







汉语拼音:zǒu lòu









  1. 泄漏。

    《金瓶梅词话》第二六回:“ 西门庆 吩咐那小廝:走漏消息,决打二十板。”《红楼梦》第九七回:“只因 凤姐 吩咐,都不敢走漏风声。” 端木蕻良 《曹雪芹》第三章:“这事非同小可,千万不能走漏风声。”

  2. 谓走私漏税。

    清 钱泳 《履园丛话·水学·水害》:“昔人论 吴江 东通 青龙江 ,由 青龙江 入海之处,因监司相视,恐走漏商税,遂塞此江。” 清 王韬 《拟设洋药总司议》:“盖走漏之弊,杜之於 中国 则难,杜之於 印度 则易。”

  3. 遗漏;遗失。

    《中国民间故事选·巧货》:“ 大锅头 说:‘自己人亲自去,走漏要小些。’” 钱锺书 《围城》五:“我想东西不会走漏的。”



  1. Agent Scully was not prepared to blow the whistle on Mulder for his continuing investigation of the closed X- Files .


  2. Protecting information is an important characteristic of the local culture, along with a reluctance to be held responsible for losing it.


  3. Once word leaked, the public outcry -- much of it from Filipino farmers -- forced Manila to suspend the agreement.


  4. Mr Panetta has said Islamabad was deliberately not told of the raid out of fear bin Laden would be tipped off.


  5. If word gets out of our intentions , the rascals now in power may well seize the opportunity to make a final killing !


  6. We had to be very careful lest the the news should become known early.


  7. I will not tell you where he is right now. I told him that nothing he told me would leave the walls.


  8. Look, I have empathy like you, I would never give up a source. But you know what? Sometimes sources have motives.


  9. Those disclosures have come from leaked records obtained by the Daily Telegraph newspaper.


  1. 消息走漏了。

    The news filtered through.

  2. 走漏了风声。

    There has been a leak of information.

  3. 使你走漏这消息?

    That you leak this information?

  4. 她从未走漏这个消息。

    She never breathed a word of this.

  5. 要是你走漏半点风声。

    Because if you do say anything.

  6. 失败的消息走漏了出来。

    News of the defeat filtered through.

  7. 我们中有人走漏了消息。

    One of us couldn't keep a secret.

  8. 我们应该设法防止走漏风声。

    We should try to prevent leakage of information.

  9. 最终会有人走漏消息的。

    Eventually, somebody's mouth is going to start moving.

  10. 工地的钢管走漏了一些。

    Some of the steel pipes in the construction site were stolen.

  11. 在外面,没什么流言蜚语走漏出去。

    Outside, few rumors leaked.

  12. 我不该向校报走漏消息。

    I shouldn't have talked to the school paper.

  13. 那卖国贼走漏秘密计划给敌人。

    The traitor divulged secret plan to the enemy.

  14. 别担心, 我不会走漏风声的。

    Don't worry. I won't let the cat out of the bag.

  15. 为避免走漏风声, 会议秘密召开。

    The meeting was held in order to avoid the results being let out.

  16. 若你被捕或这件事走漏风声。

    If you're captured or if any of this leaks.

  17. 我希望她不会多嘴而走漏消息。

    I wish she wouldn't talk and give the show away.

  18. 这意味着调查局随时可能走漏消息。

    Which means we can cot on the Bureau leaking something any minute.

  19. 关于死亡营的消息逐渐走漏了出来。

    The word filtered through about the death camps.

  20. 用不了多久他准会走漏消息的。

    He is sure to spill the beans before long.

  21. 你有没有告诉别人你打算走漏这消息?

    Did you tell anyone you were planning on leaking this?

  22. 这些走漏的消息都是来自每日电报。

    Those disclosures have come from leaked records obtained by the Daily Telegraph newspaper.

  23. 我可以打赌,是他走漏了我去了美国的消息。

    I bet he let slip that I'd gone to America.

  24. 谁要是走漏半点风声,可别怪我心狠手辣!

    Who whether leak out the least bit information, dont reprehend me a cruel hand hot!

  25. 这事不许提了, 记住这是机密, 不许走漏半字。

    This't be talked about. Remember it's a secret. Mum the word.

  26. 贝茨很愤怒, 要查出来是谁走漏得消息。

    Bates was furious and demanded to know who had leaked the information.

  27. 她是怎么知道的?他绝对没有走漏半点风声。

    How could she know about that? He'd certainly never let drop any hint.

  28. 就算是被严刑拷打都不让一个字走漏出去

    Even when tortured, not a word gets out

  29. 这消息慢慢走漏出去, 结果办公室的人全知道了。

    The news slowly filtered through to everyone in the office.

  30. 为封住某人的嘴而不让其走漏秘密的花费

    a payment made to someone to insure that something is kept secret


  1. 问:走漏拼音怎么拼?走漏的读音是什么?走漏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走漏的读音是zǒulòu,走漏翻译成英文是 leak; smuggle and evade taxes


1. [leak out;divulge]∶泄漏,走漏风声2. [smuggling and tax evasion]∶走私漏税3. [have the bulk of one’s property stolen]∶大宗的东西部分失窃