




1. 谢 [xiè]谢 [xiè]对别人的帮助或赠与表示感激:~~。~仪。~忱(谢意)。~恩。~意。面~。致~。感~。认错,道歉:~过。~罪。推辞:~绝。闭门~客。凋落,衰退:~顶。~世(去世)。凋~。新陈代~。告诉,询问:“使人称~:‘皇……



汉语拼音:sān xiè







  1. 晋 谢尚 、 谢奕 、 谢安 三兄弟的合称。三人皆以书法知名。

    唐 窦臮 《述书赋上》:“博哉四 庾 ,茂矣六 郄 ,三 谢 之盛,八 王 之奇。”

  2. 南朝 宋 诗人 谢灵运 、 谢惠连 及 南朝 齐 诗人 谢朓 的合称。

    宋 胡仔 《苕溪渔隐丛话前集·国风汉魏六朝下》引 唐子西 《语录》:“ 江 左诸 谢 诗文,见《文选》者六人。 希逸 无诗, 宣远 、 叔源 有诗不工,今取 灵运 、 惠连 、 玄暉 ( 朓 )诗合六十四篇为三 谢 诗。” 明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说·诗一》:“诗自 左思 潘 陆 之后,至 义熙 永明 间又一变矣,然当以三 谢 为正宗。”



  1. Shera's Two Laws of Cataloguing


  1. 现在她已谢过三次幕了。

    Now she's got three curtain calls.

  2. 观众都起立鼓掌欢呼, 使这位歌坛新秀谢了三次幕

    The standing ovation made the new singing star take three curtain calls

  3. 丙酮酸和二羟丙酮都是糖代谢过程中的三碳化合物。

    Pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone are all three carbon metabolites of carbohydrate metabolism.

  4. 摘要丙酮酸和二羟丙酮都是糖代谢过程中的三碳化合物。

    Abstract Pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone are all three carbon metabolites of carbohydrate metabolism.

  5. 第三部分是谢庄事迹系年。

    The third part is the chronicle of Xie Zhuang's life.

  6. 近三分之一的胖人代谢是正常的。

    And nearly one out of three obese people were also metabolically fit.

  7. 三焦气化与人体水液代谢关系的研究

    The Study of the Relationship between Gasification of the Triple Warmer and Metabolism of the Body Fluid

  8. 这三个方面就可以对你得代谢产生重要影响。

    These three factors have a lot of power over your metabolism.

  9. 这三个方面就可以对你的代谢产生重要影响。

    These three factors have a lot of power over your metabolism.

  10. 目得研究三叉神经痛患者颌骨骨代谢得变化情况。

    Objective To investigate the changes about mandibular bone mineral density of patients with trigeminal neuralgia.

  11. 我已经答应三加他的生日聚会,不得不婉谢你的邀请。

    Having been asked to his birthday party,I cannot help declining your invitation.

  12. 如果患者有三个以上的特征, 那么患者即为代谢综合征。

    They are high body weight, high abdominal girth, high cholesterol levels, particularly LDL and VLDL and hypertension, and they may have diabetes.

  13. 脂代谢相关三基因突变小鼠肝脏差异表达蛋白组研究

    Differential Proteomic Analysis of Liver of Treble Lipid Metabolism Genes Mutant Mouse

  14. 奥谢周五做了些轻量的运动,预计周三可以归队。

    O'Shea did some light jogging on Friday and is expected to be okay for Wednesday.

  15. 三基因突变小鼠血脂代谢及动脉粥样硬化早期病变特征

    The characteristics of atherosclerotic early lesion in treble lipid metabolism genes mutant mouse

  16. 我们第一次是输给了谢周三,因为我排的阵容不对。

    The first time we lost to Sheffield Wednesday because I picked the wrong team.

  17. 三叉神经痛与降钙素受体基因多态性及骨代谢关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship between Trigeminal Neuralgia and Calcitonin Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Bone Metabolism

  18. 组委会成员艾伦·欣谢尔伍德于三月起草出了一份太空计划纲要。

    During March,Committee member Alan Hinshelwood drafted out an outline plan for the space.