









汉语拼音:gù shì shī






  1. 叙事诗的一种。故事性比一般叙事诗强,规模比史诗小,取材广泛。



  1. fabliau: a medieval verse tale characterized by comic, ribald treatment of themes drawn from life.


  1. 南方风土故事诗

    southern custom idyll

  2. 有许多关于这座悬崖的故事、诗和歌曲。

    There are many stories, poems, and songs about this cliff.

  3. 你是在写短篇故事还是诗?

    Are you working on a short story or a poem ?

  4. 把一篇古老的故事写成诗

    versify an old tale

  5. 把他从写诗和故事里吸引过来。

    To distract him from writing poems and stories.

  6. 就是我们的故事,我们的诗,我们的浪漫。

    The big image is our story, our poetry, our romanticism.

  7. 表扬孩子会背诗、讲故事和唱歌曲。

    I encourage my child to remember stories, poems, and songs.

  8. 教授的演说以讲故事开始,以朗诵诗结束。

    The professor began his speech with a story and closed it with a poem.

  9. 他既写爱情诗也写神秘故事。

    He composed mystery stories as well as love poems.

  10. 你可以写诗,编个小故事,甚至创作音乐。

    You can try to write poems, a short story, or even music.

  11. 这是我们的诗。这是我们美妙的故事。

    That is our poetry. That is our beautiful story.

  12. 诗名是邦妮兴克莱的故事

    It's called the story of Bonnie and clyde.

  13. 坎特伯雷故事集的序诗。

    the prologue to the CanterBury Tales

  14. 我放弃了写叙事诗,而写了这个小故事。

    I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead.

  15. 一个如花的故事, 比诗还瑰丽

    A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme

  16. 一个关于诗和他的女神的怀旧的故事。

    A nostalgic story of a poet and his muse.

  17. 与其说这是个民间故事, 不如说是首抒情诗。

    It is more a lyric than a folk story.

  18. 约翰刘易斯的故事并非毫无波澜的田园诗。

    Not that the John Lewis tale has been an unbroken idyll.

  19. 她把一个民间故事改写成了一首叙事诗。

    She shaped a folktale into a narrative poem.

  20. 这是传奇故事得原型, 狂热得赞美诗和狂想诗得原型。

    This is the romaunt prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy poem prototype.

  21. 这是传奇故事的原型,狂热的赞美诗和狂想诗的原型。

    This is the romaunt prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy poem prototype.

  22. 小说的故事和语言同样优美,就像一首诗。

    Both the language and the story in this novel are beautiful, just like a poem.

  23. 你也许会写一篇散文,一首诗,甚至是一个短篇故事。

    You might like to write an essay, a poem, or a short story even.

  24. 西晋故事体歌诗与后代说唱文学之关系考论

    A Study of the Relationship between the Song Poetry of the Narrative Style in the Western Jin Dynasty and the Later Ballads

  25. 也有人说,西湖是一首诗,一个美丽动人的故事。

    Some one thinks the West Lake is just like a beautiful traditional Chinese painting.

  26. 因此他们的故事就如同一首爱恨交织,苦中有甜的抒情诗。

    And so their tale is a bittersweet ballad of love and hate.

  27. 这首诗似乎是一个合适的象征,可以对这个故事做一个归纳。

    it seems fitting as an allegory that sums up this tale.

  28. 这个学者通过添加一些来自诗和故事的引用,润饰了他的文章。

    The scholar polished the article by adding some quotations from poems and stories.

  29. 呵,田园的史家,你竟能铺叙一个如花的故事,比诗还瑰丽

    Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme