如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 舍 [shè]舍 [shè]居住的房子:宿~。旅~。校~。居住,休息:~于山麓。谦辞,多指亲属中比自己年纪小或辈分低的:~弟。~侄。~亲。古代行军一宿或三十里为一舍:退避三~(喻对人让步)。姓。……
汉语拼音:qǔ shě
见“ 取舍 ”。
亦作“ 取捨 ”。择用与弃置;选择。
《吕氏春秋·诬徒》:“不能教者,志气不和,取舍数变,固无恒心。”《汉书·贾谊传》:“为人主计者,莫如先审取舍。” 颜师古 注:“取谓所择用也,舍谓所弃置也。” 宋 苏轼 《贺韩丞相再入启》:“强足以济艰难,勇足以断取捨。” 黄宗英 《美丽的眼睛》:“光明啊,你的记忆储存很别致,取舍也鲜明。”
亦作“ 取捨 ”。行止。
《荀子·荣辱》:“其定取舍楛僈,是其所以危也。” 明 张纶 《林泉随笔》:“使其取舍进退一以至公而不扬人闇昧之失,以显其讁,亦何不可之有哉。”
I am not highlight my personality, but a time of conflict so I had to give up in the trade-offs in the hometown of the gathering.
我不是在彰显我的个性,而是时间上的冲突让我不得不在取舍中放弃与同乡的聚会。It is often faced with a cost-benefit comparison of the problem, that is, to "trade-offs. "
人们经常面临一个成本收益的比较问题,也就是要进行“权衡取舍”。The tradeoff comes in how much permanent pressure loss can be tolerated.
取舍条件取决于其可以承受的压损大小。She was a teacher and school was so much important to her but in my life I had to make choices and I decided to stop school.
她是一位教师,对她而言,学校是非常重要的。但我的生活必须作出取舍,所以当初我决定辍学。She became a star and a billionaire media tycoon by saying yes to opportunity, but part of her talent lies in her willingness to say no.
她之所以成为明星及亿万富翁,正因为她懂得把握机会,但她的天才之处在于她懂得取舍。That was a clear trade-off: how much confidence is "enough" depends on the costs of further research and the benefits of extra precision.
这是一个明显的权衡问题:什么程度的信心才“足够”?这取决于在进一步研究的成本和精确度更高的益处之间进行取舍。Too often at this Carnegie appearance, though, he seemed in his own world, reluctant to enter into a real give-and-take with the orchestra.
往往在这个卡内基外观,虽然,他似乎在他自己的世界,不愿意进入到一个真正的取舍与乐团等。They add that this policy trade-off is often unfairly portrayed as transferring income from the poor to the rich.
他们还说,这样的政策取舍结果往往被认为导致收入不公平地从穷人向富人转移。In practice a balancing, or trade-off, between qualitative characteristics is often necessary.