


1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……



汉语拼音:jiàng mén yǒu jiàng







  • 【解释】:旧指将帅门第也出将帅。
  • 【出自】:《南史·王镇恶传》:“旦谓诸佐曰:‘镇恶,王猛孙,所谓将门有将。’”
  • 【示例】:有子如此,可谓将门出将矣!
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作宾语;指将帅家门出将帅


  1. na.
  2. In the family of a general there are more generals -- like produces like.

  1. 他有将帅之才。

    He has the talent of a commander.

  2. 你知道你有将功率。

    You know you have will power.

  3. 空气中有将要下雨的征兆。

    The air held a foretaste of rain.

  4. 空气中有将要下雨得征兆。

    The air held a foretaste of rain.

  5. 有没有将表拨慢一小时?

    Did you set your watch one hour back?

  6. 股票至今已有将近似400年的历史。

    The stock has been to approximate 400year history.

  7. 有将数据背后的故事说出来的能力。

    Have the ability to tell the story behind the data.

  8. 也有将双手作某种品级手印的。

    Sometimes he may make certain kinds of ranking Madras.

  9. 故也有将冰坝壅水与冰坝体统称为冰坝。

    Therefore, both backwater by ice dam and ice dam body are called ice dam.

  10. 声称有将损害强加于他人的意图或决定。

    declaration of an intention or a determination to inflict harm on another.

  11. 或见的看法有将永远之间的敌意你和我

    Or see eye to eye therell always be animosity between you and I

  12. 其它的方法有将呼吸和瑜伽,想象和冥思结合起来。

    Other ways combine breathing with things like yoga, imagery, and meditation.

  13. 华特,你昨天有没有将那份文件电传给林先生?

    Walter, did you email that document to Mr. Lin yesterday ?

  14. 每个类都有将获取关于一个资源的信息的所有方法。

    Each class will have all the methods that will fetch the information about a resource.

  15. 每个类都有将获取关于一个资源得信息得所有方法。

    Each class will have all the methods that will fetch the information about a resource.

  16. 当调用此方法时,将扫描要添加的列表,确定是否有将

    Property in the designer for the corresponding component. When this method is called, the lists to be added are scanned for any

  17. 这一刻, 你甚至可能会有将自己的内脏都吐出来的想法。

    At this point, you will certainly want to puke your guts up.

  18. 并且一个最坏的行为人用途有将吃在去之前睡觉。

    Also one of the worst behaviour people use to have is to eat just before going to sleep.

  19. 近年来中外学术界屡有将这两者进行比较分析的尝试。

    In recent years, frequently to both Chinese and forgn academics to conduct a comparative analysis of the attempt.

  20. 气氛庄严, 唯一可见灯光只有将临期花环和桌上的烛光。

    The mood is very solemn, and often the only visible light is the Advent Wreath, and the candles upon the Lord's Table.

  21. 在白令海上不时有将船只砸个粉碎的暴风雨出现,传为奇谈。

    The storms that routinely batter ships on the Bering Sea are legendary.

  22. 各种盘绕的绳索有将人勒死的可能,应使这些绳索放在小孩够不到的地方。

    Looped cords of all sorts are a strangulation hazard and should be kept out of reach of children.

  23. 将有大雨。

    There will be heavy rain.

  24. 预示将有变化

    to prophesy of change

  25. 将有机器人出现。

    There will be robots.

  26. 这将有甚么影响?

    And what will be the effect?

  27. 国庆节将有游园会。

    There will be a garden party on National Day.

  28. 将有一场暴风雪。

    There is going to be a snowstorm.

  29. 今天将有暴风雨。

    ere is going to be a storm today.

  30. 国会将有长会期。

    The Diet will have a long session.