


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……





汉语拼音:mén lèi









  1. 依照事物的特性把相同的集中在一起而分成的类。

    宋 赵彦卫 《云麓漫钞》卷十四:“其间意义极多,有借用字,有避俗音字,有五方音不同字。门类亦不一,不可不知也。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“旧有 沉东江 先生《临平志》一卷,不分门类,惟依时代编纂。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致王志之》:“我希望在 平 的刊物,应以在 平 的作者为骨干,这才能够发展而且有特色,门类不完全一点倒不要紧。”

  2. 分门别类。

    宋 王闢之 《渑水燕谈录·文儒》:“ 太宗 鋭意文史, 太平兴国 中,詔 李昉 、 扈蒙 、 徐鉉 、 张洎 等,门类羣书为一千卷,赐名《太平御览》。”



  1. The art of bamboo carving had been developed into a professional type of Chinese industrial arts during the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

  2. Huge savings have come as the company has broken down the barriers between its various operations.

  3. But one category is often overlooked: sources of energy, even though the plots and turning points of major movies have hinged on just that.

  4. The first light shows performed in the United States were developed as a fine art at San Francisco State College in the early fifties.

  5. Moreover, universities shall offer at least three branches of learning designated by the State as the main courses.

  6. Every topic also comes with its own memetracker-like 'popular' view and a list of currently trending terms within each category.

  7. In the realm of painting, coloring is an important category in expressiveness and expounding the individuality and nature of the creator.

  8. If Medical Humanities wants to be an independent discipline class, it must have its own unique research object and research approach.

  9. Business card printing and membership card production, which featured both culture and services is the dual nature of industrial branches.


  1. 他们属于同一门类。

    They are of the same class.

  2. 一批不同门类的奖项。

    in a number of different categories.

  3. 一共有1,7152种,可以分成536个门类。

    It's 17, 152 divided into 534 families.

  4. 你经常在书店里浏览哪个门类?

    What section of the bookstore do you usually peruse

  5. 门类七股票,黄金及期货交易公司

    Branch 5 stock, bullion and commodity exchanges.

  6. 蓝印花布是传统工艺的重要门类。

    The handicraft of blue allover is one of the important kinds of traditional handicraft.

  7. 可视化涉及多学科,多门类的知识。

    Visualization in GIS relates to kinds of disciplines and much knowledge.

  8. 基础科学和技术科学这两大门类

    the two major departments of basic and technical sciences

  9. 符号论美学与艺术门类之基本幻象

    Basic Illusion of the Symbolic Aestheticism and the Artistic Category

  10. 建立起文学艺术跨门类研究的桥梁。

    This dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of literature and performing art.

  11. 关于起源的传说形成了单独一个门类。

    Traditions of origin form a separate class.

  12. 大连工业门类齐全, 综合配套能力较强。

    Dalian owns complete industrial categories with strong comprehensive capacity.

  13. 声乐和器乐都与许多门类的科学相关。

    Acoustics and musical instruments have close relationship with several fields of science.

  14. 门类繁多, 规格齐全, 生产量大, 销售面广。

    In various categories, complete specifications, production volume, selling a wide range.

  15. 最大,门类最全,知名度最高的电子产品集散地。

    The largest category of the complete, most famous electronic products distribution center.

  16. 咖啡馆演讲的话题就如同科学门类一样五花八门。

    The topics are as diverse as science itself.

  17. 我一下子这一门类的作品吸引住了。

    At the same time, I was reading the boys adventure series of the day, like Rick Brants Scientific Adventures, Tom Swift, Jr.

  18. 真丝画是一门既现代又传统的艺术门类。

    Silk paintings are both a modern and traditional arts.

  19. 真丝画是一门既现代又传统得艺术门类。

    Silk paintings are both a modern and traditional arts.

  20. 数控技术是一门涵盖多学科多门类的自动控制技术。

    CNC technology is one of cybernation which covered many subjects.

  21. 在众多的艺术门类中,陶瓷壁饰艺术的历史源远流长。

    In numerous art door, ceramic murals art has a long history.

  22. 我们给艺术门类所画的界限常常是十分武断的。

    The boundaries we draw around kinds of art are often quite arbitrary.

  23. 我们给艺术门类所画的界限常常是十分武断的。

    The boundaries we draw around kinds of art are often quite arbitrary.

  24. 我们给艺术门类所画得界限常常是十分武断得。

    The boundaries we draw around kinds of art are often quite arbitrary.

  25. 本商场经营国内外名牌产品,门类齐全,服务完善。

    This plaza deals in famousBrand Chinese and foreign products in great assortment and gives good services.

  26. 艺文艺术领域或门类的一支,如音乐,芭蕾或文学

    A field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature.

  27. 游侠诗是我国古典诗歌的一个重要题材门类。

    Chivalric classical poetry is the poetry of an important subject categories.

  28. 设计本身是理性与感性,艺术与技术高度结合的门类。

    Design is a category that combines sense and sensibility, art and technology.

  29. 车库门类产品有卷帘复合车库门和翻板式车库门。

    Garage product categories shutter composite garage doors and garage door up plate.

  30. 自然科学的各大门类构成一个系统化的知识体系。

    All the main kind of science consists the systematized knowledge system.


  1. 问:门类拼音怎么拼?门类的读音是什么?门类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门类的读音是ménlèi,门类翻译成英文是 category