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汉语拼音:xuān zhǐ
一种高级的毛笔书画用纸。原产于我国 安徽 泾县 ,因在 宣城 集散,故称宣纸。纸质洁白、细致、柔软,经久不变,不易蛀蚀,便于长期存放。我国留传的古代名人书画,多用宣纸,亦用于刊刻书籍。
唐 张彦远 《历代名画记·论画体工用拓写》:“好事家宜置宣纸百幅,用法蜡之,以备摹写。” 清 韩泰华 《无事为福斋随笔》卷下:“《云溪外史画册》,宣纸本,共十页,水墨青緑相间。” 徐迟 《祁连山下》:“他丢开了油画布,用宣纸、徽墨、端砚、湖笔,画了水墨画。”
After the end of each performance with paper can be spread the water, light on the surface were saved. Kids draw.
表演结束后用宣纸轻铺水面,可将水面上的画进行拓印保存。Liu Yang accustoms himself to filling up a whole piece of Xuan paper, making it indomitable to enhance visual effect of his works.
刘阳习惯于把一张宣纸写得满满,顶大立地,增强其视觉效果。The good Xuan paper are the ones being stored for a long time. The newly produced Xuan paper is a bit too white and pure.
生宣要久藏为好,刚生产出来的宣纸过于净白,故有火气逼人之感。Trained in Chinese painting, Wang Tiande uses the form of the bottle as a sculptural support for layers of ink-soaked xuan paper.
王天德受过中国画的训练,他采用瓶子的形式当作多层浸墨宣纸的支撑雕塑。Table top with a sheet of paper, used on good Lion-shaped town paper crimping, a small pile of paper as an alternate.
桌上端放着整张的上好宣纸,用狮型镇纸压着,旁边还有一小叠宣纸作备用。I first gently painted on rice paper on the shape of a gem, and then gingerly picked up the scissors may cut up.
我先轻轻地在宣纸上画下了一颗宝石的形状,再拿起剪刀小心翼翼得剪了起来。The influence of bleaching on Chinese painting paper, especially Xuan paper, has not been systemically studied.
漂白对中国书画纸,特别是宣纸的影响情况未见系统的研究。Mom told me to do kite must use rice paper, rice paper, I thought to myself why must it?
妈妈告诉我做风筝必须用宣纸,我心想为什么必须用宣纸呢?It appears as a white, thin translucent membrane with a character similar to rice paper.