







汉语拼音:mǎn xīn







  1. 谓心中充满某种情绪或意愿。

    《庄子·盗跖》:“财积而无用,服膺而不舍,满心戚醮,求益而不止,可谓忧矣。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“ 满生 听得此言,就是九重天上飞下一纸赦书来,怎不满心欢喜!” 茅盾 《虹》三:“我满心要做一些有益于人的事,然而结果相反。” 冰心 《斯人独憔悴》:“ 颖贞 满心的不忍,便道:‘快放下来罢!省得招了风要肿起来。’”

  2. 满足。




  1. But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him.


  2. 11But they were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus.


  3. There's a presumption that Congress and the White House fully expects ISS to be up and viable through at least 2020.


  4. I began gathering up my things slowly, trying to block the anger that filled me, for fear my eyes would tear up.


  5. After eating the pancakes, overflowing with happiness, the old collector said he would take a nap.


  6. Gladly appreciating the light created by my hand, I knew it had lit up my spirit in this long and dark age of turmoil.


  7. I am ingratiated by the sunset because of her sensitivity as she tries to push the darkness back for just a moment more.


  8. Greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy.


  9. I had not thought of my leaving the villa, But my steps, out of the entranceway , felt lighter and full of joy.


  1. 使孩子满心欢喜。

    Gladden the heart of a child.

  2. 满心疑惑, 十分不安

    You are full of misgivings

  3. 他满心希望获奖。

    He hopes from his very heart that he will win a prize.

  4. 巴兹尔满心欢喜。

    basil basked

  5. 玫瑰石,满心的羡慕。

    Rhodonite, full of envy.

  6. 那些男孩满心妒忌。

    The boys were all eaten up with envy.

  7. 那些男孩满心妒忌。

    The boys were all eaten up with envy.

  8. 我,在最后,满心欢喜。

    I am, at last, filled with joy.

  9. 我欢喜, 是呀, 我满心欢喜,

    And I am glad, yea, glad with all my heart

  10. 她心跳加快,满心喜悦。

    Her heart beat so fast and she was full to the brim with joy.

  11. 诗人怎能不满心欢乐!

    In such a jocund company!

  12. 玫瑰石,满心得羡慕。

    Rhodonite, full of envy.

  13. 他对我妹妹满心牵挂。

    He is full of tender solicitude towards my sister.

  14. 她满心渴望着取得成功。

    She longed with all her heart to be successful.

  15. 他满心欢喜地回家了。

    He went back home, full of joy.

  16. 崇拜上帝。使孩子满心欢喜。

    Worship your God. Gladden the heart of a child.

  17. 孩子们满心期待圣诞节的到来。

    With Christmas coming, the children were on tiptoe.

  18. 我满心狂喜在黄昏中驻足。

    I stop in ecstasy before the twilight.

  19. 她满心欢喜地等他回来。

    Her heart was full of joy as she waited for him to return.

  20. 这好消息使大家满心喜悦。

    The glad news carried joy into the hearts of all.

  21. 她对校长和教师们满心钦佩。

    She is full of admiration for the head and teachers.

  22. 今日里入洞房欢喜满心。

    Today I get married and I'm filled with joy.

  23. 约翰获奖了, 他母亲满心欢喜。

    John's mother glowed with happiness when he won a prize.

  24. 捕捉到它我们将会满心欢喜,

    Catch it we will be satisfied

  25. 她两眼盯着脚印, 满心恐惧。

    She stared at the footprint, full of fear.

  26. 他满心激动地去了裁缝店。

    He went to a tailor's shop, full of excitement.

  27. 他满心不服的照税额缴付了。

    He paid the tax demand over protest.

  28. 他猛可里满心充满了勇气。

    His courage seemed suddenly to stiffen of its own accord.

  29. 满心期望,如果能拯救更多生命

    Hoping that if we save more lives.

  30. 而满心期盼翘首以待的那一天

    The days you think are going to be big ones.


  1. 问:满心拼音怎么拼?满心的读音是什么?满心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:满心的读音是mǎnxīn,满心翻译成英文是 feel from the bottom of one's hear




【读音】mǎn xīn


【出处】《庄子·盗跖》:“财积而无用,服膺而不舍,满心戚醮,求益而不止,可谓忧矣。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“ 满生听得此言,就是九重天上飞下一纸赦书来,怎不满心欢喜!”

【示例】茅盾《虹》三:“我满心要做一些有益于人的事,然而结果相反。” 冰心《斯人独憔悴》:“ 颖贞满心的不忍,便道:‘快放下来罢!省得招了风要肿起来。’”