


绕,缠绕:~绕。~乱。用针线缝缀:~缝(fèng )。~贴边。……





汉语拼音:liáo rào







  1. 回环盘旋。

    《文选·潘岳<射雉赋>》:“周环回復,繚绕磐辟。” 徐爰 注:“皆回从往復不正之貌也。” 唐 孟郊 《古离别》诗:“松山云繚绕,萍路水分离。”《红楼梦》第十八回:“只见园中香烟繚绕,花彩繽纷……説不尽这太平气象,富贵风流。”

  2. 曲折围绕。

    《宋书·谢灵运传》:“復有水逕,繚绕回圆。” 宋 袁褧 《枫窗小牍》卷上:“ 汴京 河渠凡四:曰 蔡河 ,自 陈蔡 由西南 戴楼门 入京城,繚绕向东南, 陈州门 出。” 清 陈维崧 《满江红·江村夏咏》词之七:“罨画 铜官 ,都繚绕吾庐左右。”

  3. 缠绕。

    唐 元稹 《送崔侍御之岭南二十韵》:“蛛悬丝繚绕,鹊报语詀諵。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳续录四》:“二人之髮,交结为一,贯穿繚绕,猝不可解。” 萧红 《生死场》八:“当举着钓竿经过作浪的麦田时,她把竿头的绳线缭绕起来。”

  4. 引申指纠缠不清。

    宋 王明清 《摭青杂说》:“后半载, 贺承信 又以职事到 封州 将领司,事务繚绕,未得了毕。”

  5. 衣袖飘扬貌。

    《文选·张衡<南都赋>》:“修袖繚绕而满庭,罗袜躡蹀而容与。” 吕向 注:“繚绕,飘颺貌。”



  1. Tibet is often associated with the scent of burning incenses and ever-lit butter lanterns in monasteries.


  2. Find out what you're getting. Get feedback. You find that hanging out in smoky bars is not for you.


  3. All over Taiping there was a festive mood that hung fog-like around the surrounding mountains.


  4. Hill a little bit of being trampled underfoot, around shrouded in clouds, as if within reach.


  5. With all the windows wound up, the pollution was at least twice as bad as sitting in the smokiest bar, the researchers said.


  6. Wisps of smoke still rose into the grey sky, but no more than might have risen from Winterfell's chimneys on a cold autumn afternoon.


  7. The glittering surface of the brook reflects clouds from the sky. You are lingering between the water and the cloud, gazing at me.


  8. The whole group of buildings towering rigorous, magnificent, distance, clouds shrouded, magnificent, just like the sky palace.


  9. You don't count the number of horses horse, prairie and seems to be the morning mist shrouded river.


  1. 歌声缭绕。

    The song lingered in the air.

  2. 余音缭绕。

    The music lingered in the air.

  3. 烟雾缭绕。

    The smoke floated into the air.

  4. 烟缭绕上升。

    The smoke spiral ed up.

  5. 烟向上缭绕。

    The smoke wreathed upward.

  6. 烟雾缭绕上升。

    The smoke wreathed upward.

  7. 缭绕的烟圈

    wreaths of smoke.

  8. 云雾缭绕在山头。

    Mist wreathed the hilltops.

  9. 雾气缭绕的山峰。

    A mountain peak compassed By fog.

  10. 馀音缭绕音乐会后

    Sounds Lingering In The Air After The Concert

  11. 山顶上白云缭绕。

    White clouds crowned the hills.

  12. 烟自营火缭绕上升。

    The smoke from the camp fire curled upward.

  13. 白云终年缭绕山顶。

    White clouds for ever rest on the mountain top.

  14. 峨眉山顶,苍烟缭绕。

    The peak of Emei Mountain is surrounded by indistinct clouds.

  15. 峨眉山顶,苍烟缭绕。

    The peak of Emei Mountain is surrounded by indistinct clouds.

  16. 洞里很暖和, 烟雾缭绕。

    It was warm and smoky in the cave.

  17. 重重叠叠的山峦,云雾缭绕。

    All of the surrounding mountain ranges are covered in mist.

  18. 重重叠叠的山峦,云雾缭绕。

    All of the surrounding mountain ranges are covered in mist.

  19. 烟从营火上缭绕升起。

    The smoke from the camp fire curled upwords.

  20. 小溪河流烟雾缭绕闪闪亮。

    And twinkle in the smoky light the waters of the rill.

  21. 音乐缭绕于整个维也纳。

    Music fills the air in Vienna.

  22. 烟囱里的青烟缭绕上升。

    The smoke curled up from chimney.

  23. 艾尔的脸旁青烟缭绕。

    Smoke curled around Al's face.

  24. 艾尔得脸旁青烟缭绕。

    Smoke curled around Al's face .

  25. 她坐在那里, 周围烟雾缭绕。

    She sat there wreathed in cigarette smoke.

  26. 瞧那些缭绕在山顶的云朵。

    Look at the clouds resting upon the mountain top.

  27. 瞧那些缭绕在山顶得云朵。

    Look at the clouds resting upon the mountain top.

  28. 烟囱冒出的烟在缭绕上升。

    The smoke is curling up from the chimney.

  29. 清晨得松花江上, 薄雾缭绕!

    In the moring, the light fog wreathing on Songhua River!

  30. 街上开始烟雾缭绕,黑了下来。

    The street began smoky and dark.


  1. 问:缭绕拼音怎么拼?缭绕的读音是什么?缭绕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缭绕的读音是liáorào,缭绕翻译成英文是 float in the air



“缭绕”是个多义词,它可以指缭绕(缭绕), 缭绕(汉语词语), 缭绕(萧韩编著长篇小说)。