


1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……





汉语拼音:bèi yù







  1. 蒙受恩遇。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·言语》:“ 李弘度 常叹不被遇。”《南史·檀道济传》:“ 道济 素与 王弘 善,时被遇方深, 道济 弥相结附。” 宋 周煇 《清波别志》卷下:“ 吴虎臣 曾 , 抚 之 崇仁 人, 绍兴 间,以著述被遇补官。”

  2. 遭受的待遇。

    《南史·后妃传下·武丁贵嫔》:“ 德后 酷忌,遇贵嬪无道,使日舂五斛,舂每中程,若有助者,被遇虽严,益小心祗敬。”



  1. Young, benevolent and kind, she was also deemed foolish and naive by sections of Yuuzhan Vong society.


  2. Once again surrounded by Yuuzhan Vong captors, he surrendered and agreed to join their cause.


  3. Jacen was held captive by the Yuuzhan Vong, and most in the New Republic believed him dead.


  1. 没想到这么麻烦的事情被你遇上了!

    Did not think of so troublesome issue is met by you!

  2. 我遇上阵雨被淋得湿透。

    I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin.

  3. 逮捕与羁押分离,改善被羁押者处遇。

    Separate arrest from detain and improve treatment of the detain ees.

  4. 在沙滩上漫步时,一个男童被看见正在遇溺。

    Walking along the beach, a boy was seen drowning.

  5. 我们遇上大雨全都被浇透了。

    We were caught in the storm and got drenched.

  6. 遇上塞车我们被困了一个小时, 这会, 我也迟到了。

    We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour, so I'm late now.

  7. 他们的大篷车遇上伏击,他们被刀剑乱刺乱砍而死。

    They were ambushed in their Caravan and stabbed and hacked to death.

  8. 有些地方已经被遇战疯人改造得太深远,不可恢复。

    Some of the Yuuzhan Vong changes are simply too deeply rooted to remove.

  9. 他们遇上了一场可怕的风暴,在风暴中他们被驱散。

    They ran into a terrible storm which scattered them.

  10. 每一人被下落的陨石砸死的风险约为9300年一遇。

    The risk of being struck by a falling meteorite for a human is one occurrence every 9, 298 years.

  11. 会员如遇遗失会员卡或会员卡被盗,必须立即通知本局。

    If a membership card is lost or stolen, the loss must report to Kuk immediately.

  12. 如遇紧急情况, 本地的百姓会被招致军中执行任务。

    The first soldiers were local people called up for military duty in times of emergency.

  13. 世界上再好的东西, 如果遇上丧心病狂的人都会被砸毁。

    An object, no matter how nice it is, will be broken down if meeting lunatic guys.

  14. 一天他遇上了一起交通事故, 所以他被带到了警察局。

    One day he met a traffic accident, so he was taken to the police station.

  15. 其在司法领域的现实体现就是被追诉者的司法性处遇。

    Its practical embodiment in judicial domain is the judicial state of accused person.

  16. 遇有这种情况时,可给小儿喝少许温开水,奶块即可被冲去。

    In such cases, it can give children to drink a little warm water, milk block can be rushed.

  17. 他说他身上所有的钱都被人偷走了,他很高兴遇上了这件事。

    He that all his money had been stolen from and he was glad that it happened.

  18. 卫星卡车遇袭并被纵火。

    Satellite trucks were attacked and set on fire.

  19. 他一到公司就被给予厚遇。

    As soon as he joined the company, he was given favourable treatment.

  20. 他一到公司就被给予厚遇。

    As soon as he joined the company, he was given favourable treatment.

  21. 遇饵便咬得鱼很快被捉。

    The fish will soon Be caught that niBBles at every Bait.

  22. 遇饵便咬的鱼很快被捉。

    The fish will soon Be caught that niBBles at every Bait.

  23. 遇刺身亡。警察怀疑其被雇凶谋杀。

    Anthony Martinez killed.Police suspect blood money is involved.

  24. 有些人得到了礼遇,而其他人却被忽视了。

    Some were given the full treatment, while others were ignored.

  25. 船长遇刺身亡。警察怀疑其被雇凶谋杀。

    Skip Muldoon killed.Police suspect blood money is involved.

  26. 你对他的任何礼遇, 都将被视为对我的关照。

    Any courtesy you may show him will be considered a personal favour to me.

  27. 不要期待艳遇,不要做任何可能被喝茶的事。

    Don't expect to get laid. Don't do anything that could land you in jail.

  28. 而且你还要经常面临你得表现不被赏识得境遇。

    As often as not, youll be unrecognized for your performance.

  29. 而且你还要经常面临你的表现不被赏识的境遇。

    As often as not, youll be unrecognized for your performance.

  30. 丹尼 摩尔斯遇刺身亡。警察怀疑其被雇凶谋杀。

    Daniel morris killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.