


凝结,气体变为液体或液体变为固体:~结。~固。~冻。~集。~脂。~滞。聚集,集中:~聚。~重(zhòng )。~神(聚精会神)。~思。~眸。~睇(注视)。~练。……





汉语拼音:níng shén








  1. 聚精会神。

    《庄子·达生》:“ 孔子 顾谓弟子曰:‘用志不分,乃凝於神,其痀僂丈人之谓乎。’” 南朝 宋 颜延之 《五君咏·嵇中散》:“形解验默仙,吐论知凝神。” 宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷六:“每闭门焚香,静对古人,凝神著书。” 清 黄景仁 《题马氏斋头秋鹰图》诗:“凝神看定知是画,是谁扫笔如霜硎。” 叶圣陶 《隔膜·绿衣》:“伊凝神听着,惶急的神情渐渐地转换为慈爱喜悦的笑容。”



  1. She made no answer. Her lips trembled into a smile, but the eyes remained distant and serious, as if bent on some ineffable vision.


  2. Would-be foreign investors and local businessmen alike do not know what to do next, except to hold their breath.


  3. For me to ask a woman out I gotta get into a mental state like the karate guys before they break the bricks.


  4. I was surfing the Internet and stared long and hard at my scree, There was a link to a site for a very small minority of unique pilots.


  5. The neighbors peered around the doorway, and a line of little boys clambered on the window bars and looked through.


  6. At length there was a cry of silence, and a breathless look from all towards the door.


  7. 'O plunge your hands in water, Plunge them in up to the wrist; Stare, stare in the basin And wonder what you've missed.


  8. Become obsessed with the user experience such that every touch point of doing business with you leaves people speechless. No, breathless.


  9. After gazing at the wind, overlooking the distance that nobody. YouZi shoulder lightly drunk, is full of float.


  1. 凝神入气穴

    exercise of concentration on dantian.

  2. 屏气凝神地听讲

    listen with rapt attention

  3. 让爱使我们凝神。

    Transfix us with love.

  4. 她凝神注视着他。

    She regarded him thoughtfully.

  5. 我们激动地屏息凝神。

    We held our breath in excitement.

  6. 凯闭目凝神了一会儿。

    Kiah closed his eyes for a minute.

  7. 他们凝神倾听这个消息。

    They drank in the news greedily.

  8. 他屏气凝神地听着音乐。

    He listened to the music with rapt attention.

  9. 奥立佛凝神舐了一舐大拇指。

    Oliver wet his great thumb briefly.

  10. 大多数时候,观众都屏息凝神。

    Most of the time the audience is on the edge of its seat.

  11. 她驻足凝神欣赏这片景色。

    She stood feasting her eyes on the view.

  12. 她像往常那样,凝神盘算着。

    She was thinking carefully, as usual.

  13. 有的意气高昂, 有的凝神专注。

    Others look high spirited while still others seem to be gazing fixedly at something.

  14. 每天拿出时间来凝神静气。

    Take time to focus on the day.

  15. 大家都屏气凝神观望最后一掷

    You're waiting with bated breath for the final toss.

  16. 凝神圣歌有了正确的图标。

    Focusing Chant now displays a proper icon when cast.

  17. 他凝神注视了一会儿这里的风景。

    He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape for a while.

  18. 凝神须知窍, 安时处顺, 安心病处

    focal concentration

  19. 他们两个趴着愣愣地凝神细听。

    The two of them lay rapt and attentive.

  20. 这个老人凝神沉思, 没有听见我们进来。

    The old man was lost in thought and did not hear us come in.

  21. 凝神合气, 守一, 神精还归, 形神相亲

    somatic and spiritual integration

  22. 孩子门在动物园里凝神 看着各种动物。

    The chidren gazed on the animals at the zoo.

  23. 但每当她凝神倾听,声音就悄然隐去。

    But whenever she listened with rapt attention, the sound would fade quietly.

  24. 在清澈的夜空下我凝神屏息, 微微颤抖。

    I stand breathless and shivering beneath a clear night sky.

  25. 而今, 你却可以凝神倾听他们得教诲了。

    Now, you can lend an attentive ear to their teaching with fixed attention.

  26. 而今,你却可以凝神倾听他们的教诲了。

    Now, you can lend an attentive ear to their teaching with fixed attention.

  27. 谁试过凝神返观近视治疗法?效果怎样?

    Who has tried fixed attention to return view myopia cure ?The effect how ?

  28. 在前廊昏黄的亮光里, 他凝神望着她。

    He looked at her intently in the faint light of the porch.

  29. 这种凝神调息的过程本身就可以预防疾病。

    This concentration, the interest rate adjustment process itself can prevent disease.

  30. 这种凝神调息得过程本身就可以预防疾病。

    This concentration, the interest rate adjustment process itself can prevent disease.


  1. 问:凝神拼音怎么拼?凝神的读音是什么?凝神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凝神的读音是níngshén,凝神翻译成英文是 with fixed attention; with rapt attention

  2. 问:凝神贯注拼音怎么拼?凝神贯注的读音是什么?凝神贯注翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凝神贯注的读音是níngshénguànzhù,凝神贯注翻译成英文是 With fixed attention.


