




1. 熟 [shú]熟 [shú]食物烧煮到可吃的程度:饭~了。植物的果实或种子长成,又特指庄稼可收割或有收成:成~。瓜~蒂落。程度深:~睡。~思(经久而周密地思考)。深思~虑。做某种工作时间长了,精通而有经验:~练。娴~。~习。~能生巧。……



汉语拼音:wǎn shú







  1. 迟成熟。

    《礼记·月令》:“﹝仲夏之月﹞行春令,则五穀晚熟,百螣时起,其国乃饥。” 唐 独孤及 《送何员外使湖南》诗:“上田无晚熟,逸融果先飞。”



  1. She says the late-blooming nature of face recognition may simply be a case of practice making perfect.


  2. There's still harvesting to be done, but much of it now centers on the Kitchen, the late sweet corn, the tomatoes, the root vegetables.


  3. Chambourcin - A late ripening grape that may produce a highly rate red wine when the fruit fully matures.


  4. The observed clinal variation in the frequency of serotinous cones may be described as a fairly regular decrease in all directions .


  5. Lines with late-maturity, high quality, and long fruit shelf life have been selected as materials for line testing.


  6. Being a "late bloomer" is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of.


  7. The blossom is now fully ripened fruit: pears, apples, the very last plum.


  8. The Breeding of a High Quality Late-maturing Apple Variety "Jinzhong"


  9. I was a freshman in college and a late bloomer in termsof the opposite sex.


  1. 这孩子晚熟。

    This child is a late developer.

  2. 嗅觉和口感热带水果, 晚熟。

    In the nose and mouth tropical fruit.Ripens late.

  3. 哺乳动物性晚熟5个相关基因的研究进展

    Advances on Five Related Genes with Delayed Puberty in Mammals

  4. 我是大学的新生,在处理异性方面比较晚熟。

    I was a freshman in college and a late bloomer in termsof the opposite sex.

  5. 种植在这种土壤上的葡萄一般比其他土壤晚熟。

    Vine planted in this type of soil normally ripening later than in other soil types.

  6. 该品种是从美国引进得加工型专用番茄, 自封顶, 中晚熟。

    This processing tomato is introduced from the USA and is middle late maturity processing tomato variety.

  7. 该品种是从美国引进的加工型专用番茄,自封顶,中晚熟。

    This processing tomato is introduced from the USA and is middle late maturity processing tomato variety.

  8. 他回来晚了,结果发现大家都已经睡熟了。

    He returned late to find everybody fast asleep in bed.

  9. 每晚食炒熟黑豆20粒,黑芝麻一匙,长食可乌发。

    Third, the night eating 20 fried black beans, a spoonful of black sesame seeds, long food can be UFA.

  10. 今晚当强盗睡熟了我们就逃跑, 我等这个时机很久了。

    Tonight when the robbers are asleep we will escape. I have long waited for an opportunity.

  11. 矮秆晚熟品种

    late variety in short size

  12. 晚熟好过早凋。

    Better late ripe and bear than early blossom and blast.

  13. 晚熟桃的离体组织培养

    Detached tissue culture of late maturing Prunus persica

  14. 极晚熟桃新品种秋红蜜

    Qiuhongmi, a new very late peach variety

  15. 晚熟的红苹果。主要生吃。

    A variety of apple fruit with dark red skin.

  16. 脱毒晚熟脐血橙的生物学特性

    Biological characteristics of moroge sanguine orange.

  17. 乔纳森苹果多种红色,晚熟的苹果

    A variety of red, lateripening apple.

  18. 晚熟龙眼的挂树期及其影响因素

    Time of Longan Fruit Keeping on Plants and the Influencing Factors

  19. 晚熟苹果一种皮的颜色为暗红色的苹果

    A variety of apple having fruit with dark red skin

  20. 这一产量降低块茎成熟,尤其在晚熟品种锈斑伯。

    This reduces tuber yield at maturity, especially in the late maturing Russet Burbank variety.

  21. 最后的丰收来自菜园,有晚熟的玉米,有西红柿,还有其他蔬菜。

    The last bountiful yield comes from the garden, the late sweet corn, the tomatoes root vegetables.

  22. 红麻属短日照作物, 晚熟品种在北方种植表现花而不实。

    Bluish dogbane belongs to short sunshine crop, latemature breed cultivates expression to spend in north and disloyal.

  23. 阿晚熟葡萄, 可能产生一个高度率红葡萄酒时, 水果完全成熟。

    Chambourcin ripening grape that may produce a highly rate red wine when the fruit fully matures.


  1. 问:晚熟拼音怎么拼?晚熟的读音是什么?晚熟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚熟的读音是wǎnshú,晚熟翻译成英文是 develop late

  2. 问:晚熟性拼音怎么拼?晚熟性的读音是什么?晚熟性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚熟性的读音是wǎn shú xìng,晚熟性翻译成英文是 late-maturity

  3. 问:晚熟的拼音怎么拼?晚熟的的读音是什么?晚熟的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚熟的的读音是wǎn shú de,晚熟的翻译成英文是 late ripening

  4. 问:晚熟儿童拼音怎么拼?晚熟儿童的读音是什么?晚熟儿童翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚熟儿童的读音是wǎn shú ér tóng,晚熟儿童翻译成英文是 postcocious child

  5. 问:晚熟品种拼音怎么拼?晚熟品种的读音是什么?晚熟品种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚熟品种的读音是wǎn shú pǐn zhǒng,晚熟品种翻译成英文是 late maturing variety, late season strain...



wǎn shú ㄨㄢˇ ㄕㄨˊ 晚熟 迟成熟。《礼记·月令》:“﹝仲夏之月﹞行春令,则五谷晚熟,百螣时起,其国乃饥。” 唐 独孤及 《送何员外使湖南》诗:“上田无晚熟,逸融果先飞。” 早熟的反义词。寓意:孩子大了仍旧不成熟(大孩子做小孩子的事情)