




1. 溃 [kuì]2. 溃 [huì]溃 [kuì]大水冲开堤岸:~决。~堤。散乱,垮台:~败。~退。~散。~逃。~不成军。崩~。~乱。肌肉组织因腐烂而破了口:~烂。~疡。溃 [huì]同“殨”。……



汉语拼音:jī kuì








  1. 打垮,打散。

    秦牧 《长河浪花集·湘阴热浪记》:“终于把盘踞 湘阴 全境的十八股土匪,或分化瓦解,或彻底击溃,全部剿灭了。”



  1. But after 15 years of working in new markets, has Mr White had all his enthusiasm knocked out of him by various hardships and reverses?


  2. And grant me with strength for the battle, that I can crush your enemy, as dust before before the wind.


  3. All records of him Meanwhile, his unit was lost and all records of him had been destroyed.


  4. The tactical plan is incredibly bad; the battery is not deployed for anti-tank defense at all and is going to be an easy prey.


  5. If enemies you wish to be, then I shall simply have to crush you all a third time before exacting justice on the halfling.


  6. In mock battles, its stealth and sensors allow a lone Raptor to kill a flock of any other kind of aircraft.


  7. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, the president said, the United States is determined to defeat al-Qaida and extremist forces.


  8. Meanwhile, his unit was lost and all records of him had been destroyed.


  9. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life.


  1. 敌人被击溃。

    The enemy was routed.

  2. 击溃入侵者

    Lay the invaders by the heels.

  3. 敌军被击溃。

    The enemy troops were cut to pieces.

  4. 击溃, 如用重担

    To overwhelm, as with burdens.

  5. 我们击溃了敌人。

    We put the enemy to rout.

  6. 他们击溃了敌军。

    They scattered the enemy troops.

  7. 陆军被彻底击溃了。

    The Army was annihilated.

  8. 敌人被全部击溃了。

    The enemy was overwhelmingly defeated.

  9. 我们会彻底击溃他们。

    We will strike them down.

  10. 崩溃被压倒或击溃

    To be overcome or crushed, as by grief, dismay, or fear.

  11. 击溃敌人。使敌人全面溃败

    Roll up horse and foot

  12. 最后盗版将正版击溃。

    In the end, Piracy routed Genuine.

  13. 我们必须把对方击溃。

    We must cut the other team to ribbons!

  14. 城堡的守军被击溃了。

    The castle defenders were borne down

  15. 全力击溃,杀之而后快!

    Hurl your legions at him and massacre him!

  16. 上帝将击溃我们的敌人。

    God will smite our enemies.

  17. 敌人被优越之兵击溃。

    The enemies were overwhelmed by superior forces.

  18. 把非生命的一切都击溃

    To put to rout that was not life

  19. 我的骑士会击溃你, 突击!

    My knights will ride you down. Charge!

  20. 我得骑士会击溃你,突击!

    My knights will ride you down. Charge!

  21. 社交网络击溃电子邮件的原因。

    How social networks beat email.

  22. 他正试图击溃对手的进攻。

    He is trying to fight off the advances of his rival.

  23. 他正试图击溃对手的进攻。

    He is trying to fight off the advances of his rival.

  24. 反对击溃战, 承认歼灭战。

    Oppose fighting merely to rout the enemy, and uphold fighting to annihilate the enemy.

  25. 他击溃了波士顿的防守。

    He broke down boston's defense.

  26. 上帝的旨意让我们击溃敌军。

    The judgments of God fall upon his enemies.

  27. 上帝的旨意让我们击溃敌军。

    The judgments of God fall upon his enemies.

  28. 骑兵的冲锋彻底击溃了敌人。

    The cavalry charge utterly routed the enemy.

  29. 军队遭受惨重伤亡, 击溃了敌军。

    The army drove off the enemy with much loss of life.

  30. 威廉将军把敌人彻底击溃了。

    General William finished off the enemy.


  1. 问:击溃拼音怎么拼?击溃的读音是什么?击溃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:击溃的读音是jīkuì,击溃翻译成英文是 To beat down; turn to rout; thrash

  2. 问:击溃战拼音怎么拼?击溃战的读音是什么?击溃战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:击溃战的读音是jī kuì zhàn,击溃战翻译成英文是 Battle of Routing the Enemy

  3. 问:击溃敌人拼音怎么拼?击溃敌人的读音是什么?击溃敌人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:击溃敌人的读音是jī kuì dí rén,击溃敌人翻译成英文是 Disperse the Enemy



击溃,可以分开。便是击和溃,首先是击,打击在前。而溃是结果,指溃散。击溃,简单的说是 遭遇打击后溃散。