


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……





汉语拼音:dì dào







  1. 大地的特征和规律。

    《易·谦》:“《彖》曰:谦,亨。天道下济而光明,地道卑而上行。”《管子·霸言》:“立政出令,用人道;施爵禄,用地道;举大事,用天道。” 尹知章 注:“地道,平而无私。”《礼记·中庸》:“人道敏政,地道敏树。”

  2. 地下通道。

    《后汉书·袁绍传》:“ 绍 为地道欲袭 操 , 操 輒於内为长壍以拒之。” 北周 庾信 《周大将军义兴公萧公墓志铭》:“瓶缶听声,无防於地道;冠绳柴结,不却於云梯。”《水浒传》第一二○回:“一日,上皇在内宫閒玩,猛然思想起 李师师 ,就从地道中,和两个小黄门,逕来到他后园中。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·平定回部本末》:“时提督 马德胜 献掘地道计,於城北一里掘入,已及城矣……贼匪自内用水灌之,士卒尽没。”

  3. 谓技能、工作或材料的质量够标准。

    钱锺书 《围城》六:“ 鸿渐 终觉得她口音不够地道。” 老舍 《龙须沟》第二幕第三场:“不是吹,我们的活儿作得真叫地道。” 老舍 《赵子曰》第一:“他的皮袍,从‘霜降’穿过‘五七国耻纪念日’,半尺来长的雪白麦穗,地道 西口 老羊皮。”

  4. 谓为人合乎一定的道德规范。

    毕方 等《千重浪》第十一章一:“瞅 郭书记 那人不咋地道。”



  1. We are a little exotic maybe, but it never occurred to me that we were anything but an American family.


  2. Thank you for your helpful assistance. Otherwise, I'd surely have missed it. The place is so out of the way.


  3. He was a pure man of letters, untimely born in a world that had no need of letters.


  4. Urban underground tunnel was originally built for legitimate things, but it has been used to abduct people looters.


  5. Valve to the use of the kidnappers abducted the victims, in their authentic, the sea and so on will be ready to ship them onto the ship.


  6. Ah, well, mine would have to be to speak in an English accent, for an entire week, and to practice my Spanish, 'cause my grandma told me to.


  7. After several months of trying to starve the city into submission, the Turks attempted to tunnel underneath the walls of the city.


  8. According to local media, authorities found a drug smuggler's tunnel linking the northern border city of Tijuana with the United States.


  9. St. Clare came in, embraced his wife in true, orthodox, husbandly fashion, and then presented to her cousin.


  1. 地道的绅士

    Jone Sahib.

  2. 鼹鼠挖地道。

    A mole mines its way.

  3. 说不上地道了。

    Can't say it's idiomatic.

  4. 挖一条地道

    to dig an underground tunnel.

  5. 机会轮流, 天公地道。

    Turn about is fair play.

  6. 机会轮流,天公地道。

    Turn about is fair play.

  7. 请走地道过道。

    Please take the subway crossing.

  8. 地道的吉林人参

    genuine Jilin ginseng

  9. 你们得过地道。

    You have to go through the platform tunnel.

  10. 以对抗地道抵御

    To make or lay down countermines.

  11. 人行过街地道

    pedestrian underpass

  12. 一颗地道的珍珠

    a genuine pearl

  13. 疫情?老虎所谓麽地道。

    Is epidemic Tiger called Mody.

  14. 他爽快地道了歉。

    He apologized unreservedly.

  15. 他们痛哭流涕地道别。

    They said goodbye in a flood of tears.

  16. 这家地道的中餐。

    Beijing style cuisine in this restaurant.

  17. 地道的相对绝对论

    Genuine Theory of Relative Absoluteness

  18. 犯人挖地道逃跑了。

    The prisoners had escaped by tunnelling.

  19. 这是同一条地道

    This is the same tunnel.

  20. 工作面煤矿或地道的工作面

    The face of a mine or tunnel.

  21. 有个形容词叫做地道。

    Have an adjective to be called a subway.

  22. 这活干得真地道。

    They have done an excellent job of work.

  23. 我是地道的电影迷。

    I am a real movie fan.

  24. 她是地道的英国人。

    She is English to the core.

  25. 你英文说得很地道。

    You speak idiomatic English.

  26. 她很勉强地道了歉。

    She apologized with a bad grace.

  27. 我去了要塞的地道。

    I went to the tunnels of the Fortress.

  28. 我们是地道的城郊人。

    We are officially suburban.

  29. 她讲一口地道的英语。

    She speaks perfect English.

  30. 我们是地道的城郊人。

    We are officially suburban.


  1. 问:地道拼音怎么拼?地道的读音是什么?地道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地道的读音是dìdao,地道翻译成英文是 genuine; pure; well done

  2. 问:地道拼音怎么拼?地道的读音是什么?地道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地道的读音是dìdào,地道翻译成英文是 tunnel

  3. 问:地道战拼音怎么拼?地道战的读音是什么?地道战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地道战的读音是dì dào zhàn,地道战翻译成英文是 tunnel warfare

  4. 问:地道桥拼音怎么拼?地道桥的读音是什么?地道桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地道桥的读音是dì dào qiáo,地道桥翻译成英文是 underpass bridge

  5. 问:地道的拼音怎么拼?地道的的读音是什么?地道的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地道的的读音是,地道的翻译成英文是 unadulterated

  6. 问:地道工事拼音怎么拼?地道工事的读音是什么?地道工事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地道工事的读音是dì dào gōng shì,地道工事翻译成英文是 Undermined Works without Low Exit

  7. 问:地道照明拼音怎么拼?地道照明的读音是什么?地道照明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地道照明的读音是dì dào zhào míng,地道照明翻译成英文是 tunnel lighting

