







汉语拼音:zhào jiù








  1. 谓跟原来一样,没有变化。

    元 关汉卿 《望江亭》第四折:“ 白士中 照旧供职,赐夫妻偕老团圆。”《说岳全传》第一回:“﹝员外﹞便把儿子照旧抱进房来睡好。” 老舍 《女店员》第一幕:“你要是因为考不上高中,骑马找马,先找点事混混再说,可别怪我照旧不搭理你!”



  1. I felt a bit sad, you know, because of what happened; but you know, I 'm glad, I'm glad they've opened it up again . Life goes on.

  2. The Party, at least in the form of its MPs, have clearly expressed that business as usual a la Dr. Brown cannot continue.

  3. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. . . Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better. She was doing it!

  4. The true intention of making Bao-Jia involved in the autonomy, was to consolidate country power. In fact, the autonomy was just a fig leaf .

  5. Cosette applied herself to her work once more, but for a quarter of an hour she felt her heart leaping in her bosom like a big snow-flake.

  6. I fitted myself up for a battle, as before; though with more caution, knowing I had to do with another kind of enemy than I had at first.

  7. Even how we were on the rock he said nothing, nor so much as relaxed the frowning look upon his face.

  8. It's true that scientists don't know exactly how much world temperatures will rise if we persist with business as usual.

  9. One day, when they had run out of money as usual, they came up with a scheme to rob the richest man in Benares.


  1. 一切照旧。

    Everything remains unchanged.

  2. 程序照旧。

    The procedure remains unchanged.

  3. 照旧玩世不恭

    to remain a cynic

  4. 工作程序照旧。

    The process remains unchanged.

  5. 此外, 一切照旧。

    Otherwise, the text is unchanged.

  6. 让事情照旧吧!

    Let things remain as they have been in the past.

  7. 困难的时刻照旧困难

    Troubled times bring about troubled rhymes

  8. 我照旧是个老头儿。

    I am still an old man.

  9. 年复一年,一切照旧。

    Year in, year out, nothing changes.

  10. 提供的防御效果照旧。

    Targets will still have their melee attack speed reduced.

  11. 百货涨价, 只有薪水照旧。

    Everything went up except salaries.

  12. 给我照旧, 我马上就走。

    Just give me the usuai and I'm out.

  13. 最终,世界又照旧开始了。

    In the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should.

  14. 莎莉却照旧得意洋洋地谈下去。

    But she went on in the same train.

  15. 公司名称不变业务照旧。

    The business will be carried on as before, the name of the firm remains unchanged.

  16. 从架子上拿下照旧的食物

    Picking up the same old food that we left on the shelf

  17. 照旧就行了, 只要剪短些。

    Do as before, and shorter is OK.

  18. 我会晚点回来,家里一切照旧。

    I'll be home late, so just the usual routine.

  19. 我会晚点回来,家里一切照旧。

    I'll be home late, so just the usual routine.

  20. 我会晚点回来,家里一切照旧。

    I'll be home late, so just the usual routine.

  21. 首先一点,就是一切照旧的后果。

    The starting point has to be with the consequences of business as usual.

  22. 祥子们擦擦汗,就照旧说笑了。

    Xiangzi and the other young men dried themselves off and started joking as usual.

  23. 您喜欢啥子色彩, 玄色照旧银色?

    What color would you like, black or silver ?

  24. 你吐的是啥子?食品照旧血?

    What did you vomit, food or blood?

  25. 有着钱和声誉, 他照旧烦懑乐。

    With all his money and fame, he is not happy.

  26. 晚餐后您想喝咖啡照旧品茗?

    What would you like to drink after dinner, coffee or tea ?

  27. 这些保镖照旧勇气可嘉但鲁钝无礼。

    The bodyguards, as usual, were brave but oafish.

  28. 敲门声照旧那样有节拍地持续。

    Knock on the door still so rhythmic continue.

  29. 今天, 裁军工作不应当再是一切照旧。

    Today disarmament should no longer be business as usual.

  30. 这个事件过后, 婚嫁的情况也会照旧。

    Even after the event, material conditions would be exactly the same.


  1. 问:照旧拼音怎么拼?照旧的读音是什么?照旧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照旧的读音是zhàojiù,照旧翻译成英文是 as before; as usual



【拼音】zhào jiù


【出处】元 关汉卿 《望江亭》第四折:“白士中照旧供职,赐夫妻偕老团圆。”《大明熹宗宝训卷之四·安属国》:“上曰:李倧既系该国臣民,公同保结,伦叙相应又翼戴恭顺,输助兵饷,准封朝鲜国王。先与勑谕,著登莱巡抚官(袁可立)差官同陪臣齎赐,其册使侯事宁,查照旧例行。”

【示例】 蔡东藩 《清史演义》第一回:“现在清朝二字,已成过去的历史,中国河山,仍然照旧,要想易乱为治,须把清朝的兴亡,细细考察,择善而从,不善则改,古人说的‘殷鉴不远’便是此意。” 老舍 《女店员》第一幕:“你要是因为考不上高中,骑马找马,先找点事混混再说,可别怪我照旧不搭理你!”
