




阻塞(sāi ㄙㄞ),挡:~塞。~挡。~截。~击。~嘴。心中不畅快:~心。墙:围者如~。量词,用于墙。古代钟或磐十六枚编成一组,挂在一个架子上称“一堵”。姓。……



汉语拼音:yōng dǔ








  1. However, the large influx of people did not cause traffic jams or other problems, as Hangzhou had prepared well for this.


  2. Beijing officials have been trying to tackle the problem of congestion since the Beijing Olympics in 2008.


  3. Sorry to be late. I was caught up in a traffic jam. Am I the last guest to arrive?


  4. Beijing is going to do something about the heavy traffic. It's going to put up signs that say: Thank you for not driving.


  5. Okay, I'll admit, the Stern Review on Traffic Jams doesn't sound like the sort of thing to keep you awake at night.


  6. It could be that ignorance is bliss and it might be better for people to not know in congested areas and just be out clogging the highways.


  7. She told NBCnewsNews she was shocked to discover that her husband was the victim of the accident that had caused all that traffic.


  8. The effect is not so different from many drivers all trying to avoid the same congested roads--only to cluster together.


  9. The resulting backlog from her and other employees led to a logjam of messages in everyone's in-boxes on Monday.


  1. 穿过拥堵的交通

    Through rushhour traffic again.

  2. 正是钱造成了拥堵。

    It was money for jam.

  3. 北京交通拥堵症结分析

    Existing traffic jam in Beijing and countermeasures

  4. 今天的交通太拥堵了。

    Traffic is really heavy today.

  5. 北京交通拥堵的症结分析

    Analysis of the Traffic Jams in Beijing

  6. 公共交通系统拥堵且不准时。

    Public transport is overcrowded and often unreliable.

  7. 他们被拥堵了好几个小时了。

    They have been held up in traffic jams for hours.

  8. 菲茨姜大道上的交通拥堵严重。

    The traffic along Fitzjohn's Avenue was heavy.

  9. 我住在一个拥堵的城镇里。

    I live in a crowded town.

  10. 这条单行车道发生了交通拥堵。

    The traffic became congested on the one-way street.

  11. 北京下大雨了,使交通很拥堵。

    Heavy rain fell onBeijing, causing the traffic to snarl causing heavy traffic.

  12. 拥堵情况就开始加剧并迅速恶化。

    then congestion starts to increase really, really rapidly.

  13. 但是我听说上海的交通非常的拥堵!

    But I have heard that Shanghai's traffic was very busy!

  14. 奥海尔的起落航线都很拥堵。

    The traffic patterns around o'hare are very crowded.

  15. 奥海尔的起落航线都很拥堵。

    The traffic patterns around o'hare are very crowded.

  16. 拥堵的状况确实得到了很大的缓解。

    You really reduce congestion quite substantially.

  17. 交通拥堵问题不会一下子就消失。

    The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry.

  18. 为了避免网络拥堵, 我们最好错时上网。

    In order to avoid pressure on the Internet, we'd better stagger our Internet surfing times.

  19. 为了避免网络拥堵,我们最好错时上网。

    In order to avoid pressure on the Internet, we'd better stagger our Internet surfing times.

  20. 这将造成空前的 全球交通大拥堵

    And this is going to create the kind of global gridlock that the world has never seen before.

  21. 我想早点儿出发以避开交通拥堵。

    I wanted to set off early in order to avoid the traffic jam.

  22. 不言而喻,驾车会造成拥堵、污染和事故。

    Driving, it goes without saying, causes congestion, pollution and accidents.

  23. 但是机场受到破坏且拥堵了很多飞机。

    But the airport is damaged and crowded with planes.

  24. 说北京有交通拥堵问题有点太轻描淡写了。

    Saying'Beijing has a traffic problem'is something of an understatement.

  25. 第二,我想知道为什么下雨时交通更拥堵。

    Second, I wonder why traffic is heavier when it rains.

  26. 交通拥堵时砸破车窗抢东西并不少见。

    Smashandgrabs when stuck in traffic are not uncommon.

  27. 由此造成的数据请求拥堵会令网站无法访问。

    The resulting clog of data requests renders Web sites inaccessible.

  28. 如果交通拥堵让你心烦,那就远离滨海道路。

    If traffic bothers you stay away from coastal roads.

  29. 严重的低拥堵与正常上颌牙弓和鼻唇角。

    Severe lower crowding with normal maxillary arch and nasolabial angle.

  30. 举个例子,他使我们拥堵的交通变得更拥挤。

    For instance, it makes our crowded traffic even worse.


  1. 问:拥堵拼音怎么拼?拥堵的读音是什么?拥堵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拥堵的读音是yōngdǔ,拥堵翻译成英文是 Crowded; jammed.

