




1. 悄 [qiǎo]2. 悄 [qiāo]悄 [qiǎo]忧愁:~切。~怆。~然落泪。忧心~~。寂静无声:~然无声。~寂。~静。~声。悄 [qiāo]没有声音或声音很低,不让人知道:深夜静~~。……


1. 悄 [qiǎo]2. 悄 [qiāo]悄 [qiǎo]忧愁:~切。~怆。~然落泪。忧心~~。寂静无声:~然无声。~寂。~静。~声。悄 [qiāo]没有声音或声音很低,不让人知道:深夜静~~。……



汉语拼音:jìng qiāo qiāo








  1. 寂静无声。形容非常宁静。

    《京本通俗小说·碾玉观音》:“奔到府中看时……静悄悄地无一个人。” 元 李好古 《张生煮海》第一折:“俺那里静悄悄絶无尘世冗。”《水浒传》第一○九回:“都没一个人烟,静悄悄地鸡犬不闻。” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第九回:“月儿很明,四下里静悄悄的。”亦省作“ 静悄 ”。《全元散曲·初生月儿》:“香消烛灭人静悄。夜迢迢,难睡着,窗儿外雨打芭蕉。”《儿女英雄传》第十一回:“但见空落落的院子,静悄无人。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第三章:“她好容易找着村口,进了静悄无人的村子。”



  1. There all seemed to be silent and desolate; and a feeling of loneliness and desertion came over him to increase the gloom of the moment.

  2. All this seems to start with the behavior of the fetus, which is hardly a model of quiet diplomacy when entering strange territory.

  3. Long, quiet days she spent, not lonely nor idle, for her little world was peopled with imaginary friends, and she was by nature a busy bee.

  4. when the sun goes down to the west, the east of his morning stands before him in silence.

  5. I go on the road, surrounded by quiet, but even the car's loudspeaker to hear music and people's cries sound, but a ghost.

  6. Only one man, who stood on the deck of his ship in the silent creek, was saying good-bye to her in thought as he waited for the tide.

  7. Just as it seemed weird five centuries ago to see someone read silently, in the future it will seem weird to read without moving your body.

  8. Although the Senate did not follow the co - author with the box-office hit what World War II, "Li meters, " but quietly in the fire, Xinhua.

  9. Bring down the quiet, I sat quietly on the right sense of the Lu Qing, I say, we all are waiting for you speech.


  1. 黑夜静悄悄得。

    The night was pacific.

  2. 田野静悄悄的。

    The countryside was very quiet.

  3. 屋子里静悄悄的。

    It was very quiet in the room.

  4. 现在屋子静悄悄的。

    The house is quiet now.

  5. 房子里面静悄悄的。

    It was quiet inside the house.

  6. 房子里面静悄悄得。

    It was quiet inside the house.

  7. 这里的黎明静悄悄。

    It is very quiet at dawn here.

  8. 清晨,树林里静悄悄的。

    The forest was still in the early morning.

  9. 羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄的开

    The blushing rose shyly blooms

  10. 天黑了,到处静悄悄的。

    As darkness fell everything became very quiet.

  11. 天黑了,到处静悄悄的。

    As darkness fell everything became very quiet.

  12. 灯光黯淡得车库静悄悄得。

    The austerely lighted garage was quiet.

  13. 灯光黯淡的车库静悄悄的。

    The austerely lighted garage was quiet.

  14. 门静悄悄地开了。

    The door came open quietly.

  15. 可房子里静悄悄的, 空荡荡的。

    But the house was very quiet and empty.

  16. 空中阴沉, 冰冷, 然而静悄悄的。

    The air is grey and harsh but still.

  17. 空中阴沉,冰冷,然而静悄悄得。

    The air is grey and harsh but still.

  18. 清晨时刻整个城镇静悄悄得。

    The town sill in the early hours of the morning.

  19. 清晨时刻整个城镇静悄悄的。

    The town sill in the early hours of the morning.

  20. 他们正静悄悄地玩着。

    They are playing quietly.

  21. 走廓里静悄悄地没有人。

    The corridor was deserted and silent.

  22. 没有风, 一切都是静悄悄的。

    There was no wind and everything was quiet.

  23. 没有风,一切都是静悄悄得。

    There was no wind and everything was quiet.

  24. 暴风雨过后, 镇上静悄悄得。

    After the storm the town was as quiet as the grave.

  25. 到了夜晚, 这里总是静悄悄的。

    It's always quiet here by night.

  26. 羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄地开

    Shame Rose Is Blossom In Silence

  27. 树林里飞禽走兽都静悄悄的。

    The birds and the beasts of the forest were silent.

  28. 他静悄悄地坐在那儿。

    He sat there ever so quietly.

  29. 大家一声不响,吊篮里静悄悄的。

    A complete silence reigned in the car.

  30. 门静悄悄地自己关上了。

    The gate fell to silently.


  1. 问:静悄悄拼音怎么拼?静悄悄的读音是什么?静悄悄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静悄悄的读音是jìngqiāoqiāo,静悄悄翻译成英文是 very quiet



静悄悄 jìng'qiāo'qiāo [very quiet] 形容很安静与非常寂静,没有声响形容非常安静没有声响 例句:夜深了,四周静悄悄的。