


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……





汉语拼音:běn bì






  1. 本国的货币。

    《管子·地数》:“人求本者,食吾本粟,因吾本币,騏驥黄金然后出。” 马非百 新诠:“‘因吾本币’,谓使用吾国之货币。”

  2. “ 本位货币 ”的省称。参见“ 本位货币 ”。



  1. Since the end of 2001, US terms of trade have deteriorated by an eighth, as commodity prices have soared and the currency devalued.


  2. No central bank anywhere is free from suspicion that it is trying to hold its currency down to bolster its economy.


  3. The two most widely discussed options are to revalue or to shift to a currency basket (which Kuwait has already done).


  4. And those countries, notably Brazil, that have wound up holding the baby of an overvalued currency, are trying to restrict inflows.


  5. The specter of every country trying to devalue more than competitors to spur exports stirs frightening images of the Great Depression.


  6. Fast-growing nations like Thailand are trying to devalue their exchange rates to bolster their export-driven economies.


  7. He says the disparities make it hard to manage a currency pegged to the Indian rupee at a time when New Delhi is raising interest rates.


  8. And yet it is the only major trading nation to use capital controls to prevent its currency rising to market levels.


  9. Local currency debt is one of the best, if not the best, hedges against structural dollar weakness.


  1. 本币国际化

    currency internationalization.

  2. 应付本币票据

    home currency bills payable

  3. 本币对外升值

    appreciation of domestic currency.

  4. 本币名义锚

    nominal anchor of domestic currency.

  5. 应收本币票据

    home currency bills receivables

  6. 售出的本币票据

    home currency bills sold

  7. 购入的本币票据

    home currency bills bought

  8. 使本币贬到其价值以下

    make national money below its real value

  9. 你带了多少本币和外币?

    How much local and foreign currencies do you have?

  10. 本币现钞兑换及携出入限制协定

    agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and limitation of their exportation and importation

  11. 兑换本币现钞及携带入境定额协定

    agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and limitation of their exagreement year

  12. 对外汇的需求致使本币的实际价值下跌。

    The demand for foreign currency depreciates the real value of local currencies.

  13. 采用自由汇率要冒严重高估本币的风险。

    And setting the exchange rate free risks massive overvaluation.

  14. 本币的国际化不一定与汇率制度的类型有关。

    The internationalization of home currency is not certainly related with the type of exchange rate regime.

  15. 然后, 它通过卖出本币债券的方式回笼人民币。

    It then mops up the renminbi by selling local currency bonds.

  16. 完全正确。外币的远期升水意味着本币的远期就是贴水。

    Exactly. A forward premium on foreign currency means a forward discount on domestic currency.

  17. 他说,一国的本币升值对调节贸易的作用十分有限。

    The appreciation of a country's currency a very limited role in adjusting trade, he added.

  18. 而那些最终落得本币被高估的国家正试图限制资金流入。

    And those countries, notably Brazil, that have wound up holding the baby of an overvalued currency, are trying to restrict inflows.

  19. 本币走强会推高出口价格, 降低海外利润汇回国内的价值。

    Strong currencies make exports more expensive and reduce the value of overseas profits sent home.


  1. 问:本币汇票拼音怎么拼?本币汇票的读音是什么?本币汇票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本币汇票的读音是běnbìhuìpiào,本币汇票翻译成英文是 home currency bill