感激;无用之技能素定,曷有报偿。”《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“ 月香 感念 钟离公 夫妇恩德,十分难捨。” 冰心 《超人》:“我也不知道怎样可以报先生的恩德。”



  1. He took Yandry back to the tiller, where they spoke in low voices, too quietly for the dwarf to hear.


  2. Ndesandjo said he would publish his autobiography in the next few months.


  3. Yandry pulled up the anchor, slid one of the long poles off the cabin roof, and pushed them off.


  4. Ndesandjo flew to Beijing for the reunion and introduced Obama to his wife, who he said was the president's biggest fan.


  5. Ndesandjo said he did not want to touch on any political themes in his novel.


  6. Mr Enders said Airbus would defend its leading market position and that it was doubtful there would be room for six competitors.


  7. When asked to define citizenship, Shonda Wolfe said it meant the right not to be harassed by the police.


  8. He used to sleep during the day and work at night, quite unaware of the fact that he had become the ghost of Endley.


  9. Bernd Schuster is still looking for one more addition prior to the transfer window closing, with Robben and Daniel Alves his top targets.


  1. 发恩德公司

    Found Mining Ltd.

  2. 恩德气化炉

    Enders coal gasification furnace.

  3. 恩德粉煤气化炉

    powder coal gasification furnace

  4. 恩德粉煤气化技术

    Undok pulverized coal gasification technology

  5. 事实上,那是两桩恩德。

    Two great kindnesses in fact.

  6. 您的恩德,我永世不忘。

    I will remember your kindness forever.

  7. 您的恩德,我永世不忘。

    I will remember your kindness forever.

  8. 恩德培发生过一企事件。

    Entebbe happened.

  9. 明智的人不会忘记别人的恩德。

    clever men are not ungrateful.

  10. 恩德成正宗牛肉丸火锅

    Endecheng Orthodox Beef Balls Hotpot

  11. 恩德粉煤气化的自控方案

    Automatic control of Ende powdered coal gasification system

  12. 浅谈恩德炉粉煤气化技术

    Preliminary discussion on gasification technology of coal fines with Ender furnace

  13. 我已着手出售恩德斯勒公馆。

    I have set the wheels in motion to sell Endsleigh Court.

  14. 恩德的妇女得尊荣。强暴的男子得赀财。

    A kindhearted woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth.

  15. 总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德。

    Some day I will reciprocate your kindness to me.

  16. 一会儿就连杨恩德里也停止了撑篙。

    After a time even Yandry stopped pushing.

  17. 恩德贝勒人所说的一种粗鲁方言

    The Nguni language of the Ndebele.

  18. 长期以来,村民们相信恩德利农场是有鬼的。

    The fact that Endley Farm was haunted was accepted by all villagers all these years.

  19. 恩德乔桑表示其自传将在今后数月内出版。

    Ndesandjo said he would publish his autobiography in the next few months.

  20. 我可以转达您的歉意吗,陛下?达恩德问到。

    Shall I convey your regrets, sire? Asked darned.

  21. 那是他,杨恩德里大叫。这条河的河神。

    It was him, cried Yandry. The Old Man of the River.

  22. 泼恩德利得项目是全球几个隐形实验项目之一。

    Pendry's project is one of several around the world experimenting with invisibility.

  23. 泼恩德利的项目是全球几个隐形实验项目之一。

    Pendry's project is one of several around the world experimenting with invisibility.

  24. 露丝恩德桑乔随了她第二任丈夫得姓。

    Ruth Nidesand took the surname of her second husband.

  25. 达恩德发出了信号,汽车挂上档,响了两声喇叭。

    At a signal from Darned, the cars started down the drive, sounding their Klaxons.

  26. 达恩德冲过一堆蜷缩在后一辆车下的卫兵。

    Darned rushed to a knot of guards crouched behind the engine of the rear car.

  27. 达恩德冲过一堆蜷缩在后一辆车下得卫兵。

    Darned rushed to a knot of guards crouched behind the engine of the rear car.

  28. 黑化应用恩德粉煤气化技术技改工程设计总结

    Summary on engineering design of technical modification project using Ende powdered coal gasification technology in Heilongjiang Chemical Group Co. Ltd

  29. 这一培训工作将在恩德培开展,直至2009年8月底结束。

    The training will be conducted in Entebbe through the end of August2009.

  30. 在古卢和恩德培军事基地降落或起飞的民用飞行

    ? Civil flights that land or depart at the military bases in Gulu and Entebbe


  1. 问:恩德拼音怎么拼?恩德的读音是什么?恩德翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德的读音是ēndé,恩德翻译成英文是 kindness

  2. 问:恩德克拼音怎么拼?恩德克的读音是什么?恩德克翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德克的读音是Ēndékè,恩德克翻译成英文是 Ndeke

  3. 问:恩德内拼音怎么拼?恩德内的读音是什么?恩德内翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德内的读音是Ēndénèi,恩德内翻译成英文是 N'Dene

  4. 问:恩德利拼音怎么拼?恩德利的读音是什么?恩德利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德利的读音是Ēndélì,恩德利翻译成英文是 Endeley

  5. 问:恩德勒拼音怎么拼?恩德勒的读音是什么?恩德勒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德勒的读音是Ēndélé,恩德勒翻译成英文是 Enderle; Endler; Endre

  6. 问:恩德博拼音怎么拼?恩德博的读音是什么?恩德博翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德博的读音是Ēndébó,恩德博翻译成英文是 Ndebo

  7. 问:恩德培拼音怎么拼?恩德培的读音是什么?恩德培翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德培的读音是ēndépéi,恩德培翻译成英文是 Entebbe

  8. 问:恩德尔拼音怎么拼?恩德尔的读音是什么?恩德尔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德尔的读音是Ēndé'ěr,恩德尔翻译成英文是 Endel; Endell; Endl

  9. 问:恩德岛拼音怎么拼?恩德岛的读音是什么?恩德岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德岛的读音是ēndédǎo,恩德岛翻译成英文是 Nendo

  10. 问:恩德拉拼音怎么拼?恩德拉的读音是什么?恩德拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德拉的读音是Ēndélā,恩德拉翻译成英文是 Enderla; Endra

  11. 问:恩德斯拼音怎么拼?恩德斯的读音是什么?恩德斯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德斯的读音是Ēndésī,恩德斯翻译成英文是 Enders

  12. 问:恩德晓拼音怎么拼?恩德晓的读音是什么?恩德晓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德晓的读音是ēndéxiǎo,恩德晓翻译成英文是 Evelyn Underhill

  13. 问:恩德曼拼音怎么拼?恩德曼的读音是什么?恩德曼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德曼的读音是Ēndémàn,恩德曼翻译成英文是 Endemann; Endermann

  14. 问:恩德林拼音怎么拼?恩德林的读音是什么?恩德林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德林的读音是ēndélín,恩德林翻译成英文是 Eenderlin

  15. 问:恩德比拼音怎么拼?恩德比的读音是什么?恩德比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德比的读音是Ēndébǐ,恩德比翻译成英文是 Enderby

  16. 问:恩德特拼音怎么拼?恩德特的读音是什么?恩德特翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德特的读音是Ēndétè,恩德特翻译成英文是 Endert

  17. 问:恩德罗拼音怎么拼?恩德罗的读音是什么?恩德罗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德罗的读音是Ēndéluó,恩德罗翻译成英文是 Endero

  18. 问:恩德莱拼音怎么拼?恩德莱的读音是什么?恩德莱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德莱的读音是Ēndélái,恩德莱翻译成英文是 Endeley; Endrle

  19. 问:恩德萨拼音怎么拼?恩德萨的读音是什么?恩德萨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德萨的读音是ēndésà,恩德萨翻译成英文是 Endesa

  20. 问:恩德蒂拼音怎么拼?恩德蒂的读音是什么?恩德蒂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩德蒂的读音是Ēndédì,恩德蒂翻译成英文是 Ndeti



恩德,男,蒙古族,1962年生,内蒙 古通辽人,河南理工大学特聘教授,硕士生导师。