如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 侧 [cè]2. 侧 [zè]3. 侧 [zhāi]侧 [cè]旁:~面。~影。~门。~室。~翼。~记(关于某些活动的侧面的报道)。斜着:~重(zhòng )(偏重)。~射。~卧。~枝。~芽。辗转反~。卑陋:~陋(a.偏僻简陋;b.指……
汉语拼音:yòu cè
Please lie down on your back (stomach, right side, left side) on the bed. Let me examine you.
请躺在床上(俯卧,右侧卧,左侧卧)让我给您检查一下。If a formula refers to a range of cells, and you add cells to the bottom or right of that range, the references may no longer be correct.
如果公式引用一个单元格区域,而您向该区域的底部或右侧添加了单元格,则引用可能不再正确。I was sitting on the floor playing with him, when he started pawing and sniffing at the right side of my chest.
我坐在地上逗它玩,它开始用爪子挠,还不断地闻我胸部右侧。The disappearing text paradigm was used to investigate whether the word to the right of fixation had an important influence on reading.
采用消失文本范式,考察在中文阅读过程中注视点右侧词对阅读的影响。The peanuts piling up in the bottom, will continue piling up, until it fully block the right side, at which point the game will be over.
花生堆放在底部时,会继续堆积,直到它完全阻塞的右侧,而此时比赛也就结束了。Specifies whether the text associated with a check box or radio button control appears to the left or to the right of the control.
指定与复选框或单选按钮控件关联的文本是显示在该控件的左侧还是右侧。Taking the boy from her and holding him straight out to the side, Allan fought his way to shore, using only his legs and left arm.
他从塞里特手里接过孩子,并把他直接挟在自己身体的右侧。只用双腿和左手,阿伦奋力向岸边游去。Body on the right to force the main active ankle, pushing the body to throw the direction of lower limb rotation.
身体右侧,以踝关节积极主动用力为主,带动身体下肢向投掷方向转动。Compare this to Sweden, where they decided it would be easier to drive at the right side of the road, like the rest of Europe.