


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……





汉语拼音:qiáng ruò








  1. 亦作“彊弱”。强大与弱小。


  2. 指力量大小的程度。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·渠水》:“然地理参差,土无常域,随其强弱自相吞并。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·张魏公》:“按 宋 金 强弱之不敌,夫人知之。” 清 李渔 《比目鱼·办贼》:“相公你往野外练兵,未免劳心费力,不知自你任事以来,军威将力,强弱如何,求你细説一番。”



  1. Therefore we generally suffer less depression than Westerners, as the degree of the suffering varies with that of our desire and ambition.


  2. Therefore we suffer less depression than the westerns because the degree of our suffering varying with that of our desire and ambition.


  3. Prostaglandins counteract the actions of vasopressin and influence of how much sodium we excrete.


  4. The paper holds that this can be directly reflected by the proportion of informatization investment.


  5. Scientists have known for a long time that the light of day and the dark of night play important roles in setting our internal clocks.


  6. There was no phrasing, no indication of loud or soft, on scores from his time.


  7. Results showed that there was the positive correlation of growth rate and conidia production of strains of V. dahliae to its pathogenicity.


  8. or, to use a different expression, it may be said to have two qualities of extension, and one of intension.


  9. For the near term, at least, there is likely to be a sharper delineation between the strong and the weak.


  1. 强弱相合性

    strong and weak consistency.

  2. 致病能力的强弱。

    The quantitative ability of an agent to cause disease.

  3. 该用怎样的强弱力度

    And I'm being told the dynamic.

  4. 于是一种强弱顺序就形成了。

    A pecking order formed.

  5. 信号的强弱取决于多种因素。

    This signal intensity depends on a number of factors.

  6. 公司不分强弱, 重在公平竞争。

    Companies, strong or weak, shall focus on fair competition.

  7. 公司不分强弱,重在公平竞争。

    Companies, strong or weak, shall focus on fair competition.

  8. 隐性知识显性化强弱隐性知识虚拟现实

    Keywords tacit knowledgeexplicatestrong or weak tacit knowledgevirtual reality

  9. 而金属离子的电荷决定了酸的强弱。

    The positive charge of metal ion determines the strength of the acid.

  10. 意指用关连线描绘出强弱关系。

    Relationship lines depict strength of relationship.

  11. 氢键对有机化合物酸性强弱的影响

    The Strong or Weak Influence of Hydrogen Bond on Acidness of Organic Compounds

  12. 动作的速度和力度用来表示语气的强弱。

    Speed and strength of movement allow for intonation.

  13. 人有强弱之分, 弱者就会被欺侮。

    So long as some are strong and some are weak, the weak will be driven to the wall.

  14. 真实性的强弱与以上变量成反比例存在。

    Degree reality is inverse proportion with variable upwards.

  15. 针刺补泻、强弱刺激治疗的临床应用

    The clinical application of acupuncture manipulation.

  16. 从示意图上可以看出电场线的强弱。

    The intensity of electric field lines can be observed from this sketch map.

  17. 排名的变化也反应了货币及经济的强弱。

    The relative strengths of currencies and economies are reflected in changes to the rankings.

  18. 我倒不在乎光线得强弱,能看见就行。

    I don't care much about the intensity of light, as long as I can see.

  19. 我倒不在乎光线的强弱,能看见就行。

    I don't care much about the intensity of light, as long as I can see.

  20. 我倒不在乎光线的强弱,能看见就行。

    I don't care much about the intensity of light, as long as I can see.

  21. 天体引力的强弱决定于它们自身质量的大小。

    The attractive power of a celestial body depends upon its larger or smaller mass.

  22. 具有电池电量指示,信号强弱指示,显示日期和时间。

    Battery Indicator, signal strength indicator, display date and time.

  23. 面团的筋力强弱直接影响到面点成品的质量。

    The pulling force of dough gluten affects directly the quality of light refreshments.

  24. 所有的生物,无论贫富强弱,都有一个学名。

    All creatures, great and small have scientific names.

  25. 您的抓水点所取的宽度取决于您的身体的强弱。

    How wide you make the catch point depends on how strong you are.

  26. 地震时一定点地面震动强弱的程度叫地震烈度。

    Earthquake shook the ground at a certain point is the deGREe of strength of seismic intensity.

  27. 而且古武技的破绽或许就是武技自身威力的强弱。

    And the flaw of ancient martial skill is probably the lusty alternatively feeble of Wu Ji oneself power.

  28. 钨丝发光的强弱,取决于流经的电流强度的大小。

    The brightness of a tungsten filament depends on the intensity of the electrical current that flows through it.

  29. 按显色的强弱及阳性细胞所占的比例分级。

    Classification is done according to the depth of the color and the proportion of the masculine cell.

  30. 企业的生存和发展决定于企业的知识生成能力的强弱。

    Enterprise's survival and development decisions in the business strength of knowledge generation capacity.


  1. 问:强弱拼音怎么拼?强弱的读音是什么?强弱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强弱的读音是qiángruò,强弱翻译成英文是 Strong and weak.; Intensity of sound or light....

  2. 问:强弱法拼音怎么拼?强弱法的读音是什么?强弱法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强弱法的读音是,强弱法翻译成英文是 Dynamics

  3. 问:强弱危机分析拼音怎么拼?强弱危机分析的读音是什么?强弱危机分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强弱危机分析的读音是,强弱危机分析翻译成英文是 SWOT analysis

  4. 问:强弱合闭映射拼音怎么拼?强弱合闭映射的读音是什么?强弱合闭映射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强弱合闭映射的读音是qiáng ruò hé bì yìng shè,强弱合闭映射翻译成英文是 demi-closed mapping