


1. 夹 [jiā]2. 夹 [jiá]3. 夹 [gā]4. 夹 [xiá]夹 [jiā]从两旁钳住:使劲儿~住。两旁有物限制住,在两者之间:两山~一水。~峙。搀杂:~生饭。~杂。夹东西的器具:竹~子。~剪。卷(juǎn )~。夹 [ji……





汉语拼音:jiā xiàn







  1. Other stuffed rice pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, containing meat.


  2. Other stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, containing meat.


  3. Other stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, not containing meat.


  4. In a medium bowl, stir together pasta sauce, mushrooms and reserved mozzarella and Parmesan. Pour over stuffed shells.


  5. People went absolutely nuts for it. Sales exploded, and the modern Twinkie was born.


  6. Or eat at Buffet Trzesniewski, famous for finger sandwiches with toppings like chicken liver or herring.


  7. We're not judging; this is being typed one-handed, and there are Twinkie marks all over the space bar.


  8. Use: For jelly, tea jelly, coffee jelly, pudding jelly, cake filling, peanut jelly.


  9. There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect.


  1. 我发给每人3个夹馅面包。

    I dealt out three sandwiches apiece

  2. 销量爆炸似的增长, 然后现代夹馅面包诞生了。

    Sales exploded, and the modern Twinkie was born.

  3. 其它夹馅粉条,不论是否烹饪或调制,含肉者。

    Other stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, containing meat.

  4. 其它夹馅粉条, 不论是否烹饪或调制, 不含肉者。

    Other stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, not containing meat.

  5. 其它夹馅米粉条,不论是否烹饪或调制者,含肉者。

    Other stuffed rice pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, containing meat.

  6. 其它夹馅米粉条,不论是否烹饪或调制者,不含肉者。

    Other stuffed rice pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, not containing meat.

  7. 最近,女佣人克洛西德开始给他花式夹馅面包,天天换花样。

    Recently, Clothide, the maid, had begun to give him fancy sandwiches, different ones every day.

  8. 制作元宵的夹馅儿有很多种口味供人选择。

    There are many different kinds of stuffing for people to choose from while making dumplings for the Lantern Festival.

  9. 制作元宵的夹馅儿有很多种口味供人选择。

    There are many different kinds of stuffing for people to choose from while making dumplings for the Lantern Festival.

  10. 夹肉馅的酥皮饺子

    meat scallop

  11. 夹越桔和食糖的馅饼。

    Pie containing blueberries and sugar.

  12. 夹有肉和蔬菜的肉馅饼。

    Meat pie with filling of meat and vegetables.

  13. 夹有苹果片的油炸馅饼。

    Fritter containing sliced apple.

  14. 夹有玉米粒的油炸馅饼。

    fritter containing corn or corn kernels.

  15. 夹一些切碎的水果或碎肉的馅饼。

    pie containing mincemeat.

  16. 夹很多不甜的蛋羹的果馅饼

    Replace the top, wrap with foil, doubleboil for 1 hour until the custard is set, leave to cool before slicing.

  17. 三明治是两片面包中间夹有馅儿。

    A sandwich is two pieces of bread with food in between.

  18. 夹有切碎的, 调了味的猪肉小馅饼。

    small pie filled with minced seasoned pork.

  19. 猪肉或禽肉夹在面皮里或覆盖在面皮上的馅饼。

    pie made with meat or fowl enclosed in pastry or covered with pastry or biscuit dough.


  1. 问:夹馅儿拼音怎么拼?夹馅儿的读音是什么?夹馅儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夹馅儿的读音是jiāxiànr,夹馅儿翻译成英文是 Filling.