







汉语拼音:huí shǒu









  1. 回头;回头看。

    汉 司马相如 《封禅文》:“昆虫闓懌,回首面内。” 宋 苏轼 《观湖》诗之一:“回首不知沙界小,飘衣犹觉色尘高。”《红楼梦》第一○四回:“ 雨村 回首看时,只见烈焰烧天,飞灰蔽日。” 毛泽东 《十六字令》之一:“惊回首,离天三尺三。”

  2. 谓归顺。

    《东观汉记·伏湛传》:“ 武王 庄公 ,所以砥礪蕃屏,劝进忠信,令四方诸侯,咸乐回首,仰望京师。”《后汉书·伏湛传》:“是故四方回首,仰望京师。”

  3. 回想,回忆。

    唐 杜甫 《将赴荆南寄别李剑州》诗:“戎马相逢更何日,春风回首 仲宣 楼。” 南唐 李煜 《虞美人》词:“故国不堪回首月明中。” 清 钱之青 《归里后亲朋枉过有作》诗:“回首出门初,变迁几八九。” 李大钊 《青春》:“人事万端,那堪回首。”

  4. 谓死亡。


  5. 亦作“廻首”。回头;回头看。

    汉 司马相如 《封禅文》:“昆虫闓泽,迴首面内。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《登高望春》诗:“迴首望 长安 ,城闕鬱盘桓。” 唐 韩愈 《别盈上人》诗:“ 祝融峰 下一迴首,即是此生长别离。” 闻一多 《孤雁》诗:“可怜的孤魂啊!更不须向天回首了。天是一个无涯的秘密……不是你能猜破的。”

  6. 回想;回忆。

    《艺文类聚》卷一引 南朝 梁 鲍泉 《江上望月》诗:“无因转还汎,迴首眷前贤。” 唐 韩愈 《寄崔二十六立之》诗:“迴首卿相位,通途无佗歧。” 清 唐孙华 《赁小舟渡江》诗:“昔年迴首乘车梦,打鼓鸣笳破浪行。”

  7. 归顺。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·灵帝纪中》:“是以羣雄廻首,百姓企踵。”



  1. Qing Tong now looks back on the more than two years that she spent at the Foxconn plant with the more detached attitude of an observer.


  2. Looking back, I now see so many similarities between my own childhood and that of my sons.


  3. "Four years from now you'll look back and say Rob Ford did exactly what he said he was going to do, " the new mayor told his supporters.


  4. As I look back, I see that most of my most vivid memories come from the early times when a lot of this music was new to me.


  5. Plenty of times in the imagination, one can turn back to when he made his debut at 16-and-a-half.


  6. Looking back, really want too much to think about and should not be thinking about it, all into the brain where it together with the output.


  7. Half a mile farther on, near the top of a rise, he looked back. Now it looked exactly like a barracks again.


  8. 'If I'm lucky, I can get a good job next semester and earn enough to visit you before I go back to Seoul with the proficiency certificate. '


  9. If you look back in evolution to say, the sea slug Aplysia, you see that the building blocks of this brain have not changed.


  1. 回首的岁月

    The Years of Looking Back.

  2. 默言回首。

    Probably I look back and have nothing to say anymore.

  3. 回首入世一年

    Look back the year of China access to WTO

  4. 回首往昔展望未来。

    Looking Back To Look Ahead.

  5. 人人回首, 妄想痴心

    Every head turned feeling passion and lust

  6. 回首一顾兮,影婀娜。

    With one look I play every part.

  7. 只有在回首的刹那

    Only in the instant of looking back

  8. 当你回首职业生涯

    And when you look back on your career.

  9. 回首欢爱,四顾茫茫。

    Your love and good will for to have.

  10. 回首丧钟, 残柳呜咽

    Past the passing bell past willow is weeping

  11. 她回首往事毫无遗憾。

    She looked back on the past without regret.

  12. 回首过去或是展望未来

    Step into the past or look into the future

  13. 暮然回首, 我一无所有

    Evening however looks back on, I do not have a thing in the world

  14. 她回首往事时,泣不成声。

    Tears choked her voice as she recalled the past.

  15. 她俄尔回首, 满面娇羞。

    When she turned, I saw her face was red.

  16. 未来的是回首时的心神。

    Future will be our mind as looking back.

  17. 她俄尔回首,满面娇羞。

    When she turned, I saw her face was red.

  18. 回首往事,只觉岁月蹉跎。

    Lookin'back on how it was in years gone by.

  19. 即使只是回首的那一刹那,

    Even though it may just be a twinkling

  20. 有时候回首过去不是好事。

    Sometimes it's not good to look back on the past.

  21. 有时候回首过去不是好事。

    Sometimes it's not good to look back on the past.

  22. 回首2006年,八闽大地风起云涌。

    2006 has seen great changes in Fujian.

  23. 我深情的回首这段日子。

    I looked back on these days with affection.

  24. 回首往日的每一次追逐

    Reminisce the touch of all the hands used to clutch

  25. 壮士如急流,勇往不回首。

    Ambition like a torrent never looks back.

  26. 回首往事, 我觉得当时我错了。

    In retrospect, I think that I was wrong.

  27. 没有了可以回首咀嚼的痕迹。

    No chewing can look back on the scene.

  28. 在烘红的炉旁, 低头回首。

    Bake in red next to the furnace, bow back.

  29. 相遇难, 珍惜缘, 再回首, 再相见。

    Meet difficult, cherish good luck, look back again, and then again.

  30. 蓦然回首那些争吵痛苦和仇恨。

    And once we look past the fighting, pain and the resentment.


  1. 问:回首拼音怎么拼?回首的读音是什么?回首翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回首的读音是huíshǒu,回首翻译成英文是 look back; recollect



“回首”是个多义词,它可以指回首(李克勤演唱歌曲), 回首(汉语词语)。