




倾斜的地方:山~。下~。倾斜:~道。~降(jiàng )(a.坡;b.坡度)。……



汉语拼音:pá pō






  1. The night was approaching, Xiaoding have long-distance car ride experience, but so long uphill and downhill he really did not experience.


  2. Teru has been brought up in a hill town and spent his childhood conquering the slopes on his bicycle.


  3. It was also quite difficult for pedestrians to climb as 16% gradient was more manageable.


  4. Climbing belt of the machine , should be as short as possible Switches spacing , and length of laces .


  5. When her father lost his job a few years ago, life was an uphill crawl for the whole family.


  6. I had to dismount and walk, maneuvering the bike on foot, up and down hills, on potentially ankle-Breaking terrain.


  7. Many riders lose their momentum when rising out of the seat on a hill which can cause sudden deceleration.


  8. Sixth, do not suddenly stand up when climbing to riding, we must act to ease the smooth, slowly move the hips away from the seat.


  9. Current agricultural and rural development is still in the difficult climbing stage.


  1. 爬坡倾斜而上

    To slope upward.

  2. 汽车不能爬坡。

    The car couldn't make it up the rise.

  3. 全轮驱动,爬坡能力强。

    All wheel drive, strong climbing capability.

  4. 爬坡车道与紧急避险车道设计

    Design of Climbing Roadway and Truck Escape Ramp

  5. 适合爬坡,涉水等恶劣环境。

    Suitable for hill climbing, wading and other harsh environment.

  6. 爬坡弄得我有点喘息起来。

    I was starting to puff a little from the climb.

  7. 上半年出口爬坡计划基本完成了。

    Higher export goals for the first half year have generally been accomplished.

  8. 提升爬坡能力会相对减低行走速度。

    Increased gradeability reduces travel speeds asphalt surfaces.

  9. 孤立波在拦河坝上爬坡的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of the Solitary Wave Runup on the Dam

  10. 一辆老式的福特汽车吃力地爬坡。

    An old Ford laboured up the slope.

  11. 一辆老式的福特汽车吃力地爬坡。

    An old Ford laboured up the slope.

  12. 当你开车爬坡时,得换成低速档。

    You have to change down when you drive up a slope.

  13. 为了加快汽车爬坡的速度, 她换了挡。

    She changed gear to make the car go up the hill faster.

  14. 保持青春已如爬坡,任由衰老会一泻千里。

    Staying youth can be likened to climbing steep hill, while negligence will lead to decrepitude overnight.

  15. 为了爬坡, 肌肉的力量是另一种关键特性。

    In order to climb hills, muscular power is another key trait.

  16. 当你开着汽车爬坡时,你必须换成低速挡。

    You have to change down when you drive uphill.

  17. 空客天津总装线的生产能力正在持续爬坡。

    The production capacity of the Airbus final assembly line project in Tianjin is increasing continuously.

  18. 垂直越障和爬坡能力是越障能力分析的重要指标。

    Perpendicular obstacle capability and grade ability are important indexes to analysis on obstacle capability.

  19. 由于用力骑车爬坡,她浑身发热,喘不过气来。

    She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill.

  20. 搭载居民通过坡道 以缩短到公寓的 爬坡的距离。

    to shuttle the inhabitants up through the ramps in order to shorten the hike up to the apartments.

  21. 让起步随心而动, 加速顺畅, 爬坡性能表现优异。

    This allows it to start at ease, accelerate smoothly and have excellent performance in uphill drives.

  22. 这个检查表是爬坡生产原材料进料查验的依据。

    The check list is baseline of incoming quality check for 1 st batch material for ramp up.

  23. 这个检查表是爬坡生产原材料进料查验得依据。

    The check list is baseline of incoming quality check for 1 st batch material for ramp up.

  24. 一个电动马达可以帮助操作者拉重物或者爬坡。

    An electric motor helps operator pull a heavy load or go up a hill.

  25. 轻型防爆胶轮车功率的选定及最大爬坡角度计算

    Power selection and max ramp angle calculation for light flame proof rubber tyre vehicle

  26. 本文研究月球漫游车沿斜面行走的稳定性及爬坡性能。

    In this paper, the stability and locomotion of the lunar rover on a slope is studied.

  27. 对于爬坡段胶带机,应尽量缩短开关间距,及拉绳长度。

    Climbing belt of the machine, should be as short as possible Switches spacing, and length of laces.

  28. 和整个新产品导入团队一起在爬坡生产期间达成质量目标。

    Work with whole NPI team on achieving quality target during ramp up build.

  29. 大车啃轨。小车爬坡溜车。起重量下降。甚至发生事故。危及安全。

    Such endangers expressing The dray is nibbleed the track, The sedan is clambered the slope and is glided the bus, Geing up weight drops, The mishap even to the extent that happen, Harm security 。.

  30. 这种动量使车体有足够的能量爬上下一个坡。

    This momentum gives the train enough energy to make it up the next hill.


  1. 问:爬坡拼音怎么拼?爬坡的读音是什么?爬坡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡的读音是pápō,爬坡翻译成英文是 to climb a slope; to go up a slope

  2. 问:爬坡挡拼音怎么拼?爬坡挡的读音是什么?爬坡挡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡挡的读音是pá pō dǎng,爬坡挡翻译成英文是 hill climbing gear

  3. 问:爬坡赛拼音怎么拼?爬坡赛的读音是什么?爬坡赛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡赛的读音是pá pō sài,爬坡赛翻译成英文是 hill climb

  4. 问:爬坡性能拼音怎么拼?爬坡性能的读音是什么?爬坡性能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡性能的读音是pá pō xìng néng,爬坡性能翻译成英文是 slope performance

  5. 问:爬坡效应拼音怎么拼?爬坡效应的读音是什么?爬坡效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡效应的读音是pá pō xiào yìng,爬坡效应翻译成英文是 effect of wind flow over ramps and escarpments...

  6. 问:爬坡能力拼音怎么拼?爬坡能力的读音是什么?爬坡能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡能力的读音是pá pō néng lì,爬坡能力翻译成英文是 grade ability

  7. 问:爬坡车道拼音怎么拼?爬坡车道的读音是什么?爬坡车道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡车道的读音是pá pō chē dào,爬坡车道翻译成英文是 climbing lane

  8. 问:爬坡轮牙拼音怎么拼?爬坡轮牙的读音是什么?爬坡轮牙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡轮牙的读音是pá pō lún yá,爬坡轮牙翻译成英文是 cog

  9. 问:爬坡性能试验拼音怎么拼?爬坡性能试验的读音是什么?爬坡性能试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爬坡性能试验的读音是pá pō xìng néng shì yàn,爬坡性能试验翻译成英文是 climbing ability test


