




关于货币、货物出入的记载:~本。~簿。~号。指“账簿”:一本~。债:~主。欠~。还(huán )~。……



汉语拼音:rù zhàng







  1. 登入帐簿中。账,亦作“ 帐 ”。

    姚雪垠 《李自成》第三卷第三四章:“ 唐铉 送来的全部礼物, 刘静逸 暂不入账。”如:快把这笔款入帐。



  1. If I had a dollar for every time I visited a blog that had been tweaked to the point of looking terrible, I'd be as rich as Bill Gates.


  2. But with a goal already under his belt, the boss believes Suarez will go from strength to strength as he settles into Anfield life.


  3. The largest of these off-the-books obligations have been incurred by local governments and state banks.


  4. entries to record any items in the bank reconciliation listed AS adjustment to the balance per depositor's records.


  5. After transactions are entered , account balance (the difference between the sum of its debits and the sum of its credits ) can be computed.


  6. All charges made on your card are sent to the bank, and you are required to pay once a month.


  7. list of copyright export contract, export copy of the contract and the bank recorded proof.


  8. If by bank transfer , please use the bank account number listed below and indicate the names of registrant .


  9. All goods and services purchased by an enterprise are recorded at acquisition cost and appear on financial statements at cost.


  1. 钱款支出后入账

    Enter an item of expenditure in the accounts

  2. 将运费计入账内

    to include the freight in the account

  3. 摊配已入账的收入

    Apportioning recorded revenue

  4. 那项交易并未入账

    That transaction was not booked.

  5. 有必要把一切开支入账。

    The entry of all expenditure is necessary.

  6. 管理月度税务调整和入账。

    To supervise monthly tax adjustment and booking.

  7. 我们今晚入账三千美元

    We took in three grand tonight.

  8. 我们今晚入账三千美元。

    We took in three grand tonight.

  9. 商誉作为一项无形资产入账。

    Goodwill is booked as an intangible asset.

  10. 范柏群也有一球入账。

    Fan Baiqun also has a ball to deposit.

  11. 估价入账固定资产的税务处理

    On Tax Treatment and Tax Adjustment for Fixed Assets Credited by Valuation

  12. 所有病人的主要诊断谵妄入账。

    All patients with a principal diagnosis of delirium are accounted for.

  13. 记录未入账但已获取的收入

    Recording unrecorded revenue earned

  14. 记录未入账但已发生的费用

    Recording unrecorded expense incurred

  15. 在权益中直接入账之净利润

    Net gains directly recognised in equity

  16. 月度无形资产摊销表编制及入账

    Monthly amortization report and bookkeeping of intangible assets

  17. 者入账。成本乃按加权平均法计算。

    Cost is calculated using the weighted average method.

  18. 你购物的金额会自动记入账戶借方。

    Your current account is automatically debited with the amount of your purchase.

  19. 在账中做错误的入账或毁掉所记的账

    action of making false entry in a record or of destroy a record

  20. 零售商收进场费应登记入账并纳税

    Entry Fee Levied by Retailers Subject to Tax

  21. 新会计制度下固定资产入账价值的会计处理

    An Analysis of Accounting Treatment to Book Value of Fixed Asset under New Accounting System

  22. 利息收入作为其有关年份的应计收入入账。

    Interest income is accrued as income in the year to which it relates.

  23. 两种存货会计制度下的会计入账程序比较

    Comparison of the Accounting Recording Procedures Under the Two Systems of Inventory Accounting

  24. 借贷双方金额相等, 必须完整地记入账薄。

    Both effects, which are equal in amount, must be entered completely in the bookkeeping records.

  25. 经理要会计把上个月的销售登记入账。

    The manager told the accountant to enter up the sales for the past month.

  26. 沃恩博德的工作已入账列为对奇才的影响。

    Vaughn Bode's work has been credited as an influence on Wizards.

  27. 如何取得土地使用权转让费的合法入账凭证?

    How to Get the Legal Accounting Voucher of Land Transfer Royalty?

  28. 此种负债已作为准备金和基金结余的调整入账。

    The liabilities have been recorded as an adjustment to reserves and fund balances.

  29. 物业,机器及设备按成本值减累积折旧及减值损失入账。

    Properties, machinery and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses.

  30. 使用相应信用卡在系统中入账使总额成零, 在系统中退房。

    Post credit charge into computer to make balance to zero and check out room in computer.


  1. 问:入账价格拼音怎么拼?入账价格的读音是什么?入账价格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入账价格的读音是rù zhàng jià gé,入账价格翻译成英文是 entry prise