







汉语拼音:qīng zhù









  1. 钦慕。

    《世说新语·赏誉》“ 王夷甫 语 乐令 ” 刘孝标 注引《王澄别传》:“是以名闻益盛,天下知与不知,莫不倾注。” 清 王晫 《今世说·轻诋》:“闻其姓字,或亦赫然;与之狎处,往往使人自咎其倾注之过。”

  2. 指倚重。

    明 袁宗道 《明吏部尚书汪公墓志铭》:“上倾注公甚,晋公户部尚书。”

  3. 倾泻。指液体或物体从高处流下或坠下。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·濡水》:“ 始皇 转马还,前脚犹立,后脚随崩,仅得登岸,画者溺死於海。众山之石皆倾注。今犹岌岌东趣,疑即是也。” 宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·李右辖抑神致雨二异》:“须臾雷起,南山甘泽倾注,举郡懽呼。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·郭秀才》:“又一人持壶倾注。 郭 故善饮,又復奔驰吻燥,一举十觴。” 峻青 《瑞雪图》:“那雨象开了天河似的,一个劲地直往下泼,一天的时间内,就倾注下了六百多毫米的雨量。”

  4. 指把精神、力量等集中到一个目标上。

    《花月痕》第八回:“ 荷生 觉得那絶色眼波,更倾注在自己身上。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·伤逝》:“做菜虽不是 子君 的特长,然而她于此却倾注着全力。” 秦牧 《<长河浪花集>序》:“虽然也写些文学评论和其他体裁的文学作品,但倾注主要精力的却是写散文。”



  1. I'm not complaining, but why would you pay all that money for a fancy alarm system and leave your house without setting it?

  2. You're all that's left me to. And when my love for life is running dry, you come and pour yourself on me.

  3. These wonderful childhood experiences instilled in me a strong passion for America's landscapes, cultures, and people.

  4. Yet for this child who used to be homeless, she is a great unselfish mother: she devotes all her love and energy to his growth.

  5. But the farmers and florists who market them hope that customers know just how much of their love and hard work goes into Valentine's Day.

  6. Eileen Chang has devote his life in which the different stages of emotion, consciousness of his own life, as well as cultural psychology.

  7. But he's a very real character to me, and no one's thought about him more than I have.

  8. It is never easy to relinquish something into which one has devoted so much energy and passion.

  9. How strange was the night that followed! The whole of Marguerite's life seemed to be concentrated in the kisses she lavished on me.


  1. 倾注同情心

    an outpour of sympathy.

  2. 山涧向河里倾注。

    A mountain stream pours into the rivers.

  3. 山洪向河里倾注。

    The mountain torrents poured into the river.

  4. 山洪向河里倾注。

    The mountain torrents poured into the river.

  5. 而没有倾注过多的智慧。

    and not a great deal of wisdom injected into it.

  6. 父母对儿女倾注几多希望。

    Parents put a lot of hopes on their children.

  7. 她全力倾注于自己的事业。

    She devoted herself to her career.

  8. 将时间和精力倾注于研究。

    Invest time and energy in one's study.

  9. 妈妈把爱倾注在儿女身上。

    The mother pours all her love into her daughter.

  10. 感觉统一正倾注在大自然里。

    Feel the unity that pours out of nature.

  11. 好比向量杯倾注我们的情感。

    or pour our sentiments into measuring cups.

  12. 几股山泉倾注到深潭里。

    Several mountain streams pour into the pool.

  13. 涌出超限度地倾注或扩张

    To pour out or spread beyond limits

  14. 我把情绪倾注于我的工作中。

    I pour my emotions into my work.

  15. 创导生命健康,倾注绿色生活!

    Create and guide healthy life, contribute to the green living!

  16. 她对妹妹倾注了全部的爱。

    She invested all her love in her younger sister.

  17. 寂静中,狼在徘徊,倾注和凶残。

    Quiet. The wolf prowls tonight Lean and fierce.

  18. 她将她的感情倾注在她的独子身上。

    She fixed her affections on her only child.

  19. 然而他们却倾注了他们全部的生命。

    And they have dedicated their lives to it.

  20. 乔治站起来, 倾注了一杯咖啡。

    George got up and poured a cup of coffee.

  21. 她对那个孤儿倾注了无尽的爱。

    She lavished affection on the orphan.

  22. 如果你倾注全力的话, 你一定会成功。

    If you put your best foot forward youll certainly succeed.

  23. 她结婚之后无法全力倾注于音乐。

    After her marriage, she couldn't devote herself totally to her music.

  24. 演讲者把他的热情倾注于观众。

    The speaker transfused his enthusiasm into the audience.

  25. 他在这个项目上倾注了全部希望。

    He invested all his hopes in this project.

  26. 这正是我倾注大部分精力的工作。

    It's what I'm devoting most of my energy to.

  27. 长江把大量泥水倾注入海。

    The Changjiang River disgorges tons of waters and muds into the ocean.

  28. 我需要能真正使我倾注全力的工作。

    I want a job that will really stretch me.

  29. 你要尽力在演出中倾注一点热情。

    Try to inject a bit of enthusiasm into your performance.

  30. 从此,你的周围被雨露般的乐曲倾注。

    As from thy presence showers a rain of melody.


  1. 问:倾注拼音怎么拼?倾注的读音是什么?倾注翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾注的读音是qīngzhù,倾注翻译成英文是 pour; throw into

  2. 问:倾注炉拼音怎么拼?倾注炉的读音是什么?倾注炉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾注炉的读音是qīng zhù lú,倾注炉翻译成英文是 tilting furnace

  3. 问:倾注盘拼音怎么拼?倾注盘的读音是什么?倾注盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾注盘的读音是qīng zhù pán,倾注盘翻译成英文是 pour plate

  4. 问:倾注平皿拼音怎么拼?倾注平皿的读音是什么?倾注平皿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾注平皿的读音是qīng zhù píng mǐn,倾注平皿翻译成英文是 pour plate

  5. 问:倾注试验拼音怎么拼?倾注试验的读音是什么?倾注试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾注试验的读音是qīng zhù shì yàn,倾注试验翻译成英文是 pour test

  6. 问:倾注培养法拼音怎么拼?倾注培养法的读音是什么?倾注培养法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾注培养法的读音是qīng zhù péi yǎng fǎ,倾注培养法翻译成英文是 poured-plate method



指把精神、力量等集中到一个目标上。明 赵震元《为李公师祭袁石寓宪副》:“公(袁可立子)呜呼!公之首全睢城也,先大人切切为之注。”《花月痕》第八回:“ 荷生 觉得那绝色眼波,更倾注在自己身上。” 鲁迅《彷徨·伤逝》:“做菜虽不是子君的特长,然而她于此却倾注着全力。”