




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:jié rán








  1. 孤立,孤单。

    《三国志·吴志·陆瑁传》:“ 孙权 忿 公孙渊 之巧诈反覆,欲亲征之, 瑁 上疏諫曰:‘……若 渊 狙诈,与北未絶,动众之日,脣齿相济。若实孑然无所凭赖,其畏怖远迸,或难卒灭。’” 前蜀 杜光庭 《墉城集仙录·缑仙姑》:“﹝ 緱仙姑 ﹞於 魏夫人 仙坛,精修香火十餘年,孑然无侣。” 明 叶宪祖 《鸾鎞记·仗侠》:“我孑然一身,有何挂碍!” 清 蒋士铨 《桂林霜·再遣》:“夫抛妇,子撇娘,此身孑然存若亡。” 瞿秋白 《<饿乡纪程>跋》:“何况孑然飘零,远去故乡,来此绝国,交通阻隔,粗粝噎喉,饿乡之‘饿’,锤炼我这绕指柔钢。”

  2. 特出。

    宋 范仲淹 《唐异诗序》:“观乎处士之作也,孑然弗伦,洗然无尘。”

  3. 全体之貌。

    《国语·周语中》:“於是乎有折俎加豆,酬币宴货,以示容合好,胡有孑然其效 戎 狄 也?” 韦昭 注:“孑然,全体之貌也。”



  1. For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.


  2. The building giving an example speaking , living in , is far away from busy streets it's better to be left alone.


  3. In the milk of moonlight stands the beauty of Autumn, just like the lonely romance .


  4. From this moment on, I am no longer single, nor alone, but with you, my treasure, my life and my reason of striving.


  5. Worn-out windmills standing alone in pastures. . .


  6. Two romantic, once so real, now a person alone, I feel helpless, fantasy.


  7. We can act on the reality that nothing we accumulate while we're here goes with us. We start with nothing and leave with nothing.


  8. Thus, fall away by myself, burst into tears.


  9. These clubable firms were typically 4. 4 times bigger than stand-alone companies.


  1. 她孑然一身。

    She was by herself.

  2. 他孑然一身。

    He's all alone in the world.

  3. 他孑然一身。

    He's all alone in the world.

  4. 他孑然一身度过晚年。

    He lived alone in his old age.

  5. 孑然闪耀在中天。

    Is shinning in the sky.

  6. 孑然孤行的悲凉美。

    Beauty of desolation.

  7. 10年了,他依旧孑然一身。

    It's been ten years, and he's still all alone.

  8. 她孑然一身, 常感到寂寞。

    She lives alone and often feels lonely.

  9. 草间又有蟋蟀孑然长鸣。

    A cricket shrills in the grass.

  10. 她孑然一身,向邻居们讨饭吃。

    She was living alone, begging food from neighbors.

  11. 他从小孤苦零丁,孑然一身。

    He has been living a solitary and poor life since he was young.

  12. 他从小孤苦零丁,孑然一身。

    He has been living a solitary and poor life since he was young.

  13. 他孑然一身,遭到冷遇,他不在乎。

    Alone in his own zone, cold and he don't care.

  14. 我虽孑然一身,但从不感孤寂。

    I live all alone but I never feel lonely.

  15. 我虽然孑然一身, 但从不感孤独。

    I alone but I never feel lonely.

  16. 他当时孑然一身,形影相吊,特别需要援助。

    He was so much in need of succor, so totally alone.

  17. 他孑然一身,却未感到太大的不便。

    He lives alone with out much discommodity.

  18. 埃米愈发感到自己孤立无援,孑然一身。

    Amy had the growing sense that she was adrift and isolated.

  19. 你真的孑然一身却从不感孤独吗?

    Do you really live all alone but never feel a bit lonely

  20. 我们居然会害怕孑然寡处, 多么愚蠢啊!

    How foolish we were to be afraid of loneliness.

  21. 我好象孑然一身, 生活在别的什么世界里。

    I seemed to exist in some other dimension, utterly alone.

  22. 我们都终将孑然一身, 一位智者曾如是说。

    As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone.

  23. 充满寂寞和孑然,那个悲剧成为了她的命运。

    With loneliness and solitude, that tragedy has become her fate.

  24. 他们担心自己是否会孑然一身、或婚姻是否能天长地久。

    They worry about whether they will have families or whether their marriages will last.

  25. 他看透了尘世间的浮华, 并选择了孤身独处孑然一身。

    Tired of the pomps and vanities of this heartless world, he chose to live in obscure loneliness.

  26. 在他们的橄榄树小果园下方, 孑然坐落着三间小屋。

    The three cottages lay innocently below in their little orchard of olives.

  27. 在他们的橄榄树小果园下方,孑然坐落着三间小屋。

    The three cottages lay innocently below in their little orchard of olives.

  28. 他似乎是孤零零一个人,在这茫茫大千之中孑然一身。

    He seemed absolutely alone in the universe.

  29. 纵使孑然一身,也比嫁一个你根本不爱的男人强。

    Better to be a lonely woman all your life than to marry a man whom you have never loved.

  30. 伊爵士偕杰拉德下, 阿巴斯诺特太太孑然孤立, 悲形于色。

    Exit with GERALD. MRS. ARBUTHNOT is left alone. She stands immobile with a look of unutterable sorrow on her face.


  1. 问:孑然拼音怎么拼?孑然的读音是什么?孑然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孑然的读音是jiérán,孑然翻译成英文是 alone

  2. 问:孑然一身拼音怎么拼?孑然一身的读音是什么?孑然一身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孑然一身的读音是jiérányìshēn,孑然一身翻译成英文是 by oneself; all alone in the world


孑然(jié rán)是指孤立,孤单;特出;全体之貌。出自于范仲淹《唐异诗序》:“观乎处士之作也,孑然弗伦,洗然无尘。”