




1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:ná gěi






  1. 方言。犹被。

    艾芜 《山野》第一部一:“只离村十多里远的一个小院子……竟拿给敌人通通烧光。” 艾芜 《山野》第一部十四:“该拿给老虎吃的人,不论你走中间,它都会衔你去的。”



  1. My doctor told me to keep track of everything I ate for two weeks, then bring the list to her so we could work out a diet.


  2. Michael meets Dr. Knowlton, who informs him about his mother. The doctor gives him a stack of childhood photographs.


  3. Then her mother gave her a knife and said, Cut off your toe.


  4. DRESSMAKER: Monsieur, I need more light. I shall go blind if you do not bring me a lamp, or let me fit this child during the day.


  5. You make his doctor's appointments and you put his medication out for him in the morning, so you don't have to worry about his health.


  6. If this book show grandmother, their grandfather, they do not have to wear glasses, do not rely on a pair of ears on the line yet?


  7. "Mother, " said the little daughter, "is brother not to have one too? "


  8. I showed my husband what I found. He agreed to let "Lena" know the relationship was over and said he would have no more contact with her.


  9. Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently, "Take this to the butcher, and he's going to give you your lunch today. "


  1. 拿给所有人看。

    Copies of your modeling photos.

  2. 把遥控器拿给我。

    Pass me the clicker.

  3. 我会拿给他的。

    I will make sure he gets it.

  4. 请把那个拿给我。

    Hand it to me, please.

  5. 请把报纸拿给我。

    Please bring me the newspaper.

  6. 请把报纸拿给我。

    Please bring me the newspaper.

  7. 好。把笤帚拿给我。

    Yes. Give me a broom, please.

  8. 马上把报纸拿给我。

    Bring the newspaper to me, pronto!

  9. 把无花果布丁拿给我

    Pass the figgy pudding.

  10. 那我就拿给你看。

    I'll give you my phone.

  11. 我会把它拿给主人。

    I will give it to bwana.

  12. 我拿给你其它样版。

    I show you other samples.

  13. 要不要我拿给您看看?

    Would you like me to show them to you ?

  14. 请把护照拿给我看看。

    Could you let me have your passport?

  15. 拿给你的朋友之类的。

    Give it to your friends or something.

  16. 这个拿给我看看, 这个多少钱?

    Show me this one, how much

  17. 把钱拿给我和基翁

    to get me and Keon that money.

  18. 当然可以,我马上拿给你。

    Sure, I'll give it to you at once.

  19. 母亲你可以请芬妮拿给你。

    Mother You can ask Fanny to pass the saltshaker.

  20. 服务员,请把账单拿给我。

    Waitress, let me have the bill, please.

  21. 是的, 我一会拿给你。

    Yes, I will take it to you later.

  22. 是的,我一会拿给你。

    Yes, I will take it to you later.

  23. 把你画的画拿给我看看。

    Show me the picture you painted.

  24. 您可以拿给出租车司机看。

    You can show it to the taxi driver.

  25. 请把账单拿给我好吗?

    May I have my bill, please?

  26. 我把它拿给我的妈妈看。

    I show it to my mother.

  27. 把单据拿给我看看好吗?

    Could you show me the bill?

  28. 她把她看的书拿给我看。

    She showed me the book she hod been reading.

  29. 有什么可以拿给您看得?

    Can I show you something?

  30. 请把那把锤子拿给我。丹。

    Give me that hammer please, Dan.