




技能好,灵敏:~妙。~思。~劲。~干(gàn )。精~。轻~。乖~。心灵手~。~发奇中。美好:~笑(指美好的笑貌)。虚伪(特指语言):~言。~诈。~辩。~言令色。恰好:~合。~遇。恰~。……



汉语拼音:qǔ qiǎo








  1. 求取工巧;采取巧妙方法。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·隐秀》:“或有晦塞为深,虽奥非隐;雕削取巧,虽美非秀。” 元 吾丘衍 《学古编·三十五举》:“白文印皆用 汉 篆,平方正直,字不可圆,纵有斜笔,亦当取巧写过。” 明 郎瑛 《七修续稿·诗文·瀑布诗》:“﹝ 苏东坡 ﹞特一时取巧自成一体,不害其为诗也。”

  2. 谓用巧妙的手段谋取不正当利益或回避困难。

    清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷二:“﹝丑陋婢女﹞得子则育之,生女或与人为养媳,或仍留为婢……不为之出养父之资,而专得其子女之益,居心取巧,亦必有报。” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第三段:“ 李春三 这孩子说话率,做事也率,从来不会藏奸取巧。”



  1. But many have found a way around that.


  2. You Invest in Things You Don't Understand: Your hear that Bob has made a lot of money doing it, and you want to get in on the gravy train.


  3. Maybe, this is De's wisdom! The walk is still a straight road, no speculation, no tricks.


  4. But in recent years, there are many artists misusing it, even forms a wave of manipulation.


  5. The book, aptly named 2008- God's final witness broke all records for books.


  6. And if there were a little dishonest, you would be found out at once. That is, you are unconsciously in a moral training, when you play go.


  7. approach to -- golf scores. In his first round


  1. 取巧逃避危险

    sneak out of danger

  2. 不要投机取巧。

    Don't take any chances.

  3. 避免投机取巧,偷工减料。

    User stories support opportunistic design.

  4. 我远离投机取巧的游戏。

    I stay away from games of chance.

  5. 他那卑劣的取巧行为。

    His poor attempts to be witty.

  6. 是因为你总是逃避!你总是投机取巧。

    You always gone! You always be where them hoes would be!

  7. 人们指责他在商业上投机取巧。

    He was accused of commercial opportunism.

  8. 但是许多药店还是找到取巧的办法。

    But many have found a way around that.

  9. 他不取巧,所以也就没有危险。

    He never tried to cheat and so ran no risks.

  10. 他们狡猾地投机取巧, 俾能逃过去法网。

    They have shuffle their card so cunningly as to is out of the reach of the law.

  11. 宣传的模式是投机取巧的,诡辩是可恶性的。

    The modes of propaganda are opportunistic and the polemics can be vicious.

  12. 德尔普利特说,微软在投机取巧。

    Bechtel Pu Lite, Microsoft opportunistic.

  13. 投机取巧的团队依靠单一的强力战术制胜。

    A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win.

  14. 我试过搬石头,不会再投机取巧了。

    I tried slinging crack rock, and I never had a jump shot.

  15. 自欺欺人。取巧。借故规避困难。拐弯抹角地达到目的

    Whip the devil round the stump

  16. 学习绘画应该刻苦,不要总想着投机取巧。

    One should work hard in studying how to paint, rather than think of playing tricks to avoid difficulties all day long.

  17. 学习绘画应该刻苦,不要总想着投机取巧。

    One should work hard in studying how to paint, rather than think of playing tricks to avoid difficulties all day long.

  18. 他不想让投机取巧者在他的政党里。

    He wants no members in his political party who are lust along for the ride.

  19. 而且我保证 不再说那些投机取巧的减肥方法了。

    And I promise, no more talk about dodgy weight loss methods.

  20. 正直及品德等传统的特质, 正胜过投机取巧的本领。

    Oldfashioned traits like integrity and character are trumping a knack for cutting corners.

  21. 就像预先优化一样,取巧的代码可能会导致大麻烦。

    Similar to premature optimisation, clever coding can lead to big trouble.

  22. 据我所知,他刚走出大学校门就开始投机取巧。

    From what I've heard he started wheeling and dealing fresh out of college.

  23. 投机取巧者用不正当手段谋求财富及社会地位者。

    One that attempts to gain wealth and social position by unscrupulous means.

  24. 不同于其它招聘机构,未经允许,我们不会投机取巧发送简历。

    Unlike other recruitment agencies we don't send CVs off speculatively or without your permission.

  25. 谁在建这座房子的时候这么投机取巧啊, 如今房顶都漏水了。

    Whoever built this buildingcuttoo manycornersduring construction, now the roof leaks.


  1. 问:取巧拼音怎么拼?取巧的读音是什么?取巧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:取巧的读音是qǔqiǎo,取巧翻译成英文是 pull a fast one



拼音 qǔqiǎo 解释 用巧妙的手段谋取不正当利益或躲避困难。 示例 清·采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷二:“[丑陋婢女]得子则育之,生女或与人为养媳,或仍留为婢……不为之出养父之资,而专得其子女之益,居心取巧,亦必有报。” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第三段:“ 李春三这孩子说话率,做事也率,从来不会藏奸取巧。”