


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:kě dàn






  1. 岂止。

    唐 严武 《巴岭答杜二见忆》诗:“可但 步兵 偏爱酒,也知 光禄 最能诗。” 宋 王安石 《次韵陆定远以谪往来求诗》:“可但风流追 甫白 ,由来家世出 机云 。”



  1. Sara tells Lincoln that she must go save Michael, but he asks her to stay away.


  2. Occasionally ordering a take-out is fine, but having three or four a week is bordering on lazy.


  3. Mark was faced with the overwhelming void of a now empty future. But God had a future planned for Mark that he was not aware of.


  4. OK, so technically you don't need to be married to have a family , but marriage is still the standard method for starting a family.


  5. You are not obliged to answer these questions, but it would make our task easier.


  6. China invests the overseas iron ore "this step" must to walk, but must certainly walk walks steadily.


  7. College or above, ; excellent English reading and writing skill is a must. (Good oral English is a plus)


  1. 食物尚可但乏善可陈。

    The food was adequate but unimaginative.

  2. 质量尚可但价格并不便宜。

    Quality barely passable but price unattractive.

  3. 可但以理对王对上帝都忠心耿耿,无可挑剔。

    But Daniel was blameless, for he was loyal to both God and the King.

  4. 但可控制它的宽度。

    But I can control its width.

  5. 稳定但可调整的平价

    stable but adjustable par value

  6. 稳定的但可调整的平价

    stable but adjustable par values

  7. 不应该的但可理解的怨恨

    blamable but understandable resentment

  8. 但可不可以请你边走边说?

    Could you walk and talk, at the same time?

  9. 不含交通费用,但可负责安排。

    Transport is not included but can be arranged.

  10. 人难一世称雄,但可一生为人

    One cannot always be a hero, But one can always be a man

  11. 但可供支配的土地就这么点。

    But there is only so much land to go round.

  12. 设备已丢失, 但可在此时重置。

    The device has been lost but can be reset at this time.

  13. 这房子供出租,但可随时买下。

    The property is for rent with an option to buy at any time.

  14. 但可供他改造的东西并不多。

    But he does not have much to work with.

  15. 保留手稿但可给出版商一份影印件。

    Kept the original But sent a photocopy to his publisher.

  16. 有一种微弱但可察觉的冷落意味。

    There was a slight but perceptible air of neglect.

  17. 拍狗的脊背可以,但可别拍它的鼻子。

    It's safe to pat the dog on its back but not on its nose.

  18. 拍狗得脊背可以,但可别拍它得鼻子。

    It's safe to pat the dog on its back but not on its nose.

  19. 相关词语不能同时为真但可同时为假。

    of words so related that both cannot be true but both may be false.

  20. 不, 只有各团团长, 但可允许带翻译。

    No, only for heads of the delegations. But, the interpreters are allowed.

  21. 他以为师母疯了,但可又一点不像疯。

    He thought Mrs. Lin had gone mad, yet she didn't look the least abnormal.

  22. 肺结核虽然是一种严重的疾病,但可治愈。

    TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured.

  23. 听诊, 右侧腹腔无蠕动音, 但可听到叮当音

    On auscultation, quiet abdomen on right but may be tinkling sounds

  24. 但可穿戴技术确实是大家真正需要的吗?

    But are we sure that wearable technology is something we really want?

  25. 显露髂骨非常简单,但可导致相当多的出血。

    Exposure of the ilium is simple but may cause considerable bleeding.

  26. 这个专题片虽然有意义,但可视性不强,挺枯燥。

    Although this monographic film is meaningful, it isn't fun to watch and is very boring.

  27. 这个专题片虽然有意义,但可视性不强,挺枯燥。

    Although this monographic film is meaningful, it isn't fun to watch and is very boring.

  28. 山洞虽然潮湿,但可有效躲避敌人的轰炸与炮击。

    enemy bombing and shelling.

  29. 蝴蝶牌缝纫机我们无现货可供, 但可供提供熊猫牌得。

    We cannot supply Butterfly sewing machine from stock, but we can supply Panda sewing machine instead.

  30. 这套方法十分复杂, 但可通过地理隐喻进行概述。

    The methodology is complicated, but can be summarized through a geographic metaphor.