







汉语拼音:pǐ dí








  1. 相比;相当;对等。

    《左传·成公二年》:“ 萧同叔子 非他,寡君之母也;若以匹敌,则亦 晋君 之母也。”《三国志·魏志·郭皇后传》:“诸亲戚嫁娶,自当与乡里门户匹敌者,不得因势彊与他人婚也。” 唐 杜甫 《郑典设自施州归》诗:“时虽属丧乱,事贵当匹敌。” 宋 叶适 《上殿札子》:“赖陛下威灵远畅,使得以匹敌往来尔。” 清 陈鳣 《对策》卷一:“若夫匹敌者,但偁顿首,或偁再拜而已。” 郁达夫 《杭州》:“一位醉酒吟诗携妓的郡守的力量,无论如何,也是不能和帝王匹敌的。”

  2. 指彼此相当的人。

    明 彭士望 《冬心》诗:“敢遂薄高曾,自矜无匹敌。” 清 周中孚 《郑堂札记》卷五:“若 李沧溟 者,诸体俱少完善,惟七絶差胜,祇堪与 谢四溟 之五律等量齐观, 弇州 反引以为匹敌,不过欲与 北地 、 信阳 两两相配耳。”

  3. 配偶。

    《汉书·晁错传》:“其亡夫若妻者,县官买予之。人情非有匹敌,不能久安其处。” 唐 柳宗元 《永州司功参军谭随亡母毛氏志文》:“ 周 之列国, 谭子 毛伯 。合是二姓,从其匹敌。”

  4. 婚配,结为夫妻。

    宋 江洵 《灯下闲谈·鲤鱼变女》:“﹝女子﹞曰:‘幸覯清风,故来匹敌。’” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·鸦头》:“妾烟花下流,不堪匹敌;既蒙繾綣,义即至重。”



  1. Its work force matches that of the entire United States federal government, excluding military and postal workers.


  2. A number of Tory Mps began to say out loud that Sir Alec's image was not the right one to counter Wilson.


  3. No doubt, everybody who happens to be here, will gain deep and lasting impressions because this place is simply unmatched.


  4. These groups would be likely to "move quickly and attempt to match ICBC's aggressive posturing in the weeks ahead" , Mr Alexander said.


  5. "No matter how good a V. C. I could be, " he said, "I could never be smarter than the wisdom of a collective community. "


  6. How exactly he cultivated an information network remains a mystery, but rampant rumors claim that it rivals that of the Bothans.


  7. He wanted a city to "rival London, New York, Tokyo or Shanghai" . He did not rule out the construction of more skyscrapers.


  8. But the influence of TFA's alumni, supporters say, is at least as important as the direct impact in the classroom.


  9. These enterprises lack incentives to innovate and develop technological expertise capable of rivalling that of western business giants.


  1. 不可匹敌的

    without a peer.

  2. 双方实力匹敌。

    The two sides are evenly matched.

  3. 无可匹敌, 无敌

    without a rival

  4. 他在音乐方面没有匹敌。

    He has no equal in music.

  5. 双方实力正相匹敌。

    The two sides are well matched.

  6. 足与古罗马体育场匹敌。

    They are good enough to be compared with the ancient Rome stadium.

  7. 无以匹敌的人。无与伦比的事物

    A person or thing without equal.

  8. 约翰是无可匹敌的作家。

    Without comparison, John is the best writer.

  9. 这方面无人能与他匹敌。

    No one could rival him in this respect.

  10. 无以匹敌的中锋外野队员

    a nonpareil center fielder

  11. 无可匹敌的键盘操作技巧

    matchless virtuosity at the keyBoard.

  12. 努尔探戈匹敌的成本效益。

    NUR Tango Unmatched cost effectiveness.

  13. 他的才能不能与她的匹敌。

    His talent does not match hers.

  14. 任何凡人都没法与宙斯匹敌

    No mortal could vie with Zeus

  15. 有无可匹敌握力的摔跤选手

    A wrestler with an unmatched grip.

  16. 在数学方面无人能与他匹敌。

    No one can parallel him in Math.

  17. 在游泳方面无人能与他匹敌。

    No one can parallel him in swimming.

  18. 轮船在速度方面无法与飞机匹敌。

    Ships cant rival aircraft for speed.

  19. 不太容易找到与他匹敌的人。

    It will not be very easy to find his peer.

  20. 在口才方面没有人能与他匹敌。

    No one can rival him in eloquence.

  21. 你找不到可以和他匹敌的人。

    You will not find his peer.

  22. 无可匹敌的选择新的和二手设备。

    Unequaled selection of both new and used equipment.

  23. 但 很难匹敌 但 很难匹敌 精选的97个字 精选的97个字

    The challenge here, though, is that the popular men and women are sticking to 95 words on average that are written very, very well.

  24. 伟大的成就只能匹敌于巨大的失败。

    A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure.

  25. 这样得规模是其他创投无法匹敌得。

    Such dimensions is other achieve cast cannot of compare.

  26. 这样的规模是其他创投无法匹敌的。

    Such dimensions is other achieve cast cannot of compare.

  27. 在天赋方面他与他们匹敌或在他们之上。

    In natural talent he was their equal or superior.

  28. 他在技术上不久便与其它人匹敌。

    He soon rivaled the others in skill.

  29. 他在技术上不久便与其他人匹敌。

    He soon rivaled the others in skill.

  30. 你会有无可匹敌的生命力和能量。

    You'll have unsurpassed vitality and energy.


  1. 问:匹敌拼音怎么拼?匹敌的读音是什么?匹敌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匹敌的读音是pǐdí,匹敌翻译成英文是 match





【拼音】:pǐ dí


【探源】: (1)指对等;相当;相比。 《左传·成公二年》:“萧同叔子非他,寡君之母也;若以匹敌,则亦晋君之母也。” (2)指配偶。 《汉书·晁错传》:“人情,非有匹敌,不能久安其处。”