




1. 约 [yuē]2. 约 [yāo]约 [yuē]绳子。拘束,限制:~束。~法。制~。~定俗成。共同议定的要遵守的条款:立~。条~。契~。事先说定:~见。~会。邀请:~请。~集。节俭:节~。俭~。简要,简单:由博返~。简~。大略:~计。……



汉语拼音:rú yuē








  1. 谓按照约定行事。

    《史记·项羽本纪》:“ 项王 使人致命 怀王 , 怀王 曰:‘如约。’乃尊 怀王 为 义帝 。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷三:“相去二三千里,岂能必如约哉!” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》一:“恰好 大文 如约来了。”



  1. Increased demand from the U. S will come at a time when manufacturing capacity is constrained by the high cost of credit.


  2. The next day, the tortoise competition scene, the tortoise afforded to do warm-up exercises, meet the arrival of the game.


  3. As busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to his hometown.


  4. Because experience has taught me that when time comes that I so fear, the strength and wisdom will be given to meet it.


  5. However you didn t appear, Ihave been waiting for you , dou you know?


  6. The Lark sat the same chair in the Hare's office at the appointed time in the next morning as she sat yesterday.


  7. Fewer customers failed to repay loans during the quarter, another sign that the worst losses from loan defaults could be in the past.


  8. Third animation section to the party, highlighting the participation and interaction, and strengthen the business cooperation and exchange.


  9. It has not paid its agreed dues to Pakistan's army for several months, nor have its trainers returned.


  1. 他没能如约前来。

    He failed to come as he had promised.

  2. 客人如约在中午来到。

    The visitor turned up at noon, as promised.

  3. 编辑主任如约交了稿

    The foreman filled the bill

  4. 即便他可以如约履行协定。

    Even if he's able to honor his end of the deal.

  5. 她没有如约与你见面吗?

    Did she stand you up?

  6. 如约的白雪仍将飘下!

    And still the punctual snow!

  7. 妮基可能没法如约回来了

    Nikki might not be coming home when you think she is.

  8. 春天每年都如约到达紫藤郡。

    Spring comes every year to Wisteria Lane.

  9. 我不相信他会如约前来访问。

    I don't trust his promise to come for a visit.

  10. 当夜, 两个孩子果然如约而来。

    The boys were there that night, about the appointed time.

  11. 请放心,我们会如约履行定单。

    You may rest assured that your order will be fulfilled as contracted.

  12. 却可能永远不能如约而至。

    That may never arrive.

  13. 却可能永远不能如约而至。

    That may never arrive.

  14. 他一向很准时, 一定会如约到达的。

    He is always punctual, he will arrive as he promised.

  15. 他一向很准时,一定会如约到达的。

    He is always punctual, he will arrive as he promised.

  16. 我差不多已经决定如约和托尼见面了。

    I had almost decided to keep my rendezvous with Tony.

  17. 大家好, 欢迎您如约来到周末加油站!

    Hello there! Welcome to this edition of the Weekly Filling Station!

  18. 我想你会如约教我, 然而你却想折磨我?

    I thought you were going to keep your end of the bargain and teach me. Instead you want to torture me?

  19. 我在家等了你1天,而你却未能如约而来。

    I have been waiting in all day for you but you didnt come as you promised.

  20. 一天, 记者如约来到周秉德同志的家里。

    A day, the reporter comes in the home of Comrade Zhou Bingde as agreed upon.

  21. 他们还邀请北风与他们同住,北风如约而至。

    Then they invited the north wind to stay with them and he came.

  22. 奥基夫如约把他的揭发写成了书面材料。

    As promised, O'keefe had documented his charge.

  23. 但把膳长挂起来,正如约瑟向他们所解的话。

    But he hanged the chief baker, just as Joseph had interpreted to them.

  24. 有一天, 我的幸福会如约而来, 我的生命会如花绽放。

    One day, I will be happy to meet, my life will be like.

  25. 黄昏时分, 小丰雄如约踏入了默雷禅堂得门槛。

    In the evening little Toyo went at the proper time to the threshold of Mokurais sanzen room.

  26. 黄昏时分,小丰雄如约踏入了默雷禅堂的门槛。

    In the evening little Toyo went at the proper time to the threshold of Mokurais sanzen room.

  27. 那一天我有事耽搁了, 没有如约同你见面, 很抱歉。

    I am sorry I was delayed the other day, and unable to keep my appointment with you.

  28. 接着,当她没有如约来我家的时候 我就知道,她死了。

    Then when she didn't arrive at my home as scheduled, well, that's when I knew she was dead.

  29. 如今,在草长莺飞的三月,看到你如约而至的灼华。

    Now, in the long grass birds are flying in March, see you around and to the burning, such as China.

  30. 更可怕的是, 因为他没有如约送到, 没人愿意再雇他了。

    Worst of all, because he failed to deliver, no one has been willing to hire him since.


  1. 问:如约拼音怎么拼?如约的读音是什么?如约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如约的读音是rúyuē,如约翻译成英文是 Keep a promise.

  2. 问:如约赶到拼音怎么拼?如约赶到的读音是什么?如约赶到翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如约赶到的读音是,如约赶到翻译成英文是 show

