







汉语拼音:cù lì






  1. 落叶灌木,茎丛生,有刺,叶子略呈圆形,花白色。果实亦称醋栗,是球形的浆果,黄绿色或红色,味酸,可以制果酱。



  1. Harvested in the wild, currants have been used for centuries as food and medicine.


  2. The fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jellies, desserts, or beverages.


  3. CranberriesA blend of fruit juices, including grape, cranberry and blackcurrant, may have benefits for the heart, research suggests.


  4. Very soft, fresh and a creamy body. Intense aromas and flavour of ripe blackberries and cassis, with a slight touch of spices.


  5. "Well, then, let her come to him! " said the old ones. "He has a whole forest of burdocks , she has only a bush! "


  6. With great elegance, the nose displays aromas of fresh, ripe red berry fruits then opens out on blackcurrant.


  7. Excellent fruit with strong cassis flavors and power on the palate carry through to the long finish with persistent, yet soft tannins.


  8. intense varietal aroma with dominant characters of grapefruit, citrus blooms, apricots and a black currant background of cassis tones.


  9. he s forgotten all ee done for him , un made on him , un goan un riven up a whole row ut t grandest currant trees , it garden.


  1. 醋栗白粉病

    gooseberry mildew

  2. 醋栗灌木丛

    currant bushes

  3. 醋栗和穗醋栗

    gooseberry and currant

  4. 醋栗环斑病毒

    Gooseberry ring spot virus

  5. 黑穗醋栗苗木繁殖技术

    Seedling production technology of Ribes nigrum

  6. 掐掉醋栗的尖儿和把儿

    Top and tail gooseberries

  7. 掐掉醋栗得尖儿和把儿。

    top and tail gooseberries

  8. 醋栗太酸了,我不喜欢吃。

    Gooseberries are too tart for my taste.

  9. 黑色醋栗与欧洲和亚洲物种。

    Related Species Gooseberry , Buffalo Currant , Jostaberry.

  10. 醋栗被用来做馅饼和果酱。

    Gooseberries are used for making pies and jam.

  11. 波兰黑穗醋栗的组织培养

    Tissue culture of Ribes nigrum L. cv. Ceres from Poland

  12. 黑穗醋栗抗冻害能力的研究

    Frost injury resistant level of black currant

  13. 香味甜浆果, 醋栗, 雪松, 成熟的香气

    Aroma weet berry, currant, cedar, ripe aromas.

  14. 他屏住气。啊, 对了, 那颗醋栗!

    He caught his breath. Ah, that was it the currant bush!

  15. 味道是黑樱桃,小红莓,醋栗和水果。

    Palate is very soft with dark cherry, cranberry, and currant fruits.

  16. 新疆黑穗醋栗产业的现状及前景

    Current situation and prospective of the Ribes nigrum industry in Xingjiang

  17. 藨菌。远亲共同藨,水牛醋栗大概接近鹅。

    Ribes aureum. A distant relative of the common Ribes, Buffalo Currant is probably closer to gooseberry.

  18. 醋栗及梨子伴随着热带水果香味。

    Flavours of gooseberry and pear join the tropical fruit following on from the nose.

  19. 避免氯化钾,因为醋栗敏感的氯离子。

    Avoid potassium chloride, because currants are sensitive to the chloride ion.

  20. 有醋栗和百香果并有些许草味。

    The nose shows lifted gooseberry and passionfruit with a slight grassy edge.

  21. 乙烯利对黑穗醋栗果实品质的影响

    Effect of Ethephon on Fruit Quality of Black Currant

  22. 稀土对黑穗醋栗果实品质的影响

    Influence of Rare Earth on Qualities of Black Currant Fruit

  23. 我做了一道醋栗奶油糖浆在晚餐吃。

    I've made a gooseberry fool for dinner.

  24. 醋栗根系受到双方橡树根真菌和疫病。

    Currant roots are susceptible to both Oak Root fungus and Phytophthora.

  25. 醋栗很容易繁殖, 硬枝扦插一岁活。

    Currants are easily propagated by hardwood cuttings of oneyear old wood.

  26. 前柠檬, 金盏花和甜瓜。中黑穗醋栗和菠萝。

    Base Notes White Cedarwood, Amber and Skin Musk.

  27. 柠檬, 葡萄柚和醋栗香带有一点微妙的辛辣感。

    Lemon, grapefruit, gooseberry with subtle green capsicum flavors.

  28. 香地胡椒粉,黑醋栗和紫罗兰浓香微妙相配。

    Spicy ground pepper, black currant and violet aromas are matched by subtle.

  29. 充满新鲜的苹果,白桃,梨,醋栗和鲜花香气。

    The aroma displays uplifting freshness of apple, white peach, pear and gooseberry with underlying floral notes.

  30. 香味优雅的雪松, 亚洲香料, 土质, 烟草和醋栗的芬芳。

    Shows a classy nose of cedar, Asian spices, earth, tobacco, and red currants.


  1. 问:醋栗拼音怎么拼?醋栗的读音是什么?醋栗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醋栗的读音是,醋栗翻译成英文是 gooseberry

  2. 问:醋栗树拼音怎么拼?醋栗树的读音是什么?醋栗树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醋栗树的读音是,醋栗树翻译成英文是 gooseberry

  3. 问:醋栗系拼音怎么拼?醋栗系的读音是什么?醋栗系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醋栗系的读音是cùlìxì,醋栗系翻译成英文是 Ser.; Divaricata

  4. 问:醋栗组拼音怎么拼?醋栗组的读音是什么?醋栗组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醋栗组的读音是cùlìzǔ,醋栗组翻译成英文是 Sect.; Divaricata

  5. 问:醋栗酒拼音怎么拼?醋栗酒的读音是什么?醋栗酒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醋栗酒的读音是,醋栗酒翻译成英文是 gooseberry

  6. 问:醋栗亚属拼音怎么拼?醋栗亚属的读音是什么?醋栗亚属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醋栗亚属的读音是cùlìyàshǔ,醋栗亚属翻译成英文是 Subgen.; Grossularia

  7. 问:醋栗叶点霉拼音怎么拼?醋栗叶点霉的读音是什么?醋栗叶点霉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醋栗叶点霉的读音是cùlìyèdiǎnméi,醋栗叶点霉翻译成英文是 Phyllosticta grossulariae



“醋栗”是个多义词,它可以指醋栗(俄国作家契诃夫著短篇小说), 醋栗(虎耳草科植物山麻子的果实)。