




1. 雀 [què]2. 雀 [qiāo]3. 雀 [qiǎo]雀 [què]鸟类的一科,吃粮食粒和昆虫。特指“麻雀”,泛指小鸟:~跃(高兴得像雀儿那样跳跃)。~盲(即“夜盲症”)。~斑。~噪(名声宣扬,含贬义)。雀 [qiāo]〔~子〕即……



汉语拼音:shān què







  1. 山间小鸟,如麻雀等。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《秋夜》诗之二:“荒径驰野鼠,空庭聚山雀。” 唐 钱起 《幽居春暮书怀》诗:“谿云杂雨来茅屋,山雀将雏到药栏。”

  2. 鸟纲,山雀科各种类的通称。小型鸣禽,主食昆虫及幼虫,为农林益鸟。我国常见的有白脸山雀。体长约13厘米,头部羽毛蓝黑色,颊部白色,活跃于山区林间。



  1. He looked up and saw a hunting owl had just snatched a little bird, a titmouse, out of the air.


  2. Just as I start to turn back home I hear it: the soft, two-toned whistle of chickadees.


  3. Tits , oaks and moths, for instance, all seem to respond to temperature in some fashion, though each in a different way.


  4. Whether male or female, the more often a bird deserted its clutches, the more mates it had and the more eggs were laid.


  5. Dave: OK Ms Chickadee, could you please start by telling me what you do for a living, and what you do just for fun?


  6. They were so familiar that at length one alighted on an armful of wood which I was carrying in, and pecked at the sticks without fear.


  7. Unique Chickadee: I have been a part of several flocks in my life.


  8. To keep their internal furnace stoked , chickadees eat twice as much food in winter as in summer.


  9. Ants then came to take it away for food, the titmouse had been hurt by the owl's claws the fall to the ground, so it couldn't move.


  1. 红头长尾山雀

    Aegithalos concinnus

  2. 杂色山雀的繁殖成功率

    Reproductive Success of Parus varius in Natural Condition and Nestbox

  3. 说完,山雀就飞走了。

    Having said that, the titmouse flew away.

  4. 北美洲西部活跃的灰色山雀。

    Active gray titmice of western North America.

  5. 煤山雀繁殖与食性的研究

    Studies on the breeding and feeding habit of the coal tits

  6. 一只长尾山雀飞落在树枝上。

    A long tailed tit alighted on the branch.

  7. 几乎每一天我听到西方山雀。

    Virtually every day Ill hear a western tanager.

  8. 一只山雀唱着歌向空中飞去。

    A blackbird nosed up into the sky, singing.

  9. 杨宝跑过去, 拾起山雀, 掸去蚂蚁。

    He took the titmouse home and raised it in a bamboo cage.

  10. 杨宝跑过赴,拾起山雀,掸赴蚂蚁。

    Yang Pao ran over and picked the titmouse up, brushing away the ants.

  11. 美国东部和中西部有冠毛的山雀。

    Crested titmouse of eastern and midwestern United States.

  12. 与莺类似的小鸟但具有一些山雀的习性。

    Small birds resembling warblers but having some of the habits of titmice.

  13. 月光波来,蓝山雀之梦为之颤然。

    Under weaves of moonlight, blue tit's dream tickles.

  14. 有苍鹰, 山斑鸠, 夜莺, 山雀等80多种鸟类。

    A goshawk, mountain Turtle Dove, Nightingale, tit, and so on more than 80 kinds of birds.

  15. 辽宁老铁山雀形目鸟类秋季迁徙初探

    Preliminary Study on the Migration of Passerine in Autumn in Laotieshan Mountain, Liaoning

  16. 那只山雀被摔昏了,躺在地上一动不动。

    It was so dazed it just lay there without moving.

  17. 山雀、啄木鸟和猫头鹰呆在北方度过这个季节。

    Chickadees, woodpeckers, and owls stay north for the season.

  18. 一只山雀唱着歌向空中飞去。更详细。

    A blackbird nosed up into the sky, singing.

  19. 他抬头看见一只猫头鹰在空中抓住了一只山雀。

    He looked up and saw a hunting owl had just snatched a little bird out of the air.

  20. 各种与山雀相似或相关的小鸟中的任何一种

    Any of various small, similar or related birds.

  21. 大山雀的巢成功率最低, 灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。

    The nest success of Great Tit is the lowest and Ashy Starling is the highest.

  22. 他把山雀带回家,放在一个竹笼里饲养。

    He took the titmouse home and raised it in a bamboo cage.

  23. 大山雀开始产卵日期明显分为两个阶段。

    There are two stages before clutch day great tit.

  24. 一切都发生在背部周围的一对和一对山雀紧一点

    All comes the back around with a pair of tits and a tight little hole

  25. 山雀贮存种子,还有树皮和树叶下面的昆虫,蜘蛛。

    Chickadees store collections of seeds, insects and spiders in the bark of trees or under leaves.

  26. 产于美国南部的山雀,与黑冠雀形似但较小。

    Southern United States chickadee similar to the blackcap but smaller.

  27. 他抬头一看,见一只猫头鹰刚在空中抓住了一只山雀。

    He looked up and saw a hunting owl had just snatched a little bird, a titmouse, out of the air.

  28. 猫头鹰发现有人在看它捕猎,受到惊吓,丢下了山雀。

    The owl was so startled to discover someone watching it hunt that it dropped the titmouse, which fell to the ground.

  29. 特征大山雀雄雌同形同色, 属于山雀属中体形较大的种类。

    Features Large Tit Xiongci become the same color and size of chickadees in a larger type.

  30. 发现有人在看见它捕猎,猫头鹰受到惊吓,丢下了山雀。

    The owl was so startled to discover someone watching it hunt that it dropped the titmouse, which fell to the ground.


  1. 问:山雀拼音怎么拼?山雀的读音是什么?山雀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山雀的读音是shānquè,山雀翻译成英文是 tit; titmouse

  2. 问:山雀属拼音怎么拼?山雀属的读音是什么?山雀属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山雀属的读音是shānquè shǔ,山雀属翻译成英文是 Parus

  3. 问:山雀科拼音怎么拼?山雀科的读音是什么?山雀科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山雀科的读音是shānquè kē,山雀科翻译成英文是 Paridae

  4. 问:山雀类拼音怎么拼?山雀类的读音是什么?山雀类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山雀类的读音是,山雀类翻译成英文是 chickadee

  5. 问:山雀鹛拼音怎么拼?山雀鹛的读音是什么?山雀鹛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山雀鹛的读音是shānquèméi,山雀鹛翻译成英文是 tit babbler

  6. 问:山雀棘豆拼音怎么拼?山雀棘豆的读音是什么?山雀棘豆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山雀棘豆的读音是shānquèjídòu,山雀棘豆翻译成英文是 Oxytropis avis

  7. 问:山雀形锥嘴雀拼音怎么拼?山雀形锥嘴雀的读音是什么?山雀形锥嘴雀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山雀形锥嘴雀的读音是shānquèxíngzhuīzuǐquè,山雀形锥嘴雀翻译成英文是 Tit-like Dacnis; Xenodacnis parina