


1. 孟 [mèng]孟 [mèng]兄弟姊妹排行最大的:~兄。~女(长女)。~孙。农历四季中月份在开头的(其它两个月依次为仲、季):~春(农历正月)。猛然不及思考,冒冒失失:~行。~浪。勉力:~晋(勉力求进)。姓。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:mèng zǐ







  1. 春秋 时通行以孟仲叔季的排行加在姓名前作称呼。如 宋国 子 姓,其长女嫁给他国的多称“孟子”。

    《左传·隐公元年》:“ 惠公 元妃 孟子 。” 杜预 注:“ 子 , 宋 姓。” 孔颖达 疏:“孟仲叔季,兄弟姊妹长幼之别字也。孟、伯俱长也……妇人以字配姓,故称 孟子 。”又讳言同姓通婚,亦称与国君同姓的夫人为“孟子”。《左传·哀公十二年》:“夏五月, 昭 夫人 孟子 卒。 昭公 娶于 吴 ,故不书姓。” 杜预 注:“讳娶同姓,故谓之 孟子 ,若 宋 女。” 杨伯峻 注:“国君夫人必繫以母家之姓……此 昭公 夫人若称‘ 吴姬 ’或‘ 孟姬 ’,显然违‘同姓不婚’之礼,故改称‘ 吴孟子 ’。”

  2. 战国 时著名思想家、政治家、教育家。名 轲 ,字 子舆 。其言行被编为《孟子》一书。



  1. He complained to his mother that her daughter-in-law had no propriety and said he wanted to divorce her.


  2. In Chinese history, first proposed the "tyrants" and "King" as a way of governing the country at the time of the Warring States Mencius.


  3. Mencius said: " the invincible foreign patients, Mak perish" , a country without the enemy, will gradually become weak, and eventually die.


  4. Meng Zi is a work of Meng Zi who was a famous thinker in ancient times. It had been listed one of the thirteen classics in feudal times.


  5. Han Feizi, a Legalist thinker born about a century after Mencius, warned that "the children of a kindly mother often turn out bad. "


  6. One day, Mencius came back before school let out. His mother called him to the loom and let him watch her weaving.


  7. Once when Meng Zi cut class, his mother cut the cloth off the loom and began to educate him.


  8. Mengzi was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to that of Confucius.


  9. Mencius believed that human nature does not like the nature of water is not the same as the downward flow, there is no no good.


  1. 孟子荀卿列传

    biography of Mencius and Xun Qing.

  2. 孟子词语札记

    Notes of Expressions in Mencius.

  3. 孟子成语解读

    Interpretations of the proverbs in The Book of Mencius.

  4. 孟子谈辩方法摭谈

    On the Method in Debate of Mencius

  5. 孟子训释三题

    The three problems of critical explanation to mencius.

  6. 孟子审美观探微

    Probe Aesthetic Standards of Mencius

  7. 孟子提倡王道,反对霸道。

    Mencius advocated benevolent government, and oppose hegemony.

  8. 传播学视野下的孟子

    A Study of Mencius Through Communication Theories

  9. 孟子具有民主,民权思想吗

    Did Mencius Believe in Democracy and Civil Rights.

  10. 孟子性善论解议

    An Interpretation of Mencius'Theory Men are Born Good

  11. 孟子发展了孔子的孝思想。

    Mencius contributed to Confucius filial duty.

  12. 孟子王道政治学说的局限

    The limitation of Mencius benevolent government theory

  13. 孟子丰富和发展了儒家孝道。

    Mencius enriched and developed the Confucian filial piety.

  14. 孟子由子学到经学的变迁

    Changing the Position of the Book of Mencius from Zixue to Jingxue

  15. 孟子的思想与孔子的思想是一脉相承的。

    Mencius'ideas have their origin in Confucius'thoughts.

  16. 孟子的思想与孔子的思想是一脉相承的。

    Mencius' ideas have their origin in Confucius' thoughts.

  17. 孟子王道政治学的人文之维

    A Study on the Kingly Way Politics of Mencius from the Humanistic Perspective

  18. 第三章孟子民族观主要内容。

    The third part about the main content of Mencius Ethnological Viewpoint.

  19. 孟子的人格美论及其现代价值

    Mencius'view About Beauty of Personality and Its Modern Value

  20. 论孟子人格美的服饰美学思想

    On the Aesthetics Thought of Finery of Mencius in Personality Beauty

  21. 孟子的贤者是道德水平高的人。

    Mencius Sage is a man of high ethical standards.

  22. 其他的思想家还有孟子和墨子。

    Other important thinkers included Mengzi and Mozi.

  23. 孟子与柏拉图伦理政治观比较

    A Comparison of Ethical and Political Views between Mencius and Plato

  24. 他们在一起谈论孟子的治国之术。

    He discussed with Mencius his doctrine in country management.

  25. 孟子对孔子人性论的拓展与重构

    The Development and Reconstruction of Confucius'Human Nature Made by Mencius

  26. 仁政学说是孟子、朱熹政治思想的核心。

    The theory of benevolent government is the core of both mencius's and zhuxi's political thoughts.

  27. 从牛山事件看孟子的生态伦理思想

    Exploring the Ecological Ethics of Mencius from the Niu Shan Event

  28. 孟子与马斯洛思想中理想人格的比较

    The Comparative Research on Ideal Personality of Maslow and Mencius

  29. 康有为对论语和孟子的创造性解释

    Creative Interpretation of The Analects of Confucius and The Mencius by Rang Youwei

  30. 从孟子在齐看稷下学宫的人才政策

    From the Fact of Meng Zi Staying in Qi State to See the Talent Policy of Ji Xia School


  1. 问:孟子拼音怎么拼?孟子的读音是什么?孟子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孟子的读音是mèngzǐ,孟子翻译成英文是 Mencius

  2. 问:孟子 (著作)拼音怎么拼?孟子 (著作)的读音是什么?孟子 (著作)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孟子 (著作)的读音是,孟子 (著作)翻译成英文是 Mencius



“孟子”是个多义词,它可以指孟子(鲁惠公夫人), 孟子(儒家经典著作), 孟子(儒家代表人物之一), 孟子(剪纸), 孟子(东周末年墨家巨子), 孟子(西周时期巷伯), 孟子(朱子集注本)。