







汉语拼音:tàn wèn








  1. 打听;试探着询问。

    《警世通言·玉堂春落难逢夫》:“却説公子一到 北京 ,将行李上店,自己带两个家人,就往 王银匠 家,探问 玉堂春 消息。” 清 许秋垞 《闻见异辞·吉穴》:“寻至某处,见是好风水……探问地主,即邻人某也。因出价易之。” 冰心 《南归》:“不过这须探问你母亲的意思。” 巴金 《海的梦》后篇一:“他在各处探问,都没有结果。”

  2. 探望;问候。

    清 吴骞 《扶风传信录》:“二十三日, 仲仙 自 歧 命 翠云 来探问。” 茅盾 《秋收》一:“ 老通宝 病时,这 黄道士 就是常来探问的一个。”



  1. I began to understand from their looks and vague answers to my tentative questions that they were suspicious of me, an American.


  2. Her eyes fixed on him with the inquiring look that he had come to dread.


  3. Stand in the way, and look out, O habitation of Aroer: inquire of him that fleeth: and say to him that hath escaped: What Is done?


  4. The forest is full of danger, I ought to go straight home, but this is such a strange thing. I'd better look into it.


  5. Meanwhile, as financial reform intensifies, some of its own members are quietly asking questions about the future of the group.


  6. The quest of ideal state of the Politics classroom teaching with new course aims is the common concern of most Politics teachers.


  7. What no one had previously inquired about, though, was the nature of the remaining 10%.


  8. She was never tired of inquiring what sorrow had his young days faded.


  9. The phenomenon of corruption advances wave upon wave, facing to it we must find out its social origin.


  1. 他们一再探问此事。

    They inquired about the matter time and again.

  2. 他常探问别人的事。

    He often pries into other people's affairs.

  3. 我探问她的身体怎样。

    I inquired how she was.

  4. 他总是探问与他无关的事。

    He was forever poking his nose into things that didn't concern him.

  5. 我谨慎地探问他的往事。

    I pumped him discreetly about his past.

  6. 对我们一家作了周到的探问。

    Made solicitous inquiries about our family.

  7. 琼斯一直在探问你得健康状况。

    Jones has been asking after you.

  8. 作为双眼彼此探问的结果,他问。

    He asked, as the result of that conference.

  9. 晓梦决议本人去探问妞妞的下落。

    Xiao dream I go to seek resolution of the whereabouts of girl.

  10. 她终于挺身而出探问这场战斗的真相。

    who at length issued forth to inquire into the nature of the uproar.

  11. 琼斯一直在探问你的健康状况。

    Jones has been asking after you.

  12. 两个伙计攒住他探问,他也不回答。

    The two salesmen palgued him with questions, but he ignored them.

  13. 哪些是只是为了了解行情,纯粹的探问价格的。

    What is just in order to understand the market, the price of an outlaw pure.

  14. 最后我跟一位印度少女探问他的身份。

    I finally asked another Indian teenager who he was.

  15. 看你能不能向他再探问出些细节来。

    See if you can pump him for more details.

  16. 你可以对马颐指气使,但是对毛驴只能耐心探问。

    You can tell a horse, You can only a donkey.

  17. 他又进了大院,找住个老邻居探问了一下。

    Back he went and asked an old neighbour, but without getting any definite news.

  18. 琼斯一直在探问你的健康状况,他听说你病了。

    Jones has been asking after you; he's heard you've been ill.

  19. 他没有二婚,而且一直在间接地探问探望女孩的消息。

    He never remarried but he had tried to find out about her life indirectly.

  20. 我发现第二天她老向我探问这位先生的情况。

    I found the next day she was wonderfully inquisitive about this gentleman.

  21. 昨天公爵派人来探问我的病情, 今天早上他自己来了。

    Yesterday, the Duke sent round to enquire after me, and he came himself this morning.

  22. 因为他们称你为被赶散的,说,这是锡安,是无人探问的。

    Because they have called you an outcast, saying, She is Zion, whom no one searches after.

  23. 她一遍又一遍地探问他什么伤心事使他的青春黯然无光?

    She was never tired of inquiring what sorrow had his young days faded.


  1. 问:探问拼音怎么拼?探问的读音是什么?探问翻译成英文是什么?

    答:探问的读音是tànwèn,探问翻译成英文是 make careful inquiries about; call upon

  2. 问:探问者拼音怎么拼?探问者的读音是什么?探问者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:探问者的读音是,探问者翻译成英文是 pryer





【基本解释】1. [make cautious inquiries about]∶打探;探听他们一再探问此事2. [inquire after]∶问候、询问健康或生活情况