




1. 枝 [zhī]2. 枝 [qí]枝 [zhī]由植物主干上分出来的茎条:树~。~干(gàn )。竹~。节外生~。~柯。~节(a.由一件事生发的其他问题;b.细碎的,不重要的)。量词,指杆形的:一~铅笔。古同“支”,支持,分支。枝 [q……



汉语拼音:huā zhī







  1. 开有花的枝条。

    唐 王维 《晚春归思》诗:“春虫飞网户,暮雀隐花枝。” 明 谢谠 《四喜记·花亭佳偶》:“浅印花鞋小,斜插花枝鬢欲烧。” 萧红 《夏夜》:“她过来似用手打我,嘴里似乎咒我,她依过的那花枝,立刻摇闪不定了。”

  2. 比喻美女。

    前蜀 韦庄 《菩萨蛮》词:“此度见花枝,白头誓不归。” 宋 张景修 《虞美人》词:“旁人应笑髯公老,独爱花枝好。” 清 唐孙华 《五舫诗为同年狄向涛太史赋》:“花枝斜倚镜臺前,晚妆人倦娇相向。”



  1. I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows.


  2. Double magpie wet Yu Chi, down in the magnolia blossoms Alice, in the middle of the night in song and wind and rain.


  3. Remote at this moment, Hao is KTV roar out a song, " for you 222 . . . . . . " One chick, laughing squid shook.


  4. Once a shoot is harvested, usually the highest bud of the stump will grow out to form the next flower crop.


  5. Culms very slender, prostrate, branching and rooting at nodes, flowering branches up to 10 cm tall.


  6. It has dark green, glossy leaves with intensely purple undersides and sprays of lavender flowers dashed with purple markings.


  7. Plum is the only remaining last winter flowers, is the earliest blooming flowers in spring?


  8. any orchid of the genus Oncidium: characterized by slender branching sprays of small yellow and brown flowers; often grown as house plants.


  9. Hedgehog tells Rose a lot of beautiful things about the outside world and Rose laughs with her twigs shivering with her.


  1. 犹有花枝俏。

    And yet a lone flower blooms.

  2. 花枝难似伊。

    But no match for thee the flowers claiming.

  3. 我们也吃了花枝丸。

    We also ate squid balls!

  4. 颤抖中花枝零落啊, 听!

    And tremble and despoil themselves oh, hear!

  5. 鸾鸟中间点缀着银色的花枝。

    Argent flowers were dotted among phoenixes.

  6. 锁寒烟好花枝不照丽人眠。

    Amid the mist, the flowers find no sleeping maidens to adorn.

  7. 丰产栽培条件下玉兰的花枝类型

    Types of Flowering Branch of Magnolia denudata Desr. under High Yield Conditione

  8. 我还记得它有18支花枝,每支大概有50朵花。

    I still remember it has 18 flower spikes, each spikes has about 50 flowers.

  9. 花枝烂漫,即便一人独自徜徉未觉寂寞。

    I never felt lonely while walked under the flower trees alone.

  10. 花枝草蔓眼中开,小白长红越女腮。

    Beautifully grass tendril eyes open, small white long red more female gills.

  11. 派蒂不知道耶, 这是我第一次吃花枝丸。

    Patty I dont know. This is my first time to eat squid balls.

  12. 作者调查了玉兰在丰产栽培条件下的花枝类型。

    The typos of flowering branch of Magnolia denudata under high yield conditions were investigated.

  13. 看到了那把花枝剪得柄多么得衬她得花园木屐吗

    See the way the handle on those pruning shears matches her gardening clogs

  14. 秆非常纤细,匍匐,分枝和节上生根,花枝可达10厘米高。

    Culms very slender, prostrate, branching and rooting at nodes, flowering branches up to 10 cm tall.

  15. 看到了那把花枝剪的柄多么得衬她的花园木屐吗?

    See the way the handle on those pruning shears matches her gardening clogs?


  1. 问:花枝招展拼音怎么拼?花枝招展的读音是什么?花枝招展翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花枝招展的读音是huāzhīzhāozhǎn,花枝招展翻译成英文是 gaudily dressed

  2. 问:花枝羹拼音怎么拼?花枝羹的读音是什么?花枝羹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花枝羹的读音是huāzhīgēng,花枝羹翻译成英文是 squid thick soup

  3. 问:花枝拼音怎么拼?花枝的读音是什么?花枝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花枝的读音是huā zhī,花枝翻译成英文是 flowering wood

  4. 问:花枝乱颤拼音怎么拼?花枝乱颤的读音是什么?花枝乱颤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花枝乱颤的读音是huāzhīluànchàn,花枝乱颤翻译成英文是 A young lady trembles all over when she giggles, e...

  5. 问:花枝末梢拼音怎么拼?花枝末梢的读音是什么?花枝末梢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花枝末梢的读音是huā zhī mò shāo,花枝末梢翻译成英文是 flower-spray ending

  6. 问:花枝吊灯座拼音怎么拼?花枝吊灯座的读音是什么?花枝吊灯座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花枝吊灯座的读音是huā zhī diào dēng zuò,花枝吊灯座翻译成英文是 luster fittings

  7. 问:花枝状末梢拼音怎么拼?花枝状末梢的读音是什么?花枝状末梢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花枝状末梢的读音是huā zhī zhuàng mò shāo,花枝状末梢翻译成英文是 flower-spray ending's