


1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……


1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:qí jiān








  1. 其中;那中间。

    唐 韩愈 《谢自然》诗:“一朝坐空室,云雾生其间。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·文章》:“然古书之存於今者寡矣,其间亦有异闻焉,安可废之。” 鲁迅 《野草·过客》:“东,是几株杂树和瓦砾;西,是荒凉破败的丛葬;其间有一条似路非路的痕迹。”

  2. 指某一段时间。

    元 关汉卿 《四春园》第一折:“那其间墻里无人看,墻外行人则要你厮顾盼。” 毛泽东 《两个中国之命运》:“中国共产党从一九二一年产生以来,已经二十四年了,其间经过了北伐战争、土地革命战争、抗日战争这样三个英勇奋斗的历史时期,积累了丰富的经验。”



  1. Then there are the graveyards and towers, which can be captured and made to work for you.


  2. The visit was the vice president's final stop before flying home at the end of a week-long trip that also took him to China and Mongolia.


  3. however it has been a long and hard road from control to unity in her own organization, and the group has gone through many changes.


  4. Ore bodies consists of Au-bearing quartz veins and the alteration rocks between them and ore grade depends on number of the quartz vein.


  5. During this period, it seems that certain chemical changes occur, or to achieve a qualitative leap, contradictions, and grievances more.


  6. The only major role men play in geisha society is that of guest, though women sometimes take that role as well.


  7. Of course there was birthdays and Christmas but in between times too if I saw something I thought he'd like I get it for him.


  8. In her estimation to be mirthful was to be profane; to be cheerful was to be frivolous-she drew no distinctions.


  9. What doesn't seem to have changed, however, is the nature of the public discourse in which these candidates are expected to manoeuvre.


  1. 其间有一次

    at one point.

  2. 在其间的岁月

    during the years that intervene

  3. 云朵飘过其间。

    Where the clouds float thro.

  4. 苍松翠柏错落其间

    dotted with green pines and cypresses

  5. 在其间的几年中

    during the years that intervened

  6. 在其间的这些年里

    in the intervening years

  7. 其间您还需要什么吗?

    Is there anything else you need done in the meantime?

  8. 车行其间,却是喜乐融融。

    Car dealers meantime, it is happy.

  9. 其间便有我居住的地方。

    Of where I would reside!

  10. 其间包括实习, 实地讲授等。

    Meantime includes practice and lecture on the spot.

  11. 在其间你传呼过他们吗?

    Did you page them during this time?

  12. 莫道身躯小, 伟人寓其间。

    A littlebody often harbours a great soul.

  13. 对介入其间的代码进行变化

    Changes to the intervening code

  14. 他们却说,我们不行在其间。

    But they said, We will not walk therein.

  15. 这其间, 我会缩小名单范围。

    Meantime, I'm gonna narrow down that list.

  16. 这其间,肯定也要发生费用。

    This meantime, affirmation also should produce cost.

  17. 我曾与哈利奎恩在其间漫步!

    As I roamed with Harlequin!

  18. 天空一片深蓝色,其间星光闪烁。

    The sky was deep blue and starry.

  19. 天空就是蔚蓝色,云朵飘过其间。

    The sky is blue Where the clouds thro'.

  20. 有介于其间的因素, 人或者影响。

    having intervening factors or persons or influences.

  21. 其间有新的谣传传到店里。

    Meanwhile a new piece of gossip came into the shop.

  22. 但也有人指出了其间的差异。

    But others point out the differences.

  23. 国庆节其间, 到处的交通都很拥挤。

    There was heavy traffic everywhere during the National Day.

  24. 只要有人三五成群,我便周旋其间。

    Whenever I see a cluster of people, I always mix with them.

  25. 其间的空隙上膜后会现气泡。

    In the meantime the gap after Council is on the bubble.

  26. 有一个松树点缀其间的大草坪。

    There was a large lawn dotted with pine trees.

  27. 在其间的数年间,发生了很多事。

    Much had happened during the years that intervened.

  28. 我看不见有什麽东西挟在其间。

    I can see nothing between.

  29. 花园被介于其间的围墙分隔开了。

    The gardens are separated by an intervening wall.

  30. 其间起伏就好像在坐云霄飞车一般。

    It's been a rollercoaster ride.


  1. 问:其间拼音怎么拼?其间的读音是什么?其间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:其间的读音是qíjiān,其间翻译成英文是 between or among them; during; within



其间,指其中;那中间;事物发展过程当中的某一时间段。语出唐韩愈 《谢自然》诗:“一朝坐空室,云雾生其间。”