


1. 摩 [mó]2. 摩 [mā]摩 [mó]擦,蹭,接触:~擦。~天。~崖(山崖上刻的文字、佛像等)。~肩接踵。~顶放踵。摸,抚:~弄。~挲(suō)研究,切磋:观~。揣~(a.研究,仔细琢磨;b.估量,推测)。古同“磨”,磨擦。摩 [……


1. 挲 [suō]2. 挲 [sa ㄙㄚ]3. 挲 [shā]挲 [suō]〔摩(mó)~〕抚摸。挲 [sa ㄙㄚ]〔摩(mā)~〕用手轻轻按着一下一下地移动。挲 [shā]〔挓~〕张开,如“他~~着手”。……



汉语拼音:mó suō








  1. 亦作“ 摩莎 ”。亦作“ 摩娑 ”。揉搓。

    《礼记·郊特牲》“汁献涚于醆酒” 汉 郑玄 注:“摩莎泲之,出其香汁。” 冰心 《南归》:“ 涵 和 华 摩挲着忧愁的倦眼,和我交替。”

  2. 抚摸。

    《释名·释姿容》:“摩娑,犹末杀也,手上下之言也。”《后汉书·方术传下·蓟子训》:“后人復於 长安 东 霸城 见之,与一老公共摩挲铜人。” 唐 韩愈 《石鼓歌》:“牧童敲火牛礪角,谁復著手为摩挲?” 清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·吴六奇》:“其署中有峻石高数丈, 查 爱之,摩挲抚惜,因醉题‘縐石’。”

  3. 琢磨。

    元 汤式 《一枝花·劝妓女从良》套曲:“试点检鶯花簿,细摩挲烟月文。” 清 周亮工 《书影》卷五:“兴至则解衣盘礴,一妻二女,皆能点染设色,相与摩挲指示,共相娱悦。”

  4. 模糊。

    宋 陆游 《睡起遣怀》诗:“摩挲困睫喜汤熟,小瓶自拆山茶香。” 元 杨显之 《酷寒亭》第三折:“你莫不是眼摩挲,错认了你这亲眷,你却是姓甚么。”《金瓶梅词话》第八回:“此时宿酒未醒,醉眼摩娑,前合后仰。” 傅尃 《感秋》诗之三:“欲写沉忧付壮歌,江山眼底认摩娑。”

  5. 消磨。

    明 王九思 《曲江春》第四折:“从今后,青山止许 巢由 採,黄金休把 相如 买,摩挲了壮怀。” 明 陈继儒 《读书镜》卷一:“大抵著书,上者羽翼世道……又次者资辅聪明,又次者摩娑岁月。”

  6. 摸索。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·孤嫁女》:“时值上弦,幸月色昏黄,门户可辨。摩娑数进,始抵后楼。” 太平天囯 洪仁玕 《诛妖檄文》:“譬如黑暗之中未睹天目,暗中摩挲,不辨方位,何能不误入迷途以待天晓乎?”



  1. At the next few villages, we were offered masato, a fermented drink that women make by chewing yucca and spitting it into a bowl.


  2. When her manager went out for a phone call, she sited down watching a fax when suddenly felt that Afa scraped her instep by his foot.


  3. He gave a little mild chuckle and he looked at me with those kind and candid blue eyes of his. He rubbed his chin with his hand.


  4. When you tell him to wash his face, he just gives it a wipe.


  5. Then Bana rose up and looked at us and moved to Babs' other side, tucked her head under the other arm, and stroked Babs' stomach.


  6. When she came back she handed me a letter, faded yellow with age, the edges of the envelope wornfrayed as though it had been handled.


  7. When it got cold, God rubbed her shoulders and she kissed Him on the neck.


  8. Brush your hand softly on her cheek, run your fingers through his hair, give a soft hug, a gentle squeeze of the hand, or a quick kiss.


  9. he then started to check his email , while running his hand over the roughness of his unshaven face.


  1. 青草的摩挲好似

    And grass that rustled like

  2. 他用手摩挲着下巴。

    He rubbed his chin with his hand.

  3. 丹若有所思地摩挲着下巴。

    Dan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

  4. 孩子们一般都很喜欢摩挲人。

    Children tend to be very physical.

  5. 我们用手摩挲着这块布。

    We passed our hands over the fabric.

  6. 萨姆摩挲着谢了顶得光头思忖着。

    Sam rubbed his bald head thoughtfully.

  7. 萨姆摩挲着谢了顶的光头思忖着。

    Sam rubbed his bald head thoughtfully.

  8. 她紧张地用手指摩挲着头发。

    She ran her fingers nervously through her hair.

  9. 你把这件衣服上的褶子摩挲摩挲。

    Smooth the wrinkles out of this shirt, please.

  10. 你让他洗把脸, 他好歹一摩挲。

    When you tell him to wash his face, he just gives it a wipe.

  11. 要是打赢了, 我就摩挲怀念感回来。

    I'll come straight home if it's a win.

  12. 我伸手在妈妈的手臂上摩挲起来。

    I reached out and stroked my mother's arm.

  13. 摩挲着那套时尚的裙子, 妻子爱不释手。

    Touching the fashionable skirt, my wife showed a deepest affection to it.

  14. 那树叶得摩挲声可是你暖暖耳语。

    That leaves but the caress of your voice whispered.

  15. 那树叶的摩挲声可是你暖暖耳语。

    That leaves but the caress of your voice whispered.

  16. 你是怎么把他给摩挲顺了的?

    How did you get him to quiet down?

  17. 双手摩挲着地面, 建出新的砂之城。

    Hands on the ground and build sand castle with fingers.

  18. 我摩挲着小牛耳朵里面柔软的凹槽。

    I rubbed the velvety grooves inside the calf's ears.

  19. 海紧紧把她拥进柔软的怀里,温情的摩挲,摩挲她的身体。

    The touch of the sea sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace.

  20. 这座精致的陵墓是为国王摩挲拉斯而建的。

    This elaborate tomb was built for King Mausolus.

  21. 吉姆颤抖着走进窗口的阳光里, 摩挲着厚厚的青筋暴露的手。

    Jim shivers and steps into the window sun. Rubs his thick veined hands.

  22. 因为我们和摩挲人生活在两个完全不同的世界。

    Since the Moso people and we are in two different world.

  23. 然后打开盖子, 将手伸了进去, 让手指在灰烬中摩挲。

    I take off the lid and reach my hand in, letting my fingertips graze the dust.


  1. 问:摩挲拼音怎么拼?摩挲的读音是什么?摩挲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩挲的读音是māsa,摩挲翻译成英文是 to smooth out with one's hand

  2. 问:摩挲拼音怎么拼?摩挲的读音是什么?摩挲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摩挲的读音是mósuō,摩挲翻译成英文是 to stroke; to do something in a slipshod manner...


