




1. 接 [jiē]接 [jiē]连成一体:~合。~骨。~壤。衔~。继续,连续:~力。~替。~班。~二连三。再~再厉。靠近,挨上:~近。邻~。~吻。承受,收取:~受。~收。~纳。~管。迎:~风。~生。~待。姓。……




严格:~禁(a.列队警戒;b.严厉的禁令)。~行(xíng )节约。严肃:严~。声色俱~。凶猛:~害。雷~风行。色~内荏。磨,使锋利:~兵秣马。再接再~。古同“疠”、“癞”,恶疮。姓。……



汉语拼音:zài jiē zài lì





唐韩愈和孟郊《斗鸡联句》中孟郊的诗句:“一喷一醒然,再接再厉乃。” 指公鸡相斗,每次交锋以前先磨一下嘴。后用以指一次又一次加倍努力。接:交战。厉:同“砺”,磨快。



  • 【解释】:接:接战;厉:磨快,引伸为奋勉,努力。指公鸡相斗,每次交锋以前先磨一下嘴。比喻继续努力,再加一把劲。
  • 【出自】:唐·韩愈《斗鸡联句》:“一喷一醒然,再接再厉乃。”
  • 【示例】:取得好成绩也不能自满,要~,不断进取。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作定语、状语;含褒义


  1. Cheney is an advocate for pursuing the war in Iraq to try to stabilize the country, while Obama wants to get U. S. troops out of Iraq.


  2. Andy is a quality striker and I'm sure he'll build on this. It was such an important goal as this was a big win for us.


  3. These men were like any other student. The only difference was that every time they failed, they bounced back.


  4. As long as workers experience their labor as meaningful, progress is often followed by joy and excitement about the work.


  5. It was an encouraging session, but there was more work to do, the therapists said.


  6. The hope suffers commending unit to make persistent efforts, greater success is gained henceforth in helping deficient up to work together.


  7. He followed that up with a further seven strikes in 2006-07 before he bade an emotional farewell to Anfield at the end of his campaign.


  8. Xi said he particularly likes Hollywood movies about World War II and hopes Hollywood will continue to make them.


  9. Fourth, let us re-energize the global movement from governments to the grassroots that has made such a difference.


  1. 好 再接再厉。

    Uh, continue.

  2. 他们再接再厉,终于赢得了冠军。

    They eventually went on to win the championship.

  3. 我希望你再接再厉。你很机灵。

    You have a flash of wit.

  4. 失败时不要灰心,要再接再厉。

    Don't lose heart at any failure, but try again.

  5. 好朋友们, 再接再厉, 向缺口冲去吧!

    Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!

  6. 他们百折不挠, 再接再厉, 终于达到了目的。

    The goal has been finally attained through their dauntless and persistent efforts.

  7. 以大师的名义,再接再厉,让世人坐卧不宁。

    In the name of the Master, go forth and terrify.

  8. 多谢老师的鼓励, 我定当再接再厉。

    Thanks for your encouragement, teacher. I will work harder and harder.

  9. 多谢老师的鼓励,我定当再接再厉。

    Thanks for your encouragement, teacher. I will work harder and harder.

  10. 别客气,再接再厉,将我收割,追踪蛛丝马迹。

    Be my guest, do your best, harvest me, track the clues.

  11. 让我们在我们的经验基础上再接再厉。

    Let us build on our experience.

  12. 一次不成功, 那就再接再厉地干下去

    If at first you dont succeed, try, try again.

  13. 他鼓励所有与会者再接再厉,努力取得进展。

    He encouraged renewed efforts by all participants to achieve progress.

  14. 我们必须再接再厉, 在这些成功基础上继往开来。

    We must replicate and build on those successes.

  15. 第三,再接再厉,积极推进国际金融体系改革。

    Third, advance reform of the international financial system with renewed efforts.

  16. 还望各位同仁再接再厉, 取得更好得成绩。

    I hope that all my dear colleagues can go on working and achieve better results.

  17. 还望各位同仁再接再厉,取得更好的成绩。

    I hope that all my dear colleagues can go on working and achieve better results.

  18. 还望各位同仁再接再厉,取得更好的成绩。

    I hope that all my dear colleagues can go on working and achieve better results.

  19. 我们必须在取得成就的基础上再接再厉。

    We must build upon what has been achieved.

  20. 考好的呢就是笑逐颜开,考坏的只好再接再厉了。

    Smiles is a good test it, test had no choice but to continue the bad.

  21. 他的成就是本届会议应再接再厉的坚实基础。

    His achievements are a strong foundation on which the current session should build.

  22. 在这一共识基础上再接再厉的时机已经成熟。

    The time is ripe to build on that consensus.

  23. 我们打算再接再厉, 于本周和下周继续进行磋商。

    It is our intention to continue this endeavour, carrying out consultations during this week and next week.

  24. 比利时赞扬他并鼓励他在这方面再接再厉。

    Belgium commends him and encourages him to continue in that direction.

  25. 现在必须在这一新势头的基础上再接再厉。

    It is now necessary to build on this beginning momentum.

  26. 我把你的拼音翻译成中文了,写的不错,再接再厉!

    I have translate your composition to chinese, good job, come on, friend!

  27. 它也必须再接再厉,举行包容各方的全国和解大会。

    It will also have to redouble its efforts to hold the inclusive national reconciliation congress.

  28. 在联邦这方面, 议案将会促使众州再接再厉。

    At the federal level, several bills would bolster the states'efforts.

  29. 我们必须在这些成果的基础上, 长期坚持, 再接再厉。

    We must build on those results for the long term.

  30. 同时, 也希望我们师范附小再接再厉, 争取更大的荣誉。

    At the same time, teachers also hope that our his utmost to achieve a greater honor.


  1. 问:再接再厉拼音怎么拼?再接再厉的读音是什么?再接再厉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:再接再厉的读音是zàijiēzàilì,再接再厉翻译成英文是 persevere



再接再厉。接:接战;厉:磨快,引伸为奋勉,努力。指公鸡相斗,每次交锋以前先磨一下嘴。比喻继续努力,再加一把劲。形容一次又一次加倍努力。语出 唐·韩愈《斗鸡联句》:“一喷一醒然,再接再厉乃。”