


1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……





汉语拼音:bèi chū







  1. 妻子遭到丈夫援引封建礼法公开休弃。

    清 杭世骏 《质疑·礼记》:“夫妇人至於被出,则必有淫、妬、多言、窃盗、恶疾、无子等过。”参见“ 七出 ”。

  2. 谓贬官外调。

    唐 王维 有《被出济州》诗。



  1. Jupiter, after warning him that he would repent his request, caused him to be sold to a tile-maker.


  2. The museum said it had never tried to hide its ownership of the painting, which it has lent to several European museums.


  3. Where and when he was born has not been found.


  4. the following is output to the console


  1. 她感到被出卖了。

    She felt betrayed.

  2. 我提过我被出卖了吧?

    Did I mention I'm betrayed?

  3. 赐予得爱哀悼被出卖得信任

    Love bestowed mourns trust betrayed.

  4. 这时他意识到他被出卖了。

    Then he realized that he had been sold.

  5. 你被出卖了,有人要刺杀你。

    You've been betrayed. you're going to be killed.

  6. 如下内容输被出到控制台上

    The following is output to the console

  7. 他们可以尖叫呼喊着他们都被出卖了。

    They can scream and shout that they've been sold out.

  8. 被出车祸送医的那人给吓坏了

    by that guy from the accident.

  9. 如今。投资群体感到被出卖了,他们感到生气,不再抱幻想。

    Today, the Investor Class is angry and disillusioned because it feels betrayed.

  10. 她感到被出卖了,就像女儿在自己背后捅了一刀似的。

    She felt betrayed, as though her daughter had stabbed her in the back.

  11. 来救出被海盗关在自己的

    Helping you break out of a pirate's brig.

  12. 可以很精确的测量出被淹没的面积。

    They can measure this preciseiy.

  13. 立刻派出的援军救出被包围的军队。

    Prompt dispatch of the reinforcements save the surrounded army.

  14. 立刻派出得援军救出被包围得军队。

    Prompt dispatch of the reinforcements save the surrounded army.

  15. 立刻派出的援军救出被包围的军队。

    Prompt dispatch of the reinforcements save the surrounded army.

  16. 他们设法救出被火困住的孩子。

    They tried to save the children trapped.

  17. 表现出被猎取一样的害怕或者恐怖。

    Reflecting the fear or terror of one who is hunted.

  18. 圈出被访者所回答的适当答案。

    Circle the appropriate answers given by the respondent.

  19. 读下列叙述并画出被描述的人。

    Read the description below and draw a picture as it mentioned.

  20. 如果我们只拿出被肿瘤妨碍血液供给

    What if we just took out each of the organs.

  21. 他们未能营救出被恐怖分子劫持的记者。

    They failed to rescue the journalist held by the terrorists.

  22. 我们一定要揭露出被谎言包囊的事实。

    We are determined to reveal facts that have been hidden by lies.

  23. 我们一定要揭露出被谎言包囊得事实。

    We are determined to reveal facts that have been hidden by lies.

  24. 我们一定要揭露出被谎言包囊的事实。

    We are determined to reveal facts that have been hidden by lies.

  25. 由这些脉冲即可恢复出被测表面得轮廓。

    With these pulses, we can get back the surface profile.

  26. 由这些脉冲即可恢复出被测表面的轮廓。

    With these pulses, we can get back the surface profile.

  27. 我被诊断出酗酒

    Or I diagnosed myself.

  28. 吉姆被选出议会。

    Jim was voted out of the council.

  29. 伊莉莎被赶出皇宫。

    Eliza was driven out of the palace.

  30. 她被叛徒出卖了。

    She was betrayed by the traitor.


  1. 问:被出卖的台湾拼音怎么拼?被出卖的台湾的读音是什么?被出卖的台湾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被出卖的台湾的读音是,被出卖的台湾翻译成英文是 Formosa Betrayed

  2. 问:被出卖的新嫁娘拼音怎么拼?被出卖的新嫁娘的读音是什么?被出卖的新嫁娘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被出卖的新嫁娘的读音是,被出卖的新嫁娘翻译成英文是 The Bartered Bride