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1. 临 [lín]临 [lín]从上向下看,在高处朝向低处:照~。~渊羡鱼(看着深潭里的鱼,很希望得到;喻只作空想,不做实际工作)。到,来:光~。莅~。亲~。遭遇,碰到:~时。面~。挨着,靠近:~近。~街。~终。~危。~阵磨枪。照样子摹仿……
汉语拼音:lín sǐ
北齐 刘昼 《新论·贵言》:“临死者谓无良医之药,将败者谓无直諫之臣。”《儒林外史》第六回:“话説 严监生 临死之时,伸着两个指头,总不肯断气。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·病后杂谈》:“临死做诗的,古今来也不知道有多少。”
He gave it me at Savannah, when he lay a-dying, like as if I was to now, you see.
他在萨瓦纳临死时交待给了我,就像我现在要交待给你一样。Shortly before his death this year, aged 95, Borlaug reportedly expressed regret that he would not live to see the "gene revolution" .
传说布劳格95岁临死前不无遗憾地说他还是没能活着看见“基因革命”。one of the last things she said to me in the hospital before she died was to be sure I looked after him, and, um, I promised her I would.
她在医院里临死前跟我说的最后一件事就是让我保证要好好照顾他,呣,我答应她我会的。the hero is not entitled to a last kiss , a last cigarette , or any other form of last request.
英雄临死前的最后的一个吻、最后的一根烟、或是任何其他的最后要求,一举不获批准。He closed his eyes in order to fix his last thoughts upon his wife and children.
他闭上双眼以使临死前的心思专注在老婆和孩子身上。But he died he said to his mother: Mom, God caused a marble floor, asked me to do this was to.
而他临死的时候却对他的母亲说:阿妈,上帝造成了白玉楼,叫我做文章落成去了。"destroyed in a precipitate burning of his papers a few days before his death" (James Boswell ).
“在临死前的几天中他匆忙地烧毁了文件”(詹姆士·鲍斯韦尔)。His wife lived to the age of 93 without ever knowing what became of her husband's body.
他妻子活到93岁,临死前也不知道她的丈夫的遗体究竟在哪。Poor Mary little thought it would be such a bone of contention when she gave it me to keep, only two hours before she died.