


居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……





汉语拼音:lǐ ji






  1. 牛、羊、猪等食用畜脊椎骨内侧的条状嫩肉,做肉食时称为里脊。如:里脊肉丝;糖醋里脊。



  1. Combine salt, marjoram, basil, pepper, and garlic powder in a small bowl. Rub spice mixture all over the pork roast.


  2. As for the main course, I think there might be Gaelic steak with mushroom sauce whiskey steak or lamb loin.


  3. China: Live at the somebody else surnamed Tung of Peking, a week boarding fee: USD 155. 6, favorite food: Ridge in the sugar vinegar.


  4. His favourite herb is lemon thyme. His best wine and food match though is simply "a char grilled eye fillet with a great red. "


  5. He came from a small Norwegian farm in Iowa, the land of butter-sculptures and the breaded tenderloin sandwich.


  6. In a medium bowl, combine the sirloin with 1 tablespoon of the soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of the sesame oil, and a pinch of red-pepper flakes.


  7. She had two big packages of sirloin strips in her purse.


  8. A basic adherence to this philosophy can be found in any Chinese dish, from stir-fried beef with broccoli to sweet and sour pork.


  9. One is selected meat-feed. The best selection of soft texture of the pork loin, and then gavel smashing Meat Loaf, cut into thin small.


  1. 是里脊牛排

    It's flanken.

  2. 炸芝麻里脊

    Fried Pork Fillet with Sesame.

  3. 口蘑牛里脊

    Beef fillet with mushroom sauce.

  4. 发酵里脊火腿

    fermented ham.

  5. 糖醋猪里脊

    Saute pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce.

  6. 红酒汁里脊

    fillet in red wine.

  7. 清炸猪里脊

    dry fried pork fillet.

  8. 洋葱炒牛里脊

    beef with onions.

  9. 黄油焖猪里脊

    Braised pork fillet with butter

  10. 口蘑汁里脊扒

    fillet steak with mushroom sauce.

  11. 软炸葱花里脊

    Soft fried fillet slices with onion.

  12. 奶油里脊丝

    Beef stroganoff.

  13. 奶汁里脊丝

    fillet strogonoff.

  14. 口蘑里脊丁

    diced pork with mushrooms.

  15. 口蘑里脊片

    Sliced fillet with mushroom sauce.

  16. 威里脊回旋加速器

    Villigen cyclotron

  17. 尖椒里脊丝

    Fried Shredded Pork Filet with Hot Pepper.

  18. 牛里脊扒配菜

    Beef steak with vegetable

  19. 粉汁里脊片

    Fried fillet in sauce.

  20. 水煮里脊片

    The water boils ridge slice.

  21. 酱爆里脊丁

    Diced pork fillet in bean sauce

  22. 油爆里脊丁

    dice pork fillet with scallion.

  23. 口磨里脊片

    fillet slices with mushroom sauce.

  24. 酱炸里脊丁

    diced pork fillet with brown sauce

  25. 葱爆里脊丁

    Fried diced tenderloin with scallion.

  26. 里脊制小型火腿

    luchs ham

  27. 葱爆猪里脊片

    pork slices with leek

  28. 铁扒猪里脊片

    grilled pork fillet slices

  29. 煎小牛里脊配芦笋

    Panfried veal medallion with asparagus

  30. 洋葱软炸里脊片

    soft fried fillet slices with onion


  1. 问:里脊拼音怎么拼?里脊的读音是什么?里脊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊的读音是lǐji,里脊翻译成英文是 tenderloin

  2. 问:里脊拼音怎么拼?里脊的读音是什么?里脊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊的读音是lǐjí,里脊翻译成英文是 Beef Sirloin

  3. 问:里脊肉拼音怎么拼?里脊肉的读音是什么?里脊肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊肉的读音是lǐjíròu,里脊肉翻译成英文是 pork fillet; tenderloin; steak

  4. 问:里脊排拼音怎么拼?里脊排的读音是什么?里脊排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊排的读音是lǐjí pái,里脊排翻译成英文是 Beef Tenderloin Steak

  5. 问:里脊牛排拼音怎么拼?里脊牛排的读音是什么?里脊牛排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊牛排的读音是lǐjí niúpái,里脊牛排翻译成英文是 Beef Sirloin Steak

  6. 问:里脊猪排拼音怎么拼?里脊猪排的读音是什么?里脊猪排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊猪排的读音是lǐjí zhūpái,里脊猪排翻译成英文是 Pork Sirloin Steak

  7. 问:里脊咖喱煲拼音怎么拼?里脊咖喱煲的读音是什么?里脊咖喱煲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊咖喱煲的读音是lǐjí gālí bāo,里脊咖喱煲翻译成英文是 Beef Curry Pot

  8. 问:里脊蔬菜卷拼音怎么拼?里脊蔬菜卷的读音是什么?里脊蔬菜卷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊蔬菜卷的读音是lǐjí shūcài juǎn,里脊蔬菜卷翻译成英文是 Pan-fried Beef Tenderloin with Vegetables...

  9. 问:里脊猪排配热蔬菜拼音怎么拼?里脊猪排配热蔬菜的读音是什么?里脊猪排配热蔬菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:里脊猪排配热蔬菜的读音是lǐjí zhūpái pèi rè shūcài,里脊猪排配热蔬菜翻译成英文是 Beef Tenderloin Steak and Hot Vegetable



牛、羊、猪等脊椎骨两侧的嫩肉 。猪里脊是猪脊椎骨内侧的条状嫩肉。大里脊和小里脊,大里脊就是大排骨相连的瘦肉外侧有筋覆盖,通常吃的大排去骨后就是里脊肉,小里脊是脊椎骨内侧一条肌肉,比较少,很嫩。猪肉是目前人们餐桌上重要的动物性食品之一,肉质较嫩,易消化。猪里脊又分外脊和里脊。处在脊背位置,脊背上面的是外脊,贯穿整个脊背,所以又称为通脊、扁担肉、硬脊,是较嫩的瘦肉;里脊位于外脊下侧,从腰子到分水骨之间的一条肉,呈长条圆形,一头稍细,是最嫩的肉。由于里脊分量太少,做菜时往往用外脊替代里脊。