












汉语拼音:rén shòu nián fēng








  • 【解释】:人长寿,年成也好。形容太平兴旺的景象。
  • 【出自】:郭沫若《蔡文姬》第五幕:“好在这些年,年年都有好收成。真真是人寿年丰,喜事重重。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语、分句;含褒义


  1. and wishes for the New Year, RenShouNianFeng yours a happy New Year!


  1. 人寿年丰。

    The land yields good harvests and the people enjoy good health.

  2. 苍松常青, 人寿年丰。

    Old pine trees grow evergreen, and old age enjoys a long happy life.

  3. 苍松常青,人寿年丰。

    Old pine trees grow evergreen, and old age enjoys a long happy life.

  4. 递延人寿年金

    deferred life annuity

  5. 美国人肯尼斯。丰去年因朋友的邀请去深圳一家幼儿园授课。

    AMERICAN Kenneth Fon was invited by friends to teach at a Shenzhen Kidergarten last year.

  6. 这些雇员中的很多人都收入颇丰。

    Many of these people get paid a lot.

  7. 这些雇员中得很多人都收入颇丰。

    Many of these people get paid a lot.

  8. 文胸销售商表示,他们得顾客中很少有人是做过丰胸得。

    Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed.

  9. 面对未来,随丰人信心百倍。

    In the future, we have full of confidence.

  10. 穿衣服要选, 是否合身还要看, 大丰人的穿衣自己选定。

    Puts on clothes to have to elect, is whether goodfitting also mustlook, the greatly abundant person puts on clothes to designate.

  11. 汇丰人将始终以饱满的热情和坚定的信念迎接新的挑战!

    The people of Huifeng are ready to meet new challenges with great enthusiasm and firm belief.

  12. 丰田人字缝针板, 牙

    Toyota Zigzag Needle Plate Feed Dog

  13. 字德夫, 号泉谷, 隆兴丰城人。

    Word Dev, No. Spring Valley, longing Fengcheng people.

  14. 一位才学丰醇, 天性聪颖的优秀词人。

    a scholarship Fung alcohol, intelligent nature of the outstanding poet.

  15. 青木瓜丰胸对中年以上得人有用吗

    Is breast enhancement Chinese flowering quince useful to the person of middleaged above

  16. 青木瓜丰胸对中年心上得人有用吗

    Is breast enhancement Chinese flowering quince useful to the person on middleaged heart

  17. 青木瓜丰胸对中年以上的人有用吗

    Is breast enhancement Chinese flowering quince useful to the person of middleaged above.

  18. 青木瓜丰胸对中年心上的人有用吗

    Is breast enhancement Chinese flowering quince useful to the person on middleaged heart.

  19. 丰臣秀吉同时还是许多艺术的热心赞助人。

    Hideyoshi was also a great and enthusiastic patron of many arts.

  20. 有个人走进车场 他想买辆丰田的飞度

    One person walks into a car lot, and they are thinking about buying this Toyota Yaris.

  21. 好吃义丰葱油饼,在邮局旁边,人排得超多的!

    Scallion Pancake from a stand right by the postal office.

  22. 更多美国人购买了丰田车,而非雪佛兰。

    More Americans bought cars and trucks with the Toyota emblem on the hood than with the Chevrolet bowtie.

  23. 没有人会像我们农民这样庆祝一场大丰收的。

    Nobody but we farmers celebrates a great crop like this one.

  24. 丰田的普锐斯车依然供不应求, 购买的人必须排队等候。

    Toyota's Prius car is still short supply, the purchase must queue.

  25. 你们当中的许多人为企业工作,像谷歌或丰田或麦当劳。

    Many of you today, perhaps, work for a corporation, like Google or Toyota or McDonald's.

  26. 有些人希望在今年玉米能大丰收, 可以买些酒精燃料。

    Some were hoping for a big corn crop this year to sell for ethanol fuel.

  27. 有两个男人之间的人谁开始对他的阴谋,丰檬和汉族赵。

    There were two men among the people who began to plot against him, Feng Meng and Han Cho.

  28. 文胸销售商表示,他们的顾客中很少有人是做过丰胸的。

    Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed.

  29. 任然有一些人在怀疑丰田真正到达了此次问题的谷底。

    Some people still doubt that it has really got to the bottom of the problem.

  30. 图丰将提供难得的机会给那些想在职场上报负不凡的人。

    Duvon offers a rare opportunity for individuals who are ambitious and career oriented.


  1. 问:人寿年丰拼音怎么拼?人寿年丰的读音是什么?人寿年丰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人寿年丰的读音是rénshòuniánfēng,人寿年丰翻译成英文是 the people enjoy a good life-health and plenty of...



人长寿,年成也好。形容太平兴旺的景象。 南朝·梁·萧统《文选·潘岳》:“宜其民和年登。”李善注引作“人和年丰。”