




1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……



汉语拼音:wù chuán






  1. 错误地传授或传播。

    唐 李靖 《李卫公问对》卷上:“后世误传,诡设物象,何止八而已乎。” 梁启超 《论支那宗教改革》:“而欲证明此六主义之所以成立,与彼六反对主义之所以误传,则不可不先明 孔 学之组织,与其传授转变之源流。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致母亲》:“也常有关于 北平 和 天津 的谣言,关切的朋友,至于半夜敲门来通报,到第二天一打听,才知道也是误传的。”



  1. And while Paulson didn't get sued, because the SEC said he made no misrepresentations, he did make $1 billion on the deal.


  2. Until recently this project was believed to be Russian, but that is not the case and I apologise for the previous misinformation.


  3. KFC later admitted the practice, but refuted allegations that the company misrepresented it as milk from ground soybeans.


  4. a telegraphic signal , improperly interpreted , owing to the fog , was the cause of this error .


  5. Do not fabricate, falsify, misrepresent, or overreach data in manuscripts, grant proposals, or meeting presentations.


  6. Otherwise, messages may be misdirected and processing for a conversation may occur in the wrong copy of the database.


  7. You want to dispel any misinformation they've absorbed, but you don't want to shoot in the dark.


  8. She said there has been "misinformation" over what the legislation requires from Pakistan.


  9. The panacea: designers should preach water and drink it too! This avoids confusion, misunderstanding, and misrepresentation.


  1. 误信的。误传的。信以为真的

    wrongly believed or said to be the specified thing

  2. 外面误传他丢了工作。

    It was falsely reported that he had lost his job.

  3. 误传或者改变真实选举结果。

    Misrepresentation or alteration of the true results of an election.

  4. 这个陈述误传了我的意图。

    This statement misrepresents my intentions.

  5. 你是这个人吗?还是误传的?

    Are you such a person or have I been misinformed?

  6. 迷幻药被普遍误传为软性毒品。

    Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.

  7. 我得结论近来曾被误传很甚。

    My conclusions have lately been much misrepresented.

  8. 我的结论近来曾被误传很甚。

    My conclusions have lately been much misrepresented.

  9. 历史上,名人们的引语经常是误传的。

    Throughout history, quotes of famous people are often misrepresented.

  10. 这些消息是从哪里听来的?全都是误传嘛!

    Where did you get these information which were misrepresented?

  11. 这些消息是从哪里听来得?全都是误传嘛!

    Where did you get these information which were misrepresented ?

  12. 这些广告经常误传这个病毒是如何传播的。

    Such advertisements often convey misinformation about how the virus is spread.

  13. 这些消息是从哪里听来的?全都是误传嘛!

    Where did you get these information which were misrepresented?

  14. 这种针对矿物油得愚蠢, 复发得误传使人发怒。

    This foolish, recurring misinformation about mineral oil and petrolatum is maddening.

  15. 这种针对矿物油的愚蠢,复发的误传使人发怒。

    This foolish, recurring misinformation about mineral oil and petrolatum is maddening.

  16. 听说他结婚了,现在才知道这是误传。

    I understood. he was married, but I find I was misinformed.

  17. 关于健康的破坏物铍的无知和误传是很顽固的。

    But ignorance and misinformation about the health hazards of beryllium die hard.

  18. 真相中会参杂着恶意游说支持误传。

    There is a mixture of truth competing with malintentionedlobbyistbacked misinformation.

  19. 发言人说目前罢工的程度正被人误传。

    The spokesman said that the extent of the current strike is being misrepresented.

  20. 许多青少年仍然相信关于性和怀孕的误传。

    Many teenagers still believe myths about sex and pregnancy.

  21. 诡计,诈欺不很明显的、误传的或模糊的重要特征。

    A significant feature that is obscured, misrepresented, or not readily evident; a catch.

  22. 有时候,人们只不过是被误传了正在发生的事情。

    Sometimes people are just misinformed about what is happening.

  23. 达尔文实际上并没有这样说,但他一直误传至今。

    Darwin didn't actually say this, but he's been misreported ever since.

  24. 然而, 当僧侣误传他的教导的时候, 他并不会超越愤怒。

    He was not, however, past exasperation when monks of his order misrepresented his teachings.

  25. 她身着那种降落伞裤 经常被人误传为百合女。

    She just kept wearing those parachute pants, lesbian rumors be damned.

  26. 如果诚实,他也许被误传至于事实和弄错在他的推断。

    If honest, he may be misinformed as to the facts and mistaken in his inferences.

  27. 而人类中所误传的我们的暴力和误解真的是很无知。

    And any violence or disapproval originates from a human source of misunderstanding, misinformation or simply ignorance.

  28. 这会导致对企业数据源中包含的数据的误解和误传。

    This can lead to misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the data contained in the enterprise data source.

  29. 由于误传和谣言,福岛遭受了极大的经济损失,他说。

    Fukushima has suffered a lot of financial damage caused by misinformation, he said.

  30. 对由制定抗震救灾工作预案引起地震误传的平息与启示

    The subsidence and Revelation of misinformation causing earthquake from making program of earthquake resistance and disaster relief


  1. 问:误传拼音怎么拼?误传的读音是什么?误传翻译成英文是什么?

    答:误传的读音是wùchuán,误传翻译成英文是 Transmission or delivery by error.

  2. 问:误传送拼音怎么拼?误传送的读音是什么?误传送翻译成英文是什么?

    答:误传送的读音是,误传送翻译成英文是 misfeed