


1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……





汉语拼音:bèi tǒng






  1. 为睡觉迭成的长筒形的被子。

    康濯 《灾难的明天》三:“深夜累了,钻进被筒,想找安慰吧!然而丈夫只十三四岁,睡得挺酣,从不理她,她从哪里找安慰?”



  1. On such cold nights , it is best to tuck the covers in carefully before getting into bed.


  2. Discussion of the Right Way to Assemble the Allowable Stiff Tube Dynamite


  1. 无被筒炸药

    non sheathed explosive.

  2. 刚性被筒炸药的研究

    Research on the Sheathed Explosive

  3. 谈煤矿许用刚性被筒炸药的正确组装

    Discussion of the Right Way to Assemble the Allowable Stiff Tube Dynamite

  4. 制造被筒时引起一些新的未预料到的困难。

    The production of sheaths has led to some new and unexpected difficulties.

  5. 雄花带白色的花被筒, 裂片5, 三角形, 与花盘不同。

    Male flowers perianth tube whitish, lobes 5, triangular, distinct from discs.

  6. 西元前除此之外,西元前在商业的喇叭筒薄膜中被用。

    In addition, BC is used in commercial loudspeaker membranes.

  7. 花被筒部钟状的,短到长,平滑到有毛。

    Perigone tube campanulate, short to long, smooth to hairy.

  8. 果为一坚果通过被木栓质的托杯和通常不等长萼片筒包围。

    Fruit a nut surrounded by corky hypanthium and crowned by often unequal sepals.

  9. 枪筒已被锈蚀。

    Rust had eaten out the gun barrel.

  10. 她的确被烫发筒烫过。

    She did burn herself on a curling iron.

  11. 那个滚筒的筒壁上被凿了些孔。

    The walls of the cylinder were perforated.

  12. 那个滚筒得筒壁上被凿了些孔。

    The walls of the cylinder were perforated.

  13. 被粉碎的矿石经排料部分排出筒外。

    Be crushed ore by discharging part eduction canister outside.

  14. 去年在柴油筒里被烧成灰的那个妇女。

    Last year, that woman who burned to ashes in a barrel of diesel fuel.

  15. 要是被撞了就会像罗马焰火筒一样飞起来

    We get hit, it'll go up like a roman candle.

  16. 他那双黑色高筒靴被擦得光鉴照人。

    His high black boots had been shined to a gleaming finish.

  17. 花萼筒部半球形, 被白粉, 先端具5三角形裂齿

    Calyxtube halfglobose, glaucous, apex 5 triangular lobes or teeth.

  18. 置于井筒中要被射孔层段的酸处理液。

    An acid treatment placed in the wellbore over the interval to be perforated.

  19. 压纸卷筒计算机打印机中被打印头撞击的滚筒。

    The roller in a computer printer against which the print head strikes.

  20. 空气被圈在一个在气垫船底部的金属套筒内。

    The air is trapped beneath by a metal lining round the lower sides of the craft.

  21. 干磨时,矿石被向筒体外抽出的气流带走。

    Dry grinding, the ore is to tube in vitro drawn airflow away.

  22. 拥挤的鞋盒子还将准备好被挤进了运输纸筒。

    The packed shoe boxes are then ready to be packed into the shipping carton.

  23. 最近我将头发绞进了吹风筒,一部分头发被烧掉了。

    And recently I got my hair caught in the hairdryer and some of it got burned.

  24. 这种锁缝筒形横臂机被主要用于男式外套的生产。

    This lockstitch cylinder arm machine is mainly used in the production of men's outerwear.

  25. 这种锁缝筒形横臂机被主要用于男式外套得生产。

    This lockstitch cylinder arm machine is mainly used in the production of men's outerwear.

  26. 把拥挤的监狱称作一个装满了被压制的暴力的火药筒

    Referred to the crowded prison as a tinderbox of suppressed violence.

  27. 纤维薄层被拉细,加捻,形成得细纱被卷绕到筒管上。

    The thin layer is attenuated, twist is inserted, and the resulting yarn is wound onto bobbins.

  28. 纤维薄层被拉细,加捻,形成的细纱被卷绕到筒管上。

    The thin layer is attenuated, twist is inserted, and the resulting yarn is wound onto bobbins.

  29. 即便是在日光下,华盖也被照射的就像是一个罗马焰火筒。

    The marquee was lit like a Roman candle, even in daylight.

  30. 我猜碎片就是来自连接柄组件坏掉时被刮坏的塑料外筒。

    I assume this came from the scratched outer plastic tub when the spider assembly broke.