




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:zhù jiǎo








  1. 见“ 注脚 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 注脚 ”。解释字句的文字。

    唐 于义方 《黑心符》:“《黑心符》微伤大雅,要自伤弓惊饵之言,留之为《颜氏》下一注脚。” 宋 朱熹 《答吕子约书》:“所论甚善,末后注脚尤好。” 清 叶廷琯 《鸥陂渔话·王郇公封国年月》:“得此考证,不特可补史文之闕,并足为《图经续记》注脚也。”

  3. 泛指解释、说明。

    秦牧 《长街灯语·我们需要传记文学》:“传记文学所具有的巨大的吸引力,可以从这一段话中找到注脚。”

  4. 解释字句的文字。

    宋 陆九渊 《语录》卷上:“学苟知本,六经皆我註脚。” 清 颜星 《重刊<颜氏家训>小引》:“悚敬操持,不徒作语言文字观,则六经子史,皆《家训》註脚也。” 邹韬奋 《信箱·变了什么花样?》:“在旁人或以为你一向思虑周密,独于此文把最要紧的一个註脚竟会疏略,不免予人以造谣的机会了。”



  1. The numerous extended comments in brackets are also a bit of an eyesore. Most would be better as footnotes, or dispensed with altogether.


  2. The most bizarre footnote to this tragedy, the king of shellfish and her mother while at the same hospital for mandibular surgery.


  3. Any explanation essential to the understanding of the table should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table.


  4. Judging by this remorselessly bleak account of Iraq's moral collapse, one cannot but feel squeamish about Iraq's future, under any regime.


  5. And he fails to provide footnotes to his sources, despite relying simply on his "journalist's instincts" .


  6. What this means for you: Your nonprofit needs to make recurring giving a priority in your online fundraising strategy -- not a footnote.


  7. What happened next may be one of the most peculiar footnotes to the global financial crisis.


  8. In the same place. Used in footnotes and bibliographies to refer to the book, chapter, article, or page cited just before.


  9. Teacher, your eyes are fire, the sun and warm breeze in spring, which in the students' eyes are the footnotes of love.


  1. 说明符注脚

    declarator subscript.

  2. 有注脚的学术编辑

    a scholarly edition with footnotes.

  3. 赌徒时代的最后注脚

    Gambler era is over

  4. 注脚列在书页下端。

    A footnote is made at the bottom of the page.

  5. 六经皆我注脚

    All the Six Classics are merely footnotes for my life experience.

  6. 愿纯粹成为你快乐的注脚。

    May pure be the joys that surround you.

  7. 建立标记注脚在文件主题的开头

    Build tag footnote at beginning of topic of file

  8. 注脚阐明了文中难解的段落。

    Footnotes illuminated the difficult passage of the text.

  9. 避免成为棒球史上的一个注脚。

    To avoid being a footnote in baseball history.

  10. 注脚的解释澄清这一个困难的句子。

    The explanation in the footnote clarified the difficult sentence.

  11. 参考资料可以在注脚或文章末端标明。

    References may be either footnoted or endnoted.

  12. 这本书注脚过多而变得枯燥无味。

    The book is weighed down with footnotes.

  13. 恐怕他的名字现在会成为历史的注脚。

    I'm afraid that his name will now become a footnote in history.

  14. 家,从来都是我们美好生活的最佳注脚。

    Home has always been the best description for our beautiful life.

  15. 这件丑闻为国内的政客下了悲哀的注脚。

    A scandal that is a sad commentary on national politics.

  16. 关于复合函数的求导法则所进行的一个注脚

    A footnote about derivation rule of compound function

  17. 他的任期最后是以输给谷歌作为注脚的。

    Semel's tenure was perhaps characterized more for losing to Google than anything else.

  18. 最后一个注脚,我想分享的是,我们是不同种族的。

    I want to share is that we are of different race.

  19. 这句注脚更富有你得特色, 那就是毫无诚意。

    It's less characteristic than your comment on it which is perfectly insincere.

  20. 这句注脚更富有你的特色,那就是毫无诚意。

    It's less characteristic than your comment on it which is perfectly insincere.

  21. 务必要记得, 在引用不同论点和证据时, 要加上注脚。

    Be sure to footnote both argument and evidentiary citations.

  22. 在历史事件中, 这至多不过是个小小注脚, 微不足道。

    As historical facts go, it amounts to little more than a footnote.

  23. 但我想在科索沃问题上补充一个小的注脚。

    But I want to add a small footnote on the Kosovo issue.

  24. 成为诠释丹麦设计没有时间限制的风格的最佳注脚。

    Become and annotate the best footnote that Denmark designed style without time restriction.

  25. 在任何可能的地方, 采用带附加说明的引用而不是注脚。

    Use parenthetic citations instead of footnotes wherever possible.

  26. 在这其中有五十多页注脚,信息丰富且幽默风趣。

    There are around 50 pages of footnotes, informative and funny on their own.

  27. 这就为粮农组织大会很久以前采取的立场作了注脚。

    This explains the position taken long ago by the FAO Conference.

  28. 偶尔作者给让其感到特别恼火的修订添加了简明的注脚。

    Occasionally the author adds a terse footnote to a redaction he feels especially sore about.

  29. 对于最新这轮欧洲闹剧来说,这是个极为恰当的注脚。

    The Italian proverb is a sadly apt footnote to the latest round of European shenanigans.

  30. 注脚依应用顺序编号,编号标于相关文右上角以备参阅。

    Number the footnotes in order and put the numbers on the upper right corner of the related words or sentences.


  1. 问:注脚拼音怎么拼?注脚的读音是什么?注脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:注脚的读音是zhǐhuībàng,注脚翻译成英文是 baton; footnote



详细解释 1. 见“ 注脚 ”。

2. 亦作“ 注脚 ”。1.解释字句的文字。

唐 于义方 《黑心符》:“《黑心符》微伤大雅,要自伤弓惊饵之言,留之为《颜氏》下一注脚。” 宋 朱熹 《答吕子约书》:“所论甚善,末后注脚尤好。” 清叶廷琯 《鸥陂渔话·王郇公封国年月》:“得此考证,不特可补史文之阙,并足为《图经续记》注脚也。” 3. 泛指解释、说明。

秦牧 《长街灯语·我们需要传记文学》:“传记文学所具有的巨大的吸引力,可以从这一段话中找到注脚。” 4. 解释字句的文字。