







汉语拼音:mí wǎng








  1. 迷惑失措。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·三仙》:“及醒,红日已高,四顾并无院宇,主僕卧山谷中,大骇。见傍有一洞,水涓涓流。自讶迷惘。” 徐特立 《科学化民族化大众化的文化教育》:“真正的科学就能够提高人民的自觉,非科学的东西就会加深人民的迷惘。” 碧野 《大海风涛》一:“我初次踏上人生的征途,人海茫茫,哪里是指引航向的灯塔?我感到迷惘。”

  2. 指蛊惑,使迷惑。


  3. 谓神经错乱失常。

    清 吴下阿蒙 《断袖篇·吕子敬秀才》:“ 吉安 吕子敬 秀才,嬖一美男 韦国秀 , 国秀 死, 吕 哭之慟,遂至迷惘,浪游弃业。”《清史稿·后妃传·太宗敏惠恭和元妃》:“上慟甚,一日忽迷惘,自午至酉始瘥。”



  1. I am at a loss in the tearful eyes full of sadness, I found a pair of eyes watching me with concern.


  2. Yet for a long while he sat unmoving, his feet chilly in the dew, drank on the memory of her lost, half-smiling face.


  3. "Marrying Sibyl Vane! " cried Lord Henry, standing up and looking at him in perplexed amazement.


  4. When I called him at his home in England, he professed to be just as confused after 15 years of thinking about Japan as Hearn was.


  5. I used to be a bit confused about the differences between different teaching approaches.


  6. What may appear ahead may confuse and bewilder those who do not choose to see through it.


  7. I patiently and carefully through the induction and help, she finally say to him a secret, out of the adolescent confusion.


  8. The ease with which I could get in a car and drive to any place left me bewildered and confused.


  9. And I think that feeling, whether justified or not lies behind the continuing puzzlement that philosophers do feel about this problem.


  1. 迷惘的一代

    lost generation

  2. 使某人陷入迷惘

    to sink somebody in perplexity

  3. 心理混乱或心理迷惘。

    a state of mental disturbance and disorientation.

  4. 我迷惘地这么想。

    I wondered, at a loss to know.

  5. 我感到困惑和迷惘。

    I felt confused and lost.

  6. 我被惊醒, 不再迷惘

    I rouse suddenly from sleep and never lose myself

  7. 迷惘致飞行恐怖症一例

    A case of flight phobia induced by confusion.

  8. 新面孔的呈现,令我迷惘。

    New face is appearing. I am so confused.

  9. 新面孔得呈现,令我迷惘。

    New face is appearing. I am so confused.

  10. 突然的成功使她感到迷惘。

    She was dazzled by her sudden success.

  11. 查理在堂屋里迷惘万分。

    Charles felt so completely out of his element in this room.

  12. 成长,就是一段迷惘的寻找

    Growth, is a process of aimless seeking.

  13. 我觉得十分迷惘,难过极了。

    I feel really confused and wretched.

  14. 但此外便皆因你而迷惘

    But furthermore distracted by you

  15. 女教士报以迷惘的一笑。

    The Missionary offered an uncertain smile.

  16. 她因看到外面的景物而迷惘。

    Her mind strayed on the scene outside.

  17. 他可以感受到他的伤感与迷惘。

    He could still see the nebulous clouds roaming in her head denoting sadness and bewilderment.

  18. 她的迷惘使他产生了片刻的怜悯。

    He had a moment's pity for her bewilderment.

  19. 挣脱束缚的风筝,自由了,却也迷惘了。

    The kite felt mazed when it was free from the constraint.

  20. 他们属于迷惘的一代,想要找寻自我。

    They are a lost generation in search of an identity.

  21. 回报他的礼仪的只有惊奇和迷惘的目光。

    Strange and bewildered looks repaid him for his courtesy.

  22. 他虽然笃信宗教,但有时仍感到迷惘。

    Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.

  23. 莫里斯捋着胡须, 两眼显得有些迷惘。

    Morns stood stroking his beard, with a clouded eye.

  24. 当你从我眼前走失时,我也跟着迷惘了

    When you get lost from my sight, I also followed a loss of

  25. 习惯性的,露出微微的浅笑,挣脱了心里的迷惘。

    I slightly smile as usual, break rein of perplex in my heart.

  26. 迷惘使你学得更多, 而清晰使你使用得更好。

    Confusion makes you learn more, and clarity enables you to use better.

  27. 他醒来后觉得有点儿迷惘,但却感到兴奋。

    He awoke feeling confused, yet elated.

  28. 要是说了,怎么向她倾诉我迷惘的爱慕?

    If I spoke to her, how I could tell her of my confused adoration?

  29. 一只红色小猫迷惘地躺在白杨树下。

    One red mitten lying lost under a poplar tree.

  30. 最刚强, 最柔和, 最讲逻辑得人有时也会迷惘。

    The strongest, the tenderest, the most logical have their hours of weakness.


  1. 问:迷惘拼音怎么拼?迷惘的读音是什么?迷惘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷惘的读音是míwǎng,迷惘翻译成英文是 to be perplexed; disorientation

  2. 问:迷惘状态拼音怎么拼?迷惘状态的读音是什么?迷惘状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷惘状态的读音是mí wǎng zhuàng tài,迷惘状态翻译成英文是 perplexity

  3. 问:迷惘的一代拼音怎么拼?迷惘的一代的读音是什么?迷惘的一代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷惘的一代的读音是,迷惘的一代翻译成英文是 Lost Generation



“迷惘”是个多义词,它可以指迷惘(郭小霖演唱歌曲), 迷惘(汉语词语), 迷惘(卡内蒂著小说), 迷惘(诗人黑塞的作品)。